. ... .: ‘...I... OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN H~QOPP~~.O uiifr0rd 5. 600, ~a602 e~~otagh nbn0f to w the 0rrirOrr8alary; thsn he in turn tokoa a wurant *bioh ir not worth the money and about the c&y way ha oan get ths money is to borrow on it and pay interest until eooh time es there lgimtf~i,olent mosmy to pay aaid WerPaQts. AS B mat, SOID 0r th0 0rri0m me deputies are grttiag one hu.eUrodpar a00 or Weir mlary whsrears other8 are havlpg to disoount their warrant8 atidare ~0%getttae, the hoe m&usfor us weTrant* This Itlea1s ruoU.y bawd open t&r opinion that (L Offfoon Selary itrndoan be eat up r'ar doll oirioor, arzdin mmm plaooo in the &8tuto, .thePe@oem to bo S&Q#Jau- thority supportlrr(l that olrfn. i3m1we~, am ym knou, SOISIS or t&e oliioo~r hate offiboa rhL?h we w(t rortonat~ than eara r0r 0mpb tb Ihr &uweor end Oolloetor end the Ooaaty 01.~8~. Ssru af the other orflooaw auoh as tkm DfatrlotOXor& ad awe7 rtkrrr07rail t0 got q or tha $80~ due to C&s rO0t t&at stat0 vuzk rOoOlTe8a0 OOS- penmatloao#op’tbM thet Motrsa 8et up Sn the 8tatuts to ba,ouppllod by the mtatoq Cob tar- ther with the oltuationbore, other olaiu thm tit089or orrie0p1 oahry, 8upli6e and e~p0n808 hate beau paid out of the Ofd oars and scllrrgfuml, 2’hl.e ia the @zwral altoalien io this aoaaty newa “l* Ihdtw ma or 445 eetting ap t&e Ofi%- oira Valery Law, ($ptunder Sootion 29 seams to my that allindividualorfi00m md sd.twy Fund0813be eat up ror eaoh in4irldurilot~loar; Wheroes, other oerts of the statuta aeom to a&r that thoko must ibeoroate +%%P s 0rri00 aaa turn %nthe aamuant in lika thereor reoolvo a naTrant which e&all .be drawn en eaid rllnd. Ae I underataml our rltuatim in thim 8 In ~0aBLng the statute set up seems to me that only the du4 Bcmorable aufr0ti s. -4, 55~ 3 eleoted otileexs, deputies,Oar MIleage, and gen- era1 office expense aab suppliee MA be paid O@t or this Cfficers f3tia-SalmyFuna. Hore+ar, the Comissionern csurt have been paying rent on bulld- irag3nPar rellet offios antiother such olaime out of this futi which I think eooorafag to the atat- ute the CoaalrslonerrCourt WY & paid out of the County General ~UACItinaout or the 2oad aal Brldg~ ?UAa iA thS edhid~ pF0potti0A81 oOUAtYfa&p not to exoeed 75$ or oalary out l3owl aa8 or 5ria(lo lUQ and the remalmler out of the t3enereI l!%Ai end the Cor;sioaionere raay get wll ai their salary out of RtaC and rridge Fund. . ?Axiopinion coveting these questi;ms ttiorough- lp will he oi great aasistanoe to ua, and f am 8ure will go n lbng waytowerd olsrring up our birfi0ub tp in this couAtp. ** . . .n Honorable Clifford S. Roe, Pegs b &mole County has a populationof 22,339 inhabl- taut8 aoaordlng to tho last preoadl* federal 0onau8. See- tlon 19 or Artlole 3912e, Ver~~on*sAnnotated Qitir Statutes, ,wntlonsd in aonneotlanwith ysur first question only ep plies to tho6e oowitlee, having a popilatlon in exoess of l$?O,OOO inhabitants aooordlng to t&e last pr8oeQlng fe&*ral 00naua. Therefore, Seotlon 19 does not apply to Panola County. Eeotlon 4 or Xrtlols 3912a, Vernon*~ Annotated ~lri3.Statutes pr0rld6r: %.I all oountlea of thlo state containing a populationof 1 98 thm.oo$,I3iWmM and Ninety Thousand (19O.000 t Lnheblttitraoaordiag to the last preoedlog Fadsral ostiue.wherein the County 0~ P~eolnot ofriom4 are 04xap0nmtedon e salmy beEi* wAaos the provlt3~ons of Q&liehot, there shall be orsated a funU to be known a8 the Off%- oora* Salary AIIld0T County,Texas. sueh runaehallbo kept~epan%eulaapart fro81 all other oounty tutuIs,end bill be held and dla- bureeQ for the purpose0r paJringthe wlariee ef oMoor8 ana the mlerlea or deputies, assistants ebd olerks of offlaers who are drtdng a salary fro10said runa under the prrorialons of the Aat, and to pq the authorized er-eness of their off& Bea* Suoh fund ahall be dopositod in the Uouatr Depo~lt~z=yend shell be proteotetl to t&-mww er- tent a5 other oounty funds.m 3action 4 of Artlole 39120, aupra appliessto all oountioa hating a populationof less than 1~0,000 inhabitants eooordlag to the last prsaedingFederal 0anmu wherein tbs oountg or preolnot offlosra are oompenoatedon a salary baslr under the pmvl5lon~ of the salary law, Therefore, this pro- vlslon of the Statute applies to Ekmla County. In answer $0 rour first question, you are a&vised that it is our oplnlon t&at there osnnst be meata& a fmd for ea4h offloer afraotea by the provleionrlof the saler? law in a oounty having a populationof lass than 190,WXJ lnhabi- tanta aoooraing to the last pre0ePlng Fedetil 8enaafh Panole County is authorlzcsdby the proViHona of Saetlon 4 of Arti- 010 39~0 to weate only one fuud lsnownOS the 0ffl00~~’ Honorable Clifford S. Roe, Page 5 salary Funa of said county, ana it la the duty or a.11offi- cera to charge end oolleot in the manner authorized by, law all fee5 end 4ommla5lona which are permitted by law to be assessed ana oolleotea for all offiolal services performed by them end a5 end when suoh fee5 are 40118Oted they shall be depoeitea in the orrioera * *salary Fuzul as provided by the Aot. All offiaera of said oountg who are oampenaated on the salary basis nu5t be paid out of this fund. With referenoe to your aeooud question, you are advl5ed that no dlalma other then the aelarle5 of offioers and the aalerles of aeputiea, assistantsand olerka or offi- oer5 who are drawing a salary from eald fund uuder the pro- tieions of the Aot and the authorized expenditureor thalr offioe8 4en be paia from suoh orfleers* salary Fund. It la immaterialwhether or not there ia.a aurplua in raid fund ne other expendituresare authorized. Seotlon 6 of Ar-tlolr 39120, paragraph (4) apeoifio~lly providea: "Any money5 remaining in the Offloera( Selary Fuhcl or Funds of ahy county at 'the end of any flaael year ertsr all aaleriea and authorlasd expenses lnourred against eald fund for said ye~er alrallhave been paid aray be, by order of the Oom- .mlaaloneratOourt, trensferrea to the oredlt of the gm6mi tu~d or the 00unty.- .With refermoe to your third question you are ea- vlaed that the Offloors' Salary Law la not applioeble to Oouuty Commlsslonera and that the County Conniila5loneraoen not be paid out of the Offloors' Salary Fund. couuty com- mlsslonera mu& be paid In the mknner and out of the funds as authorized by Artlole 2350 and Artiole 2350(i),Veruon*r Annotated Olvll Statutes. Artlals 2350(l) provldear *The salary of each County Commlaaloner end eeoh county Judge may be paia wholly out or the County General Fund, or at the optlon of the Oem- missioners' Court, may be paid out of the County General Fund and out of the Road and Bridge Fund in the following proportioner County Judea not to exoeed seventy-five peroent (75$) OP auoh 5el- arlea may be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund, end the reaalnder out of the General Fund of tha County, and each County GoUmlssionera* Salary mey, CllfNrd 9. Roe, Pege 6 B;onorable at the dlroretloziof tba Wmlasione,zs’ Court all bepaid out of the Road ana Bridge Funal providea this Seotion shall not apply exoept in oouaties where the oonstltutionallimit of twentr-fireaente (25g) on the one hundred dollar valuation is levied r0r gan0m purpot30a.~ ThIe Artlole waa snaotea in 1935 by the 44th Lsgls- laturs, page 1036, ohapter 362, eeation 2, berore the orri00rO' Salary Law went into dr80t. The Of’floera’Salary Law beome tbrreotiveJit~ry 1, 1936. Artlolee 2350 and 2350(l) hare no appli0ationto the payment or the salary or a County Judge or a oounty where the oountp oltflaerr, are compensatedon a sal- my basis. In all euoh o0untle8, the Oouuty Judgea are got- emed by the provirlonsOf the OfYiO0rs’ Salary Law and tauat be paid ln the aam@ manor aa other oounty oirloere are pala, bp WammI# 4hMt 09 th0 OrflOM’ SalarJ hm4. We now 00naider your fourth question. Seotion 5 or Artlola 39120, ?ernon~a Anneteterl airI Statute6 propdaoo lo. partr “It shall be the duty or all offl0ers to oharge anb 00lleot In the manner authorized by law all raea and oonualssionmwhioh are pormlttea by law t0 be laaeamd aa 0m00tOa ror all 0f- riobz remleer perrozmea br than. A8 and when suoh rees are 00lboted they &a811 be deposited in the OttIwrs* Salary Fund, or Fur& pmvldad Wf 8 ht. * (Aloe see Seotion 3 or Artiola . The Orfloere’ Salary Law speoifioallyrequires the orrioera who ax-0oompematsa on a salary basin to 0olleot all fees ana aommiaelonswhloh are per@tted by law to be amomed ana oolleoted tar all eiiiolal sertioes perfOrmd by them and such rees and oDlnmiaaionawhen oolleotedmust be depoolted in the Ofiioers’ Salary Fund. 3eotion 7 or Artlole 39l2e provides: “All manlea drawn rrom said Oriioers’ Salary Funa or Puna ahall be paId out only on warrant0 approved by the County AuQl.torfn oouutlea hatlng a County Auditor; otherwise all olairaaagainst eaia Aind shall ifret have been audited and ap- proved by the Codserionerts* Oourt or said Countg ana the money ohall be dl@bur#ed 00 8ulush approrsd Ronarable Ollfford 8. Bee, ws 7 olalms by warrauta arciwnby the aoun$y Treasurer on sala iand, ~. i iw Your rourth ip&stlon as stetea above is in taot two questions or at least oontaimtro parts. In view or thq fore- going eta&ate*, we respeotfullyanswer the first part 0r your fourth question in the negative and the sosond part in the er- firnative. Trustfng that the forsgolng full;ranswers your in- quiry, we are Youri vary truly A!iTOMWY WWXRAL OF TEXAS h. AFPROVEEJm 29, 1942
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion