-Ph. Dietriot O&ark of deual Oowty, Tuu, hee
on blilsd the atbomw fee8 1s 8Ov@ral.~~~&wJL#xo~ oa8.8
OW?ua& br Art. 1061 C.D.P., bein& 601118 paid by tbo
&Ot*tiMt. Ha has &~ti14 t0 pay tM8 money to the
aom~trollar dapartxat; bat h&e ehook wa8 mWzrnsd with
a lettar 8tatin~ that tb48. few lh o uld
b edqm8ite& to
the propar fund, wifhout rtrtrinewhom or hor.~
,'I$would 8ee& o&tarto ma that the proracatlng
*ttornspe r-8 in l!&rswum oeaas rhould be paid to
the county rather thamto ths 8tote, as these are oanea
rwoh ordinarily would ba trlea by a Couxtp Court at
. In the ammatpea datermine that the oorurty rhould
'not reael*e this ha, ,than klnAly 8tate who rhoul& ra-
aalva it..
The 16th ZsgLalettwe Bsgalal!8aa8iOn. hot6 3.683
j&oh 16 ,.dhaptmr 35, par 2&, dmiaiahed tha oivil and or&al
Jurladlotionof the County eourtot Coma1 Oountr a@ prorldaa
that the dlrtrlot oourt of uid oouutt ehallbaro and exaol8s
alI,t& olrll and orlmfnal ja~lwllo8lontheretoforrveetrb in
mald oountr aourt by the Coaetltutioaand lawe, and not dlrart~
by rsld sot.
” The ootuttfatteznq 6hall rcrpresrnttho
Statr~in*ail*oasa~in tR0 ahtti0t an& i,ruarlor Ootuar
tn their raspootlre emmtler but It any oounty ahall ba
laoltt4041n.a dllat~lotlm rh1oh there sIuilIbe a dlrtrlot
attorney, the ,rrspeotirr &&tier ot dirtdeli apt@nrp aad
aounty attorneje 8hall lx .moh eou~tlaa be t~tOl br
the xegl8laturo. . .=
it i8
92118 pro~lrlo~~ha8 basn gonmtptad a8 not presorlb-
l8g aba dutia8 ot gia Bi&rlcrt attorney, a01 a4 hIti
tar oow¶ty attO?aay8other t&an .ivdi a8 f&P4required to
be pwformed for the Btata, lDar .&a08 it &TO to tha
amnty attorney .aubh?ritgto ixstit~t.~ a prbocwdinganlose
he la giren that pprbr by atatu8e.
..Hslsrrble A., 3,~ sitaakett,p860 3
-0 tup 'ihltles'
ar uma in the ouualtlonal
pPo@slaa ~absva.,settaathhalr bssn 8s&laral to oamprb
hii&&ah6 iIlrtheiF~lde&
of or authorltylaad hsnse
.th. oouaty atttisy is 8 ham no aathmlty to
pw$arrP sn sot ih respeqttto whioh no duty has been
tt0&‘tO’detolrs ~pCic'hira.=
It.wlfibe noted a8 abW0 indiaat&, that Canal
a dlstrlotlo whloh there is s dlstrlot
&tiole'i5, VsrnOnvs AItnotated~Uode
of Crlmlmil
YEaoh &i&riot attarnsy shall rsp&Snt the Stats-
in all or-al babes in the dlstrlotoo\ucta~
of hi8 -
distrht, exoept lr.eare*rheM he has iymn, berms his
emplopdtavqse4.~ . 0."
Artiel.0 1061, Vernon's Anpolatsd Oode of blmlnal
.' Promiduro,PMHibsS;
WDlstriot and o0unQp attcmwya shaU bs alX0wsd the
. So$larlng fess in $fasestried in the Qlstrl~t 0r oounty
oourts,.ora ~sountyonrt at law, to be~taxsdagainatthe
Umfutdanti fag awry eoxrfotlonunder ths lawn again86
no appeal lo takea,ar~when,on eppmkl,the
jl, 1.8aftlraed,$+5Co02 b.
"For everyother oauTiotion in sa8ss Of nis&saaor,
wh0ri3 no appeal is taken, or when On fqtpal the jU~~0Xit
la airlnnsd,
eontalnlng the’$opulatl~a of not lass than ninetythousand
(90,000) inhabitants~aooordigg 'to~S'Zastpsoading Bsdsral
iknsus, the Dlstriot At$OMe~~ of suoh D$.striotshall reooiT0
I /
m the 86&t. (I8 W, fQP .h&S 64EdO.i th. ormr. Of FiTO
Thowana Mm Rnild8ea D@l8r8’f#5,500) par 9.a whwa
86&b tit6 mOU86Ild #iTe rraodwd -11U8 ($$c& 6)lalt
&Ml@6 bho'Fl?o lh#B&d D&lUs ($500)8dw per fear
n8w all& 6uoh~Dd6txlOt AttOrlisy8br thC~Qo8titrrbiua
Lpk$e, 8uah mlnry 6hallbr paid lip twsln (1?)
or thirr
w&d moath]lJ lnrtalXaq3 68 upon. w&rrsn:‘ drawn b9 the
~twollar or WUQ Aocroonfsupon ahir8tats Treasury.
PretidSa ths: nothln&‘ie thfr hot ahall be ‘aonstroed so
66 to dsprlv6 Dl6triot AttoaYmy8 ot the 6 tumt allwsxoe
alSow+ ~r.rhl~hmap h6rsaflrsr be allotpa T 9 16~
*. . .
m 2.66, WitdSS~OM aad. ~PQUiSit~6 -
uhloh J$:; &6#'snd~ s~seted by Dl6triot Att~aejs
affectedby t&h Aot 8hsU. be gal& Into th6 'bountyTrsssury
ottho Ootm$ia8in d&oh 6ItOhfee8 ,=6 WU'XIed for the aa-
aouxt or th8 paper ruxd.
“. l .*
8sOtiOn 5 Of AftlaO 39128, ~~nOBta Annotated
Old1 Bt66Ute8, provldrs t&aSt
"16 shsll bo the duty o? ill offloas to ahargo
axd eollecrtlx the mnnxu 6atboricsdby 16~ all r868
tihdoommlss&ri6whioh are pumlttmd by law to be assers6iI
~puroram4 by th*
and o~~eoted ror ,dlloirioial 14ettioa
mrl6w of the rorsgoing 866$ut66,yen 6r6 respeot-
,fnllyadtiaed, @at it la the opinion OS CM6 depsrtmat that
the fiiatriot attorneyoaunot pusonally retsIn the ittornq
TOOS paid in mlsdmsanoz,,+6i8 t.Hed IX t&i3 di8trlOt OOU~~.
bid fee8 should bo aelleot& and paid into the OOUxty treatu~
TM the aooowt of ths pzopar ?uDdr 00~8ldsrtrrg SsotlOiz3 of
&tlole 1626and swtlon 3 oi Allele 1618, Vax~%on*sAMotated
eltfl statutes, ths proper fun4 la ahloh them fsss should bo
paid IS the gemed funQ,‘ir not othmwlso appropriated by thr