OFFICE OF THE ARORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. iho. .i, 001, X. D. state Health ofrioer Austin * ?SxaS --~_ 3ear 3lr: apinion Iio. M&Z72 ’ .:a~---,tiuthority oP.~the Attor- hey General tii\rrg$resent .,ta Xate Department or I’ ijealth In suit for re- covery or fees due under provisions or 2tiole ’ &76-a, ~ernon*s motated -\ Civil Statutes. ,.' \ / YOU- letter of August 17, '194~2, requests the opin- ion 0r this dk3piiHXqAt as tQ WBether it is the duty or the attorney c.3enera.l. to eaoh QtSele,,dr bedding mnufaotured, snd that a revenue atamp,shal'i, bri"&tyohed to suah label. The mnufacturer, dea- cribed by yoq had refused to attaoh the label or the revenue stamp to artiDf'es ol bedding nanufaotured by hkn. :hilo the statute provides a oriminsl penalty for violation of its provisibns, we are of the opinion that upon the mnufacture or th,e artiole of bedding, the ;zunuf,?oturer beames liable to the State for the amouut sl the revenue stamp required to be attached thereto. 3uch liability is a debt to the state, and ir;ay be anforoed by suit. :art, 3s fz~llo-mr WI all matters :uherein the State aoard of l’fealth shall invoke the aid oi' the oo*tita, the clotion shall run in ihe naftie ol %e Aate or Texas. The Attorney Generai shall assign a special a~asiatant to attend to ull legal natters of the board. Upon uemod of the board, the Attomey General shall fur;iish the neaeesary assistanoe to the board to attend to all its legal requirernenta.. . .I* Seotion 5, Artiole 4476-a. charges the Sate Board of IIealthwith the enforoement gi" the .;ct. \a am, thsrerore, or the opinion that it ia the duty of the Attorney General to represent the State, in a suit brought at the instance of the state Soard of Ysalth for the oolleotion of delinquent ices knposed by Article 476-a, V.A.G.3. Truatlng that ws have fully anmered your tiquiry, we are
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion