boble 2
~6 gnoroaoe0 bY the tOto of tho r evo r a lteW ordltal this
ar&lo 8tOtO 18 80 k t?uOto. Of the -4o 4 MOt l(yrrbto
&t 8 q U@ tt@ r t @o~OUXtti~ 80th.Dirtrid o ftio .
ld th#
r r a i8tOtOB fWOiVd. h I da fthI, 8h O)r o r t@ @o ta k M 8t
h 088 th8t hOO 110 lOW8 ~iritiXl& it8 pur.&880 ot pilltO& Or
0-r mt4rfo18 troll o uto r lto~ *omo**, rrJ rboao WOho8-
w ngalatlonr lro oaoh that aarmor-pomrt or C.0.! . or-
4U8 mn bo hamdlri.
Sha ruthorltv oi rour hjm*nt w aoorpt rad 81~
t#d tuaoral tollao l8 fOUad la Peotlon 2 0mbmstlQn 10, or
~8 aumnt Appro rlrtlon uu, e,mtr rlu b23, iota nqp4.h~
&88iOa#b78h Led 81otthr8,rhiah pn>tiaOBI
"@tit*& stOtO8 *Pond8 lab Ma. ZbO pOpOr
OtiiOOr O? OfliOOr8 Of bw "t8tO CoparUnt8,
buroouo, or dltlrloa8 or Ptato lmaaloo lra horo-
by OuthOriSed to aok@ lpplioatlon for ld8OOOpt
M t.O?lllOtmttt8 o r iun4~ fmm
&t.8@OOVr-nt to b. Q8@4 OILFt8ti
oooparrtiv~ on6 otho* herrri rojOot8 81~3 pro-
@IlDI i8 nX.8, 1lio1QdfBg0~180motion Of mbllo
8Uoh lOdO?al
EtotO -WooIUt lro
opeeltlr purpor
Bent, bail8ubloot
th18 Aot.“
j$,.?~, It 18 8 fullf8? pria*lpli of law, t*Wlrtnlt 110
oltotion ot luthorltl,pablie ottl@rothat8n4 ltP M k h
#o vr
8reh -?8 88 Or. roafornb upon t8r bI 18~. xo t1rd
10 provl8lon of low lathorldag tho Ftotr DeporkMt oi Eaalth,
lXpro8oly or b bpliOotlOa, to lOttep endt l4~id8kr F8dOr81
fUU48 t0; t&O L nOtit
WlOthW d
8t8ti Of 8t8tOOo It r0ii0tfb
that the Ctoto Plprrtiwat
of Poblio &ath of th8 %Rt@ Oi
-8@ eo a no lBlinioter
t 8uoat;ol p o o lhlgtrta t0 pQrOha88,
With rQttd8 pR#VidOa by the Unltdl ?+otoo Oov*-at, lUPPliOO
fer both the TW~O on6 ROW mosrrioobolth bpaMnt*.
In vlor or our bn8w.r to row win V-rti-, no
UWUW8 to TOW 8Ub8ldhrr lnqulrlrrl-o n@OO8MrI*
Tha wtorlofr ra.108.4 with pur lottar of lnqulrr