OFFICE OF THE AT7ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xoaorable 000. B. AeppuKI, page 2 rnheritMoe Tar IAUS. I lttaoh the aompleta OS- fg ~~~~em8bove srtste for your use in . question The o? ths aature of an lntersrt ¶a 8 part- nership, am4 its situ8 Sar lnbarltanoe tax ptqoaea, vm oon- S-intha opinio0,0r~uirt8tit httorm~wni~obn Jla&y ad&esrsd to you wu&r date of August 5, 1937, relat- Jmg to the estate of J. A. Lamb. We quote frcaathat opinions Vhe eusstlos you vish uuuered la vhather or not a 9utnerrhi9 intorest in real$y ownad, by a AaA-rerfdant dawdent is tumble in Texu user the hh~it~o8 TPX Iav of this state. %u 8re respeatfully advlnecl that this prt- nerrhip interest oven though the 9artawrrhi9 pmpertybs iathoa*ture ofrHlpP~rtJ,is it0ttubb in ~8 btm d~0 to the mt th8t its mltue Ia at the do&ol& of the alfner. The all 6iaou88ioA or the lav byudine plr-=@hw appears in Vol. X, far. Jur. 207-595. u all iidng%bls lnter*rt uw 15 s. u. 5691 noore vsr stmas, .aA&r:T;;.f.$st mstioal Bank ot xertol-4,et al., 888 &la0 ff&uon & Otis on In- hem+; l&lea, 4th Ed., psgs 590. ‘8The IL 8. B. Ct. h88 loid doa tb role that ths intmst of a partner In puturship assets oaautitut88 l ah080 in wtlaa 8nd I.8 In- t&lb& puwnsl property sub cot to trsnsfsr Ln&aM88 t8x ial ths stats of deosdont 18 dad- .,, l Sea BlMgett tl)e8llbewp, 277 II.5. 1.. “‘6~Qiquestion8hly thi.8 opkrion oorrectly stated tin 210 u of thi date it vu nittan. That 8 9artwrrhi9 intorent i* M ‘lnt&nglblem 88-t even la to t&e real ertata ourmttb ,$e z~~:xie rurdoubtrdlatin uu l@v h Tea- 1 t intangible Lretm ax% rubjeot to en bheritenoe tax oUy in the stats of the ovner~s dcaloile (~arnerr~ROSA E Trust Co. v. st8te of Nl.nwsot8 (1929), 280 II.5. 204, 74 L. MEd. Honorsble 000. 50 J. ct. 98, 65 A.L.R. 1oooj Bddvin 1. nl8~Ourl (1930) u. a. 5436,74 L. pd. lO%, 50 8* Ct. 436, 72 A.L.R. 403~ Fi.?St88tiOlMtl B8nk VS. Nalne (1931) 264 U. 8. 3l.2,76 L. Gl. 313, 52 3. ct. 174) ~a@ unequlrooa~~~ _- -- ovurruled bJ tha United 3U&OS oupmme Gourt on rpr1 27, 1942, its d8018loa la atate Tax Camlssltna of Utah v. U&lab, 22 a. ct. 1000, 06 L. Pd. 911. The opl.niono? the Court In tha Aldrich 088e re- Vi-8 ti SUthOritJ Of ~h8kStOM Illller, (1903) 168 U.3. l89, 23 a* Ct. 277, 57 L. IEd. 439 r vblah had been overruled by Fezmere' Loan 6 Trust Co. Y. Unneaota, rupra) and eoceptr U tb# jUFi8biOtiOd b8iS fOr Stlt8 inbrritUIO8 tU88 th8 OrikriOil flhS@C%Sd bJ the di888nt~ OpiniOM I34 the t&t8 sues 2-e above aited, i.e., It 8 State, b it8 lW, aV88 prokatlon to propa2-t~ w effeot to 4 right L proparty, it ma ylx so t Mlnherltsnaetax qmn the transfer thereof aa a "Quid pro qUO.Y A lm thlr crlterlon to 8 psrtn.errhlp in- estate tmrert ln Texao retz;' owned by a eon-reridant it vould WSl’ tbSt the bV Of hXU @VaS pl'OtWtiiM t0 th8 phy#iOti property of the pertaerrhlp, and giver aSfeet to 4 partncmhip intwest and th0rer0rr Texan therein, nay deuand anlahcri- tame tu upon the tramfar of the prtnarahlp interest at the death of the partwr, though Iw be domloiled in another 4tate. Tin ooMt;tutioll8llnUb1t1oa agslnst th8 t4x8t10n of intan@ by my state othur t&n thet af the tiodent*r dOdoiL8, hSVi.nfj b~nr~oved by the Al6rioh We, 8uah 4 psrtnerriip lntere8t owned b 8 non-rerldent in Texas real ertate la, ve bellevs, taxsb I8 under hrtlolt 7117, R. C. S., 1925, vhlch reada in part as follovat -hll SwmrtY vlthln ths jurlrdlotlon or tW.8 &ate, nrl or oorporate or in- pereonsl, nru interest therein, . . . uhath- ~,O&of&?oinbab itUtt8 Of this E-t@ OF t0 perrow vho 8re not idnb1tuat8, regardle88 of vhether ruch property Is 1008tdh ulidn 0~ vith- out t&la State, uhioh rhall pus ab8olute4 or ln tiW,t by Vi11 Or’ by thr hV8 Of d8808nt W dirtrl- butlon of tbi8 or q other Ytate . . . alull, upan pesaiag to or for the we of any pusan, cor- poret+.l or UaWiStiOn, be 8ubjMt to a tax. . . . @m-l@ 0-J Honorable Cteo.If.Ylaepp8r6,page 4 YOU 8-k tht Situp th# VSbS Of th8 -t’I w+U'8t+9 +tSIWS> iItTO+ PUl OState la the Ullbw L. BIu lSt8tSa 088 Mt Wrtnt t0 U l@ th. ur o h b,Xi8f10~‘8 speaitla exemption, no tu 18 due under Chs 5 of our in- herltanor tu &v, vhiab inoludes Artlale 7 7 quoted above. Ioo~ns~~tbrsfu~t~~tbrnoar~uO&p- tU $h Or fit& m, bug &ti6& 7i&, vWXiOU’8 &UWtSt- ld c itfik b tStUt88Of Texas. Claptar +Avu uiukdbythe Leglslsture ial9~3vlth the 9 8 ld intS& iCCI (U StSt- ld in zieotlm 3, t.&sroof)"to 4 et oaly 0 8uffiolant ad- “(b) j%stato 4uaa4441o~. lmwa~‘. and io hultsxme t8x88. ha tax Up08 d by seation il0 ViththS S#SOU% Of~O8td8, OF lWOO@@ipn t8XVS 48tU- to OF %ZTitOX'~ O? the WS- any po88O88lorr of the United f+t8tSS, tn FOS~Qt oi w Zpm2’tJ b8htd8d in th8 -8 eSt8k(AOthZ81udirrg~ 8UOhtwS &b8%d tb a lSt8tO Of 4 puson other than . %!h8~t~OWd~thi88Ub- sot exsud 80 per oenttm of ths tax %8@08crbby800tiCUl8~. . . .* Furthm irdiaation of thole&v&tlvv puqoae ia th slautunt of r5-A iotobs fouadin8ect~ons 8,14 mad15 thsreof, &98d U fO11OvS: %eu. a. SeatIons 1 to 7, i.NdWiTS, Of tl&a Chapter shall sllmys Oonskord beSO u not t6:bSl’SUO th8tOt81 w Oft-8 mbl8 to the atat8 awl tha Fdual oablzml Upan .thS @@ate@ Of dOOO&klt8 th8 w &XlFpOS~ Of Sti 8ddititi t&X w t0 &CO fd.l 8dVUltw o&~&~ge~Wli,80zu! avntaredltelloved by t af1926,tothoav vholmre 9d.d M7 CStXte, i.IbritUlO4, le@Ct~, m 8WOe88iOll tu to say 8tata or territory m to the Mstrlat Honorable Oeo. Ii.Aeppml, pgo 5 c of ColmblR, in res~et to any poperty inohded in - dWOdUit'@ -048 lSt8t@ . Qea. 14. me Imherltawe tax t&et 18 here- by hpoeed upon every kneflolsry~8 rhuv of the estate of maion-WSlbmt deoedont Shallb8 a tU -Oh, & UOUlt, bMl’8 tb SU Nt%O t0 th. Va- ti.W tU fW VhbhthS bMSfiSlSP~‘8 htW.St Vopld k lhbh if t& WItin WtStO WWP8 SitU8t- ed In Texu, 88 tha to-1 valw ai the bulefl- dUy’@ ShU’8 Of thC deoedeattr *@tit* rhl8h 18 8ltwtsd in 2~0~. before aLlov&ble~knefloluy Q&uatlow ere mad., bears to ths total V81W of th@ bM@fi~~‘S Mtin SbNFW ti tb *State Of the aon-real&eatdaudMt 8huewr SitWfeb, be- fora allowable benafiaiaq doduat1ow era maQe.a %6tfon 15. I8 th OVUlt 8 FVS~d~#lt Of this StSte &bS, kSVitO6 w 88t8tO Subj8Ot t0 mlnhrultuL88tu,8ltu8ted tlyvIthInMd ~t~'vIthmt thi8 Ytao, tr Inhsr1tMoe tax SlSpSOdUQOSithS~Of~b@iWflCl~Of 8ti 88tit8 8itWt.din %X88 & Uli k l t8X rhi~8hl1bO~thO~MNtiOtOt~88OUt SWh tu VOUld k if hiX WitiFS S- and inkn@t 'I vUe SitUtd in Tam, b8SOn dlOVam bSW?i- aiuy&dwtIoLLa besrstott.uJtotalvalw of BUdi b8&iO48 Sbrn in SWh dOW&Wltt8 e@- t&S, VhUOVU SitWtOd, bO?OM &hWbb b.W- fl4iwy bdutIow am mdhn & l933, UhM k%S.ptU SA UU QUSt9d, it VW Settled lav, uider the dostrine ataouwd by First B8tsbAl Bank vs. lldne, @up@, that no pmputy, vhsthsr tallglbl.0 011 i.ntMgs- blm, Oould b8 SUbjWt to UL InbritM tU in 1DofO thM QDI State.. AtthttlmmlnUn&bleawul4ktumdoaly~tha Et&e “Or the &Wbllt t 8 dUbtie. Toxu ~1114 not have ool- leot4d-MlnhsrltMae t.uupon i!Un&ibb@ or8ny nature cmaed b y 8 non-nrldont, lltha undo2 Chapter !i a~ Chsptm,5-A. It i8 Mt t0 bV piu@uwd thX’.fOn, wt tbb h~@~t~U~intUldVd Ectaorsbla Ileo. Ii. ;rhepp-rd,p-e 6 . th#WdO. voll-reoognlaedr u ls of It 18 l ue to bs eorrrtrwd In the u g a otfoondZtlonr a n6 Wa s lu lx.lrtLng u of th e 6a te of the* wuotatmt. Ui~O86 bd.88iO~i V. T. & li. 0. Rfiib086 co., 42 8. Y. (2d) lO9. ths above quotsd 9r0virian8 of Chapter 5-A ale8rly h&Awta that tbleg9alatare aouldnothwe intsndrd the tu thereby l8poae6 to lpoly to aa~ proparty upon vhiah tmnsfer tsxu might be aolleotadbymon th~oaa 8Ute. Tbopmtl- cm1 otmfu8lon W@ll.lti?Z@ when tvo or aOra 8tStU should .8& 8ttesrpt to oollaat 00% of t&e ?daral tu ir'8d.Cevident. Xf Tax88 were to aolleot 80$ of the cm intmgibh prOj3Uty U&XXIUhi8h t.h@St8tS Of t&W dOo6&8nt'8 dO#llaileWI llro lo- a taxeqaulilto~ oftha 1926 Pedisl-altsx, thla 88mepjqwrtyVOUhlbe -St &%I$ oft&8 Fedwaltu~ are- rultrhiuh18 aPaUe8tl~rLdlauloua, all6wuobwouldbe in owflbt ulth tha lx p r eodireotlon r OS aeotloa 8 of Chapter +A Vhid l’8G4ldF88 thSt t;he chS9tOZ' “Ihdl 81V*a8 b OOM~Wd 80 U rrot to &are&!e the totti -butt O? t-8 payable to the stat8 M& tb ?kbral OOV@RW~~ aomblw6.g Uo eonalutle, thweforo. thet Chapter 5-A surf be OQWlZWd in the li&tt Of th pr@WiliPg bV OB the UFiSdiO- tibU Of ShtSS t0 -88 ilbritUC8 t8XO8 88 Of 193 i f rhiti wan8 that the tax ic1$088aby Chaptm 5-Aornbe l pplledonly to Suoh property u Texu ha6 jurl86iFotIon to tax unflarthe doatrizu Of F%P@t Ilatie Bnr& V. ti, SV9PL It fOl.bVS that no tu aan be lqwsed uular ChOpter 5-A on the p@rtnU- #hi9 lntomt ln Tuu rod estate owiod bywllbur L. Sell, dwsued. uo uo r o tur zd.lq y o ur fUe 00this l4t8te h u M vit.h. YOUFS very truly