Honorable 7. D. Looney
county AuQitor
Bon16 county
Ho&on,' Texas
Dear sir:
Your r6puest for
the ooUnty suparlntendent o
and caxwtf~~U.yooneidamd by
the superint~dent~s letter
soholaatics. The 3awie County Sahool BoarQ in
regular session on Maroh 13, revised the oounty
admiuistratlon $942: budget 80 as to include
Honorable J. D. Loomy, Page 2
an additional $200.00 for the salary of the
bounty Superintendent. Ths question haa ariaon
ae to whether this will be a legal expenditure.
"The mperlntendent*s salary is set under
Artlole 2700.1, Seotlon One, of the tievised
Civil Statutes of Texas. Under the original
vlumeration of 13,021 soholaetlos the salary
me 53 400.00. I believe, and the County Baa&l
of Bode Count oomurs in thla ballet, t&t
the 3,040 aoho f astiae on the aupplamontary
oenaua should ti oounted In the populatlan of
Ba~ie County just aa If though they were taken
orlglnally in Uaroh oi the pr*oadiag par. If
thla ia oorroot then the salary oould be cl&
at 83,600.00. This haa ken dam.
“The point hae been raised that thla Ir
a meam at providlag money for districta In
distress beoausa of the Inormse In eaholaetlos
due Co defenee plants, and it Is also aontand-
ed that this money must be spent under a budgat
Emed through the State Departrae& of E&ma-
. This la cormot, but In this oaae no
money whatsoever Is requirad aa an asaeaament
againat the 3,046 ohildren who wore taken an
the supplemeatary ~mnauo, Tha aouuty admIni*
tmtlon bud& for 1941-1942 rill hare a bal-
anco or $127.38 artierthis Inormae ham boon
taken oare of. The amount of the ooirntp ad-
ainiatration budget wh8 raised by making an
aessrssrmnt of fiS# per aoholastio on the orlgi-
nal oensue roll ot 1.3 021. This wau dons under
Arbiole 2827A of the &vised Civil Statute8 or
Toxaa. You oan see rrom this that none or
the laonsy allocated for these pupils enumerated
In the eupplwentary aensus will bo In auy way
afleoted by the salary of the oounty superin-
*In atior that we might have definite in-
rormation in regard to this matter tha Cwnty
hoard ia asking you to aaoura an Attorney Gen-
oral’s opI@xi upon this matt4mW
Artiofe 2700-1, Vernon*a Annotated Tear air11 Stat-
utas, rea4.a In part aa iOLl0wa:
kionorable J. 3. Looney, Paga 3
T380ti.on 1. The ele#tIvo County juparin-
tandente shell raoaive room the Available Yohool
Vund of their tespaotlva oountles annuel &.a-
riaa baaed on tha aoholastlo population of suoh
oountlee as foll.owa:
*Population Aaount
42;OGo 15,000 ~,IOIiliO
~15,001 to 30,000 3,600.00
. . . . . . . .
"In making tha annual budgat ror county Ad-
minl~tratlon axpanaas tha Oounty Sohool Truataaa
ahall make allowanoe out of the Stat. Available Sohool
Fund for salary and apcmaa8 at the ofrice or tha
County Suparlntandent and the ape shell ba dater-
mined by tho naidant soholaatio~@opulatIo or the
Qoukty. It shall ba tha duty of:;tha County Board
or Truataoa to tile the budget for oounty admlnls-
tratlon erpenea with the State Dapartmant of Bduaa-
tlon on or barors SeptasAer rlrat oi' aaoh aoholas-
tlo year, tha budget to be approved and oartlilad
to by the Praaldant or the COtinty &e~'d or ~&AOa-
tlon an& attested to by the County Superintendent.
The compansatlon herein provldad for shall bs paid
monthly upon tha ordar oi the Gwnty Johool Trua-
t.t%s$ protldod that the salary iOr the month of
.%ptambar shall not be paid until the Cmnty
Suparlntandont presente a raceipt Srom the State
Superlntandent ahming that he has mada all reports
raqulradofhira. . . . .”
Article 281fk, Vernon’s Annotetod Texes OIvIl Stat-
utea, reads a8 followa:
*seotioIl 1. It ia haraby provided that in
ceses of unusual inoreasa of aoholastlc popu-
lation of any school dirtriot oauesd by the
looatlon tharaln or adjeoant thereto of capa,
raaervations, btildlng or dan pro.jaota apon-
sand by federal Govermsent or state Govornmant
owneraMp and whoaa areatiou l%aUltS in an uI1-
usual lnorease in acholaatlc population in a
s~h00i dfstriat ugon the oertiflud raqueat or
the 00mty euperIntanc%ent 0r the oouuty In
whioh auoh an unusual inorease SriSt8, the
Honorable J. D. Looney, Pege 4
State Superintendent of Pub110 Inatxuotion,
at dlatrlot expense, ehall require a eupple-
manta1 scholastic oeneus to be taken of the
dlstriot involved. In the event that the
cxsxus heroin authorlzsd shows a eubstantlal
increase in soholastio population, the State
3uimrlntencient of Publlo Instruotion may ap-
prove a aupplemontal oen~ue roll, adding
the names of additional eli&ble sohelaatior,
be taken not later t&m 34-h 15 of any fi&
aal year, and shall lnolude only suoh soho-
lastlos that are enpolled and are in aotual
attendanoe; provided that for the year 194O-
19&i said sup &mental oenaus will be per-
mitt& until 1 pril 22, and no adjuetmnt 3~
echolaetlo apportionment in a dlstriot en-
titled thereto &all be in an aniount more
than that neoeseary for the eddltional ~xpen-
ditures needed to oare for the neede of such
dlatrlots and whfeh shall be approved by the
State Uepartment of Bdueation.
Wee. 2. only one supplemmtal 06!mU8
annually in any one dietriot ehall be au-
thorized by the &ate 3upsrintendent.W (!%a-
phasis oura)
‘::e assume from your letter that the supplelllantal
oensuB roll ana mended budget have been approved as the
statute8 provide. U.pon that assumption and under the faotr
stated, it is our opinion that the oOUnty superintendent’s
mlary should be $3,600.00 per annum and that the $200.00
inoreaf9e is lawful and proper.
Very truly your0