28 OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAB AUSTIN Tour nqlw!it Tot op fully ooaaidsred by thle 00 quest Sb a.lorar1 - “X U roqUr8tln rrvrral rtatute rmteriuI1 IA:. papem prepared, tho rttorney doer not reooitr aw reiauasmttoa for hlc eervfoear ll. Does the paymat OS the 1.H out OS 6hbr first JIII’O aooruoO interest on the indl- 282 any ruoh mrohur, ~1. or loan, HothIng oent*laM In thlr rrtlolo ahall pnvea# a iif0 ln8urnnoo oorporatloa rrm mnklng a lmn upon a polior hold therein, bl the bar- r0m.P Dot ill WOOa Of thr 108rPT. V&M thoroos. 4 perron riolatl 8ny pra*i8lon of this artI 8Jmll be flno“% not &err than thre, hun6W nor mom than one thouauid rollan.” Thr above quote4 artisle of thr Penal Co& war ‘An A.6 to mMwriw tam Inoovpoxat Ion o? lit*, rooidoat ME heelth lamraaao own- ps~A~8 8ad cl*flainu8uso; and to authoris* ruoh rcqanie8 to traa8a.tbualaoro la tha State 8S kurt to autherin* other lib oom- pander inoorpowted uadot the lmm of other atit-, Tb r r ito r la llr ooPntolo8 $0 traaa- #et budnear in thir (Skta)l to rsgulatr tho buslne,sr of 8uoh ooapanir8~ to dofIn@ the &otlor uih paror of the Ooamiedcimr of ~BU~TMO~ ~6 Bunkfngata girr to him au- tborlt~ to irsur, ru6Jwn4 end rrrcrhoperElt8 to 8uoh 00mpmle8 to tmumt bu8iao88 in tldr Bkta aad to apply for the appointslent o f l rooeltor for ruoh osspanio8 when they beoom0 I&~re&~ 6OfiBily the mot&d Of (LCI rlltbg at the valor of parsoaal property of aueh oo5ganio8 for purpoer or State, oouaty and rmunioipal taxatloa, W erenptina ruoh 0om~108 SPW an ocoupatlon or gPoom rsoelptr tax; to fix the ritu8 of perroiml propeTtY 0f rttch oamp~a.ion for purpose or taxation; to pepwiltthe depoalt of aeourIWr8 in the ofrior or the St&o Tmasumr~ flxin$ vonua krgoP4blO tUUo8 It,r**t8,, -8 b OS 84tS Md PrOTiding tha luck04 Ud VI Of SOiOS Of ~I%OO88~ Pt'OVidiu ~O~lti.8 for tlOlatiOn OS rho pr~vI~iOn# of thl8 Aot x'e~tiln& all 1aUS la oonfliot hordth# d doolarlw ui emergoaoy.~ Ml610 4823, 70ra0n'S AaYiOtatod?eXtl#airi &at- UtOS, Z'UdS a# fO11mSI ‘mOOpt 88 hOldI rOtld8d, muoh 8OOiOtiO8 shall bo ~0vorn.d br thP8 law, Mad #ha11 k ouapt from all provlsio~ of tho Iaauranoe lEW# of this StatO, not O&f &II ~Ov.rarPOntti roletionr rith ths f&at*, but for rv 0th~ pUX~0s.r HO tiW heroaftrr lM0t.d SW1 lp 4 ~tOt-Ot~;3l3"8 they bo ex~2’esr~ dosigoati 8 The enal rtatutes rolatln~ to Smtomal boaoflt moiotio8 (LIY1rtiOlO8 581 t0 58 , ti010~i~8, fOl%On'S k- notate& TO=@ p8Ml m@. Vii. 8tUttUt.S F%@S b# smtomal boaotit aooiotlor era found in Ohapta 6, 1 itlo 78, Vuaoals Anmtatod Tom8 Old1 Btatutu~ It ha8 buti broadly u$d by the Buprem@ dourt that tk0 Tight8 pOWOn spd Oblations Of beEIOf$tWO~Ot~O8 MO &oterriU~ ty rUks# Of hW ~OtiiUil~, if Wt UtiWiTO- If, applioablo to them and the laplltr of their lo tio a 8 I6 not to be tested by ruler whloh apply to or~uL~m~tion8 oomBsroial la purposor girt* v* tloToroI@l camp W.O.W., aa 8. w* 4% w0 qUOt0 srOM 6 TO%a# ~~~8pNiOn8O~ pUO@ 390 0a.t 391, l fO11OWSl -10 a rratornal knoflt moiety Is wma- what in the nature OS an lwuraaoo ow Is organlrod and oxlrt8 Upon a basi# tk0 ferent from that of the ordinary 1If0 inr~~~o ‘Ho benarolant as8ooIetlon 18 an In- i~~*aonganf In the ordlnuy aooeptatlon of that term* The rohtlon of orrtifloato hold- lr8 - n8 dlrtIa@Iahed from apolIOy kO1darSw - Ir ossontlally mutual and reolprooal~ ltash oortifleato ~oldrr 18 an laauror of the other and of all Others who am nemborh' 00~~81408 i8 th0 m - 280 wit* d ia- IOFOBOO* Th. OAR in rlow 1A ltta la ob a tho porooutloA or (lirrrront matw, ra, sobJoot io tho lg~r~val ot the home oi’iioo, ror ecltnblirhd prahm reta8, vaw'lry *o- soding to th hams4 Ol tho rlrk, Tho pollor or thr olarr with whloh n lra awl,- iry $0 to Or&aaiU uid lrtablirh inferlo? iOdi308 OOAdUOt+,.kAa pmAiQO& 0~03 by Orfl- 00X% 0 i OOtOd rPOa It8 AOAbOrOh& tIbD80 duty it 8Olieit ammborr, ir to ma rhow 010OtiOA Nltit8 fA tho ~OSUMOO Or iiuuzC aAo0 ~230108 ror tho ai¶onAt rosorlbod by tho h-8 0r tho odor, apoA t t 0 p5t3At Or OOrtdA re08 and daeer,npro~oat mg the praalum ahargo&@ BPothorhooU of Railway 'bibm0A Ve WOWi, 79 s. W. (26) 886 285 mblo t@808 t, ft 18 OW OpfAiOtl that A.d.1. rn, fWlNXi’8 &&WtatOa TOXU POti oOd0, dOO8 Do t l P & Ylo Ir dNM a boAOrft 8OOiOtiS8 Or their OffiOW8. 40 thoraforo a8wor APPROVEDJUL 7, 1942 ATTORNEX GliXERAL06:TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion