let.ta of ?abrmrt
Departmat 011th
uefo tul4
lttr o hed
o r la ten4oo ?
a ha
0 eta had aorre6-
&rid. 432 of tkr Panel Code, prortdirr
“110otfloor ot Qhlr strtr or My offloer
of any 4irtrlot eorrnt1 ) llOJ, graoioot, rohool
dirtriot, or o&r maa 01~81 au dirlrlon of thir
WUlr brothor@-la-law are rrlrtrd rithla thr
tirrt dylrro b attinlty I?. ?, 8, RI 00, ‘1. Wortos, # App.
0. 0. See. 55) i md hrnor wlthla tk. prohlbitad dwwoi
relationrbi) art forth in thr Artlol*432 of tbr Panal0040)
it will br noted that r\trh Artirla a pl1.1anl~, "whoathe
ralrrt, few, or oonprnrrtloa of ma 4 appointee ir to bo
paid for, Ilrratlyot InUreoll~, out of OF fxm pub116 tudr
oh f8rr oi offbe of a&y kind or Oharrota? wh@t8O@V~*.
Slaoo thhreamrrl lawa provi$r a0 eompwratlon dlroot 0t
lndlYaO%, for taaapmm rohool 4lsttlrt tmu~“r, it 10
our viw that Artiole432 of tha W&al Oede 18 imp lleablo
tothr lnrtral,08s.r eoayrr splQloQ# 80, o-7771 10. o-1822
of thlr Da~r*aut.
Yhnrfare thle lo to a4vlre. that in our epialm
tha trurteor lf thr I& Xadrpendurt 80-1 DlrtrlOt rrY
le@l fill tbhrvaoanbf lX&RtiQ# 011 t&8 ~0~6 by WPohtinll
l brot I;
or-in-tar ot O&O of the %ru#teOa.
ve?y trulyyour8
mro~18'~~Qll;tO? ypd