Honorable D8n ~xr'J~Ok8OB
Dirtrio% Attorney
Hourton, Tex88
D+r sir: Attbntionl Conrad3. Iandram
8.1 (1) Rorgonrlbilit7of board
of tmuteer ot lndqmulaat rohool
dirtdOt fQl'mO~78 drrlred ira?l
8&001 OamWir md 8axB Or rOQt-
(8) AirohA84 Of 8UppuOr hU!4 CO+
pantion rhrrelambor0r bawd 6r
t~~8t~8 08M 8tOOk bbAC*Oi.
aQuortion 18 there @a7 diifetinoe,
CM1 a8
rU 8&001 tnutO.8
a8 8 board Of 18 oonoerrud,
bot8#a 'toxaoney,~ 80 sallod, md
&XMr, a.&., 8LQIWyt&Oil in at 1 8&3'2%.&
~1one7derlood at a football grr, fraathr ralo oi
tiOkOt8, iMOfaP *I tFWtO* nrgonribilit attend8
theFOtOt DO@8 0 OitiMXb Of thi8 8OhOO1 dI 8tPiOt
htW0 the 8-0 ri&t Id&J to ask tit beoumer of
0ri~ta~ PO~O~, OP OX'8OiOiWO it30
IWOp 88 h0 doa8 bo &ik 8bAt bOOCW8 Of 'tUC XUO7?@
18 ZLOtn01107tht ~0aOhe8 th0 bWd8 Of the %W!XOP;
th. $rizmlprl. Or thhr 8\ipez’iintondWi of the 8&001,
mon@Jiorrbioh theboardottru8te~8ha8 htzl ro-
rpon8%bilityno matter whothor drrlred froanachool
-8, Uy other 8OWOOt Y\rcrt a teacher,
Or f'rclr
9he 08fotorla l8 a aeoecrruy oonvuaiwat~o, urd
i8 IlOt @bBiOXbU8 to Uy OOIUtitUtiOti 01 8ktU-
to~iahlbltlon,a1d,8~ thlak,a FW8WAb&.wP-
oiu or the dtioawtlonary ptmr ooaferrad upon t&e
baud Or tPU8tO08e woQun v* 80ho01lxatrlot x0.1,
Clt and Countyof Demo? et al. (O.O.A.), 38 Fe
(S?d{ Mid, 611 A.L.R.98." -
In thir ooanootloa
m a8ew IWt the 8ohooldintriot
i8 OpWmII&3 a0 OtiOtdsi8 tOr the good 9s it8 8tubent8# mb
u not oj-eratiq the IPBI,88 6 meruantl1.rrrtabllidxmator
a busi~or8 for proualary pla. Xa our oplnloa it would be
tkm *uthorltJ oi the 8ohoolboard to eater into prl-
T bwiW88. UO, ther~OXW~ l88uao Uut the O&r@8 mado
fOr hod 8ePVOd PI9 F@WJMbfi BUiO t0 OOVBF thQ CO&8 Of
the 8IpQ and the malntenanar Oi aa oaiotarfa.
YOU bquin al80 obout%0n0pdrriv0datarooNball
&&W h%XII the 8kI.b Or tiOket8’.
o a w tina llntmnohed.in thr phyrlo
LilaOi t-hi8 .OOUlltF7. 1% i8 Or OOSPlllOn knurled@ that
%ii8IJpd U8tULny Bad0 rOr add88;On t0 8 rOOtb&% #US@ be
hoa th4 opporing teams 0r two rahoolr. am think it within
th e
lutaorlty 0r t;ho board of tmutfbar to fortor suahr proigu
and to uawo reammable adalrrlon ehargos to be Irude; Mono7
thU reallud 18 U8urlty 8pdlrt ior lth b tio
l@ & a UUlt
and 8up-
plloo &ad to pramto tha phyrioal lduoatlon #r~gramt however,
TO think thEd 8Wh BXXIt378 Oaufd be 8ptd rOP. Ug i#LRm jXWpOtI@.
tiF h’t&OlO
hAObrt& 8808.8
c%Yil SktUtt38,
OePWn uhloh had ammod oontrol
rohool dlrtilot8 und 6itis8
or tfu publla r&a018 thrrrla mro authorlnad*to build or pur-
8hUO buildiagr UId EpPund8 rOr tb. J3WpOW Of OOIU&'klOtl~
QIIttWia, 8bdia, OF OthW MO~O8tiorUi fItOilitie8 Rad t0
mortg*&o and uaoumberthe 8aw, and tbo inooprs, toil‘ foer,
rent8 and other ohm308 tharoot~ and o*eqthlng parta1 ~81~
thereto aoqulrod or to bo roqulawd~ rpd to ovidmoo tha obll-
ipp$ khWOh? by tih0i88U~3Ob Of boad8, ItOte 0~ TUV&~
. See also Artiolo !&3QW-1, l Uter a~& e3sr.U~ A&,
Z’Obting t0 inbOpbtLd8~~
8OhOOl di8kiOt8 ud dtiO8 Which h&o,
a8rrpDadoontrol or the blla 8OhOOb 8itUAkd thOl%in. 50th
8t&Ute8 OOIltrZothe f0Y108% m8iOlU
Xanorablb Dan II.Jaokmn, pago #4
b4J NYUXU.8 awdnl2g artor amking the
pa-at8 her~laab~m providedior (pqmaat
of bond81 may be wedfor auy lauf-til
p ur p o a o ea
_. _.-...
Art1616 @327, fIsvisad Clvll Statuter, rardr, la part,%
a8 rO1bV8,
*The @&IO l’x’ee SOho iund8 shall not be
'expendedexorpt ror tbor0ii00r* purposer:
V. Looal 8ohool ftwl8 lkoaudlrtriot taxer,
h0U888 md rOr 0th~ pWpO808 ~OO~~rr;l it3 th0
OQtiwt Or th0 pubif 8ohoo~ k0 b@ det4miWd &
th, SO&Id Of TFU8tOO8 th0 aOOz= Pnd WtiOhO~r
tar oo\mt7Tldo be approved b7 the county
8uporlntendent;l m * D (lWpha818
Thou&h rootball tloket money and mono7 derived fkw
the operatlonora rah~~loa.fotwlaarr nottumonop, it Ir
OUPOp~O~thd 8uohPOMJ8 w fund8 fraor&M.l8011~%~8
wadorArt1010 %SiP?. You aroO'thorem, adtl88-dtUt th8
HonorablO Dsn II*Jaobo~,pagr #8
- ,
borrd Of tPU8t408 Or UI indO Dent 8ohoOi di8triOt i8
ohargad with &he n8ponsib%l.f ty ot the proper 8af8k.@piae
a nd l~nditum Of 8uoh fund8 to the 8pU 0X-t a8 th.
board 18 10 aharged with rer~rot to tax mmoy8~ Se. Art;-
Oh,8 9779, mm, ROrirOd GiYil strtUt.8; 57 T@k &P. 967.
oi OOUF8@o if a &388881UZB,8kdi=, OtO., b8 baOll OOMtrWt-
.d, ltldenoo8 Oi iadObtedno88 i88UOd, mb t?~ NV-8 pbd.,s-
ld under Art1018 %8@. ‘Or %302W1, then lwh I’4V4IIU48 SMt b
tU.6 to ~7 macrhbdObtdlO88 aI 8peoifird in th@ 8totUt.8:
homover, uq rotemU ramlnin(Z after iukl% the payment8 pro-
vldod for ma7 br u8od for my lawful purpose.
a OUT 8eOOnd QW4tiQtI OU Uk Wh@tbOr 111 iZld4~4lld4Xit
8ahOol dietr
fot -7 do bus-88 ml th a OO~OMt;On, a etook-
holder of rhloh 18 a member.~oi the boar4 OS trurt8or of euoh
oorporatlon. Jo have alreadyuuromd tbir Quo8tion la Opinion
Bo. 0-870, a oopy oi uhloh 1s herewith enoloisod. Ze alao an-
oloee r0r your aonelderatlonoopirr 0r opinion8 x0. o-1880 and
Ho* 04ooo.
A8818 t-t
G7;S / 8
14, 19$2
~-. --_..