OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS I b AUSTIN HonorableE. L. Rlnson,Jr. County Auditor Polk county Lltlngaton,Texar cplnlonHo. c-48 Dear Sir: Her where 42, requoatlngthe na thorsinatateb ng quostlons: nsufilolcntmonlea in J &ml to pay the salarle8 hergeableagainstaame and ant mode8 in the Oensral BonorableE. L. Rlnaen,Jr., Page 2 w*Could the Commiedoner Oourt tranriermoney ?romthe PsrmanentIm rwemoa 2 3Und to the Offlaerr SalaryFund Ii there IIa u#r lus in the Permanant ImprovementFund untl! there !i rtitflolent money in Officer8 Palary Fund to pay ralrrlee of the oounty otfloersand transferaama baok to .li: ., - .::.I LLBX.A.8
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