s&ohooln am tbs lmttitutians of the #t&e es-
tabllshad in the ctnmticls, sad, AS
a &w-t of the
stats’s go%tmm6n +utl policy leaiatainedlil part
frm t-8 and other fund dkmtl.y ftarnlshed by
the state and in part from intereat on the funds
reell.%ed kmt the lsnds 5tttmstet¶by the 8tate
to the famageamtttof the capafss16nast eourb of
ihe tounties a.?e thus trnstees f’or
af the state sahools, . ~. . 4 such
trustmm their pwerr must be Serlet4 eonsitru8d.
Thay may neither divest thdYar of the pcwsra
eaaie~~08 nor aaanm powers not ooaferre&. Cc+
rdsslamms' courte &all. 'astaiae such powsrr
aad $twbdieticm ever all cmmty budao8s as is
cenfwred by this Constitution ttntlthe Iws of
the state or as may ba herkftar presoribsdo * . . .*
xxt vhv of th6 fotxtgtahg it 3,s 8w CplttbJl th%t the
counties are tnwtous for the baafit of the stati @dls
rrm mWols urd the fW ltuWpt&mt %8uaty of E2l.l
Teams8!Frmatse$or th9 Pstmaetat-Pmdundu,Az'ti~.282+,
Vmmzm*s AnnotatedT- StatutM' mqnirad to k pkpercr
UttAtd &ate8 Uar~.l5amb
msr&wml hy mawy art 8U the
aeh4&llllt the pTop6rpad lega iawrtptlon to be
Tntatlag that the forego~ hrlly anmfa41 your In-
quti-y, ve am
‘Paprr very truly
ATTm?cI fa!lrim OF Tas
By I%/ A&ll Mlll%MR