775 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hononblr F. A. Taylor CountyAuditor BrasorIaCounty Angleton,Taxaa DearW. Taylor~ AUgU8t12, 1942,JOU 8Ubmit a by an intllridual ia r a numberOS yaaraprior tan06by tlta Tax Collaotor a 8Uit18 f$.baOQ AQgU8t1, noord holdrror owner and all nsoaaaa~ 88 drt8ndaata aaklng far &vlgment ior yrara 1926-1927-1928 only and for a iorr- t ia broughtto ?ruItIon in 8 final$udg- a ngulrr owlor of aala,’ Zag91levy and notloe,the ropartfIs aold 8t pub110lustlon as Nqukrd by law an& bP4 In by an individual who hsd had no pN?iOUS connrotlon with thr,landor the 8uIt. A NgUlar 8briff’a drra ia drlirrnd to thr purohallrrr folloting his WWIMut of his bid. (11 Aaaumifa that the purotuarr bid. *QTJzSTIOH; amokitot the fotl&uont, intarratand and.paid tie f’ull eoata,lrq thr tare8for ths pars othrrthan 1926~19270_ 1928 at111a ahargr agalnatthr-land? _. -I -. Rononbla t. A. Taylor, &m&r2 paI4an amount "(2) Aaauaii@ that the parohaaar bid and I.888 tbmn the amount ot the $d&mant, 776 lntaraat and aorta or aaurt,am thr taxer for the yzz;ar than 1926-1927-1926 rtll,). a ohargra&alnat '(3)Aammi~ thatthe purohaaar bid an4 paidad'smount loan thanthe uount or the judgaant, Intaraat and JOat@, and all tsxaa appearIn on thr Dellnqaant Tax ReoordaOf tha COUntywan laoluUaQ in the suit, wouldtha faotthat the Tax Aaaaaaor tall~d to plaortha ropart on the tarrollsfor tha years 1919019200E921-19 2 plaoa a ohargaagainst F; tha propertyfor thoaafourpars?* For tha purpoaa wa assume of thisopinion, thatal1 thr rrqulaitoa for a valid $810ware oomplladwith prior to tha rffrotlndataof Art10107345b. Thlaaot ohan6aa the larr matarlall~.~ ;a 8mtar.pu.r first quartion In tha ati r1mat1*r. In'the aha of State Mortmga~ Corporatlan t+ State,9 S.U, (26) 27L, a ju@mt had bran randue by I the dIafrIot 00urt In fator or tha st8t8 for th0 tutpaid 1925 taxeron raidpropart?.Tha Stat8 Mortgcya Corpora- tio purohaao(t n loahpropart~a tthe aala for aaohtax@@ en4 ~ooItad a 4rodfrom thr aharlff. Subaaqaantl~, 8 lult was InrtItut84 for tho an id tuna laaaaaad against raid proparty for tb. par 192F md tho vu8 1911 to 1916, Iaolualrr.Thr Mortglya Corporation dofanbad tha aoaond lult upon the ground8hat aa tho y*ror of @ho lot at aalauda ior 19%5ksoa, lt roqa rad same froa from my llaafor drllnqurnt tarns for prlor foara,and that tha I lienof tha StSta for tax88 for auoh&Or .yaarr WN awIpadoat” br Its purohaa~, ad tha StSk bd a0 1lOn for taxas on sale proprrtr for tha prior pars. St lp r ~8u a freathe petition; &lumant, otdor of ark and abarIff~a bradthat the llrnof thr Statefor all other tuaa wa lxpraaal~ l r a a a na d* and that the aala tar tho 1925 kr88 was made autjrot to all other taxes and tha Urn loaurIn6 i aam. T&r Court of CitllAppeals af Taxarknna raid, U I lubatanaa, that Ii thr allaof tha proparttfor the 1925 777 Eononblo f. A. Taylor,page 1 turn had not kaa made aubjaat to the lien of the State and oodntf for the taxaaunpaidOhaNOn for the years prior to 1925,the mor$ga#o oorpentlon as pmhaaor wouldban taken tltlrfro8of the lien for anpaidtrxoa for prior years. In StateYortgaga Corporation *. State, ‘178.~. (id) 801,the Caaalaalon of Appeals, 8aotIon A, In NfOnPily thr ju4gmaaf of tha Court of CivilAppeals, said: “In the ~onatltutlon (aaotlon 15,hart.6) It Is daolarrd that ‘thennnaallaaaaamaat made upon landedproperty shallk a @pro181 lientharaoa.’ *Aa earlyas 1876a provision that ‘all tax08upon real propartfshallbe a llrnup o nluoh property untilthe sameshallhavebarn ~8114’(artlolo 7l72, Bar.St. 1925;Aota .of 1876,p. 260, 422) -&ot into,and tharaaftar NminOd ln the .statotaa. ". . . ~hrtlok 7326la a rt of ohaptrr 10, tltlo 122 whorain dutla l a ro pNaor1 c 4 for tarloos ubllo off~aara of .SuOh naturaas that aomplata lad.d if I&ant parforatano8 -ri11nault In data rufflolrat -(at a Titan time) to 4Iaoloaa all taxaa dolinquoat for any and all ~aara baok to 1664,as In napaot to tartsdallnqurat for any and all yaara llna a 1908 th e oountf lttornaf la dlreotrd la tama .of tha lrtlolo80 brfng rdlt - a a~oIfIa 6INotIonbalngthat In a suit ho shall ‘Inoludo all lands* * e ownad by tha same prraon on whiohdalInqaant taxer8~ daa,~ and whlah,for batant purpoaoa lnU In doforanoa to lrgwnt made, w laaiar manna that the oounty lttoxnof ought to Inoluda all tax 0laImsfor aaohand l lmadlata oontaxt of It la provldodthat, *If through85s ; olorabht or othatiaoa4 tax duo on lnf land Waod br tho datmdaat la omitted fro8 auoh .aaIt,, altahoriav~loa shalla@ bo lnf defense agalnatthr oollrotloa of f&a trz duo and auaa ror.* Lapraaaion or the dlrrotlon itarlf and thr Immediate oookxt to which nfaranoo has just boonmad8 was not In tho statuteprlox to the 1923 larndmant. .. . . 778 F. A. TyIorb Xonorabla pago 4 *In viewof the oonatltutlonal prorlalon makIng.aathlannuallaarasmant1 a *rpraIal lion,*and ‘ ln tier of the atatulor?J provialoa (artIola 7172) that the llan shallbe ‘upon the property untll~the taxaa ‘shallhare barn paid,* thereIr great dISfIaulty op- poalw praoaptloa of urouad for aarlnethbtI or18 for one you has the affectof lxtlngalahIng the lllan* la a ur lng paymentof tax lIabIlItf lc o r uaror 6 a prarloum fear* ThaN 8ra roarholding@in the oasesoltsd,never- tholaaa, to the affrotthat auoha resultMJ obtain. ltxlrtonoa of thoseoases may wall lxplalnlxlatonoaof the praoautlonary language lxaotad br tha 1.92) lmndmant. By the termsof article7326, as oonatnwdby oounatl for plaintiff In error, It Is aada the duty of the aounty attorneyto sue for all dallnquanttaxerwhen ha sues at all. But thar,a Is daolaratlonthat,If by hla (or other*@) ~mlataka .oroversight orb maybe,plrporalany tax due by the deraadant ‘18 omitted from such suit,*this shall not ‘be any dafanar~ therain.MsnIfaatly b ruohomlaaIon oouldnot be 8 ldafanaal In an7 lTantbIt it bo true thatfonoloauraand salefor one prrla taxraal&ht daa- troy the ~llrn~for taxasdalinquant for pratIoua years. The ‘new’ atstu.taIs tantamount, we think to lnaotmaat in term Inhlbltlng the result olaIaadant aotlfylag purohaarra thatthatoughtnot supposeimmunityto oon- tlnulng lffaotof a lapaaIal lien’ of an unaatIafIad lanauala~aoaamant. 1 Who 1926 judgment (for 1925 taxer) and aalo did not, In our opinion,affaottha state*8rightaub- aaquontlf to 8nforaathr lIaaafor taxer dalinqaant for years -grIorto 1925, c *Thaiconoluslon NZIdW Imaatarlal quaatIona oonoarnlng llthar tha powerto Iaoludoln tha 1926doorra naarvatlon of auohprior lIraaor the luff%?Ianof (In pointsof oartalnty) OS tha raaanatIonaotuallf made.” h’o anawar put aaoond question ln the afflrma- tit*. Since the salefor the fullamount of the Judgmantb IntuaaO and @oats does not lffaotthe Statalar&ht to a~baa- quantlllaforoaIts llanfor taxesdollaquaat for prior parab thanIt oould not be larloualy oontradad that a ulo ror an ltount lassthanthe amoant o? tha Jodgmant oouldhare luoh lffaot. HonoNblo t. A. Trylor, pa80 5 Artlola7326,Rwload CivilStatutes, prov%doa, In part, as follows: 0 . If than shall be no blddrr for suchland thr’oiuntf attornrfaharIffor other offlarrlalllugthe la ma i~ #hail bid raidpropartf oit to tha State for the.aaount of all taxer, -. penalty, Interest and ooata adjudge4 against auoh propartv, . . .m We hare barn anablato find a aaaadlraotlf In point upon tha 8ffaOt of a sale to an OutdIe blddor for Iran thanthe amountof the t8xe8,penalties, lntanat and 008t8,but WIllIaT. Martin,85 8.W. (2dl1085,holdstold a 8818to an outslilo bIddarfor lraathanthe fullamount of thr taxra,paaaltI*a, Intarrat and ooata,when th8 State had bid luoh full emount..Itwouldbaam to br the pollo~ of the State,aqtlngthroughits named orfloerab to la o that bho propertysold for th8 amountof taxer, paaaltIaa, intoNat and aoata adjodgod against auohpt~plrtf.Ko lrrIoualydoubtthr ralIdIt~of a tax aaloto a prltatr parson for lass. ... thanthe aiwuntof taxer,panaltIa,ab in- terest3rd ooata adjudgedagalnatthe proprty aold and vo 40 not think luoh a prlvtata purohaaar a *good faith purohaaar~r lbr ha la pnaumad tomknow thr law. Wring tour third qu~atIoal we dlnot roar attention to Wllllav. Nartln,aupra, and to State 1. Ststa b 17 S.?:.(241801,whloh YortgagoCorporation holdst %nd, If for sny fear (at least“alnor187C) partloularland shouldbe OTarlookad by aaaaaaIng authorltioa,It doaanotb for SUOh war, raoapathr bardanaend in due oouraa will get on the rolls. Em Chaptor9r title122bRar.St. 1925.” Artlola. 7f72, R. C. S.b protldaar *Alltaxer upon real propartT shallbe 8 ;;; apon luoh propertyuntilthe lamo shall harebarn And should the assessorfallto 8asaaa any nal aatalo for any 008 or aoN trarr, the lienshallbe @o& for alarm year thatha shouldfailt0 488088 fOrI and ha raf, la listingpmporty fo r ta x e rlnf fear thmaMtor, 888888 all the brak taxaadue t&Non, ao- oordlngto tka ~rovIaIon8 of thistItlo.a 3 ; Rononblr J. A. Taylor, pqggr 6 Elaborate prorialona ora inside In the sta- tuta?o r rlioroln& ana collwtiag ruoh baok texaa, but we oitr only tha Uirn statute abow ror m8 oonslarr your quretlon to deal aslnly with the Urn for rnoh drlinqarnt taxer. O’r conoluao, tharrrorr, in wmrer to your third qucation, that the rsilure of tha 666666Ol' to plaor th6 propwty on the tar rollr tor the year8 1919 to 1922, lnoloslrs, doe@ not dlftehnrgr the lien OS tiic Sate for taxer for eaah ye&m. Toure wry truly - i’hor. B. Duggaa. Jr. h6616tallt TBDrAKM ATTCREB G-bTELALOF TEXAS