\ . o~~~OFTHEA'TT'ORNEY GENEFULOF~ *'.' Oaul,C.WUW AUSTIN .. *wowcrwuru\L_ .. .. T&s.~State~&ard;of Qmtal'sramFa& ,320 tittlefield DuilGin& _' .: : du8tfl.l;Taxaa . Opinion.Ho. 0*4 Bet .Theauth .: beoamePteo- year, neoesasr~ly. 1 fall within the ~period and Murch l.otof .eaoh ate Board of Dental &a&x-’ prepared ennual regist~stlon vanoe of one yeer and thoao . ‘.Vhould this k’rlce.aooept such~advaice. payment and credit.the puyor’s aooount for L the enauin&.fioeyeara or r+mn sam oaking ;' that ICbe oent in each yet3X?," aIn ~explanationor the above, f ~*sula~lSke to state that the.nbove referred’to praotlc$oner Texas State Beard of Dental Zxoo&noro,Pago 2 la antaringthearmy and rlehaa to nmlnkin hio llcanaa In gccd otandlng and may not be able to &a oaoh payment8 while in the ear- vice of his country baoauao of many faotora whloh are wall kn~wn.~ Article 455&x, Bctrx~~~~ Civil Statutaa OS Toxoa, provl&aa8 It ahall be tha duty of oil par- oono ii% lawfully quollflad and on the j?raotfoo ot dantlst whc oholl hereafter be practice by the State Board OS IjantalExaoin- ors to be raglataradas auoh praotltlonars with the Stota Board of Dental Pxomlnarawith- Pagistorkn$shall pny in ccnnootlonwith kh ammo1 ragiotrotionfor the raool t horein- after prov$~dad ior a r00 or St0 (B2.00) Dcl- lozo auoh poyxnantto bo moda to aold State Boar& of Dentsl Exaalmr8. Etrry patson 00 ra&aterlag;‘ohallfile with said Board E wrlttan apdloetlon aattlug forth hi0 noma, his peat ofl’loooddrosa, the oounty or oouu- tla8 in whloh h&o ooctlildato~ to praotioo dentistryhas been r%laterad, and the place or plaoos where ha is angaad in praotloing dantlotry,alldthe number and data of his Lloonsacartlfleate.wpon the rooolptof ouch applfoation,aooompanladby auoh foe, sold Board, aftor oocartoini either irem Its recordsor other soura~8 aem by it to “%t be rollable, that the appl&oaH la o duly lioanoad praotltlonorof dontiatryin thlo State, shall iarrue to the applLoont an 0an~a1 raglatraticnmaolpt ~oortliybgthat ha hoe filed auah applloationand hoe poiQ the r+ qulrad fee; . .” (Emphelaie oura) l It is our understandingthat the praotltionarstar+ ticnod in your latter fntandod that pan rsooivo the OoolhoO’O . Texas State Board of Dental Baaminers,. Page j check ror &lO.OO as~~'ccmpli&ed9i the above &&ted art%& .'' 010 for the.next five yesrs. !?herequirement that~eaoh. practitioner%eglster Pn llk5 manner annually" ~uld.8eem ,topreolude rogiotratiousfor more than oue.year; ?3or8- over, In providing for the annual registrationof .bentist8, 'it was the obrlcxa lot8ntlon of.the Legislature atiunlly :: to secur'odetailed information concerning the,whercabouts OS the practitioner,the ‘EcOp3 of his practice and the location tharoof, ad well as to .secure'~paymentof the an&J. r8gistratlonfee. To allow 1x1~19 sum psmsnts to be rr;hAeIn ,, lieu of future registrationswould be entirely to disregard the primary purposes,bshlnd,fhls 3..cglsJ.atlo~n, .. .~. ; :: “%-~lcle ~Torudi~eCivil ~,%~tttte~’ of ~&tit b550aa, further provides:: .. _:f_ .:.'.. ..: , .~: ,_ . _.i . '3. AU. annaal.regiatrathcn &es coJ.l.e& ed brthe State Board of 238ntslE%a&.uors uuder thisetit8hall. be plaoed'in'thc gtate.Treas&y, every thirty day5 as oollected, to the &edit . . : of a special fund to b8 kucv~nas the ~Dental lZ8 stratlos:yund,tand all sxpendltares from thPs f+uud.shallbc on ordor of the,~StataBoard’ oi Dental Zxaminera on arrants issuca.by the !. State Comptrcller for the purposes and in the .~ .anicuuts fixnd.by tho Legislature in.the~gen- eral'appropriatlcusbills. On hwust 31.of each year all mcney ki ercessof den Thousand (~10,000.00fZo&larsWxlalnJng,~in.ssia"Dental : ,@glstratlon-Fund*shall r8vert to the Censrf4 _ : " 'R6vew1eJwd in the State ~rc%sury.w.'~'~ : .. ~ VTo..*accept this check'& deioslt it'&'the l&~&i ReglstraticnPund for the current year would be unduly to. inflato the fend for the ourrent year with a resulting de- flation for the next four years and'to~oocaslon reverse . tispro*rtions in the annuLL amocuts reverting to the Gen- eral Revenuesl!'und.. '. ,. e “_ \ The'alternative mode of hand&g this matter e to. &&sit $2.00 in the Dx&al Ee&i,ntrationYund for the cur- rent year and to hold.tho rcc~%inderfor future years ~cis. .oompUcated by the feat that nowhere in the statutes Oreat- in& the'hcsrd of i)ontal%Wi~in8ra and defining its duties . his the hcard.c,-.?cvicred to assume the duties of a quasi-trustee 'whichouoh treatment nould.cntaiL; Untfi the unexpended : _., porti& Of the uhetikwas oredited toes the .Dentel‘Regldzhtion~. Bid, the praotitlonerwould .re.minithe.: bsqefioidl o~jnerof. suob portion, Since-the State Trensimr 1s~.f0eidaOn to. .. *keep or reoeive into the building, safes .or multo of the * Treaaory my ixoney * , . belor@ng to ang individual,exeept .”in.cases expressly provided for by.Xaw*.(Article 4374,. Ve+-- akods .CivilStatutes of Tcxae, end Article 93, Vonon*s Pen& Code of TexG), the Board could.‘notfollow its usual praotice. ~0saepositin~alI *a8 reaeivea by it with the -StateTreasurer, and the Elmira‘isnowhere authorized to min- fain 3eposits &part ~TQZIthose IA the State Treasury. .,: : : _. .,... . ,..: .i ‘., , %ohsequeitl$,~it is the .optilonof this .aeportaent~ thab the tJoar&of Dentti Exadners carinotac4ept aavance pay- &eents~ of Gental ro&3tration fees in lieu of future amu xeglatr8.tlons under Article 455Oa, Vernoa(s Civil;!Statut;ea ‘. or- Texts:. r .: ;. ._ ‘. . . .-