I \\
I, : .,
JLrPl‘lo 3102,V‘rnon~‘ Annosoto4 OltU gtrtuto‘
provlb8iin partr
I)l . i..IIo gersaa ‘hall br dloolemd %he nod-
nom df inf'poiiOlor1 party at a4 prGa8r llaotloa
6tato ox~Bl8trlotofgloounl880. k8 Itso
ledwithator nqulxpmoat of all law8 rppll-
prirury and oahmr ‘lootioz~~, and h‘s re-
oolv8d 8 majorl*~ of all ths rd.8 088t at 8wh
: nominee tar their respoetivo o??bos. uy poUti-~
6ai p-y mf &Old 8 866Oad prbrr Ol@ti$OIi On
the ?ouP# 6sturday in n~u‘t to noaiM*‘ 08nd1~
drrks to* cay Countf or PxO*lnot ortioo, ub8re 8
. ma orltrvote 18 nqalmb tom8k8 8 ncUn8tioq
beat ‘uah‘o‘ond mimerr, only the tw008nU-
dot08 who n08in we08 lt
th0 hi*srt n\tnb~r.~r
th~$anoralpriMry?attho“am~ oirio88huh87s
Wfr a11188 pl‘ord 11po3p Oh0 o??lolsl.k~lot.~ &ml-'
: ', nationd .o? 0Md1dm~‘ to be to*.& Par’a6 ‘nf
: 0181~~180ti0q -1% km&s et e prlmrf
" ct’ouell tl# 8‘ dh0. psrtx .aMdltlfb oc*pfttoo -8~11 'd
do~zm$lia~ bu$ no 8tid.h BdttH ~Nmll lo r ;h a vs
.~a‘ DOWOf-to ‘I‘&? rmoh.~~+imtione. .~. ." >,
&$iOlO $106,~,~‘&'8Olt“hSOtOtQ6 chik ‘t~Ut‘8 _
:. Ail. is .~oqqI‘~:
Irirlowor milols 31W .aad3rtt018 3106, 8upa,
it 1s eppwon8 Nat. the ootiniaoyamoutlve (LomUter 68~ &o-
oids'whsther tJmnem.inatlcm o? ooprrtf o??lom~s~ahalA80 br
MJorlty or'plur8llty~rot‘. Xowovor no .parsoa shall ba
8ooLerrd the ndnsi or wy po11t16a.i p-f et ,an.y
lloetiosr~?orany St&r. Or~dfsWioti of'?108 ~ala‘s ho has ooa-
pllqd;w&th 0~8~ rrqulkomoti,a? all .Wrs l gpliolrbls to pri-
w. 8114..
oth8r (rl8etfonr, ma. har~.ro08ivoa 8 majorlt~
ot dl
tho~votra oaitet 8ooh gMm8r~ ~1,80t108 tar 8ll 0anb/d*t** .'
re lU* 0m00. I? al $ho ~060~81 prlmar~ileotlon for any
1. politl~l puff ao~ornlu&rto %amllle‘ l norlne.-fe~ any 9tste
or~dis8rlbb 0rrL bdsr htiole 3102, rupm) 8 seoond pri-
mry slootlam #hall k he14 br rooh polltloal &urW, in the
6t8tio or suoh ai8trio*, or distriots, ls~tho ram0 aaj k, on
the tourth ~attuds~'ln Augort suoo~rdiag the genoredpriauf
l188ti~, aad ~otij'~thanme8 or ahOora oandidato8 rho xy
oolve the h%glwstnumborq? 'Wotm for 8af,o??loa?o, rhloh tbo
noal~tlon wstb me&o et *ho g~naml prlmsry OlOot~on 8haXl b8
sluod on tho offWaX b&U08 u ssndldabu for saoh omoa
at suoh 8ooond prlmuyi
.~ Ilrtlm 3116, Vsm~~s httt@wd aiv&x sttema
provld8#$n ottrot tkat ne p8rson*r ~n8m8 ahrll k plaeod on
the ballot as 8 osddldmWfor s dfstriot, ~&u&y or proobot
offi rho ha‘ nofipii4 to the eeunty~uooutlve~o~~
th omo unto fth el.s~timat~dlperue or~holdlas: saohprimary
epwrtfhdr W him bt @to 008Utt60, a?4 thoa ptaridsr ior ear-
t‘iI,‘b~‘g+i6M in.thsbells lrogru(*,
'..,Vrwlhd, how&~, that DO ~aidldatm ior
amw+tion .ror’ ohhr jtrstkro 0t 8:l8p?rirk jwi~
oi.8 'oowt of olvil8ppuls er ?or n*ro~mitati+o
.ia~~t?on@n‘O Or tar di‘triot JuQe or dlsti-lot at-
.::W@tiy &any.otho,r dtstrlot o??loe In mpneeata- -
,:::ti?@. or'JwUois& d~strlbt~'~eanpo8ed o? four or
%&o ocUnti~m~sh8ll ba req~ed to
..'@aa (#l&30) any oountii'8zowtl~,,,.qepl
. *to..
~,~:~Artiois 3ltl8, ~ernon~s hnn~kted Ol*il6tatatas
Mthorlui th‘ OOUMT uoiublr* 'ocfi?amltWto a“o“ a$ai“t
uoh wonts er ptiolnatO?$~OOF, end sro~offloorwhois to
a$pon br ,a.~votot‘or on0 oountf only,8 prors$a
$.the sstlm~t~d expense of oqnduotlng prQmrl elw-
tloxu.~~.-, further ~prov$d+sf
AH1010 BIl6,.~,~~m.j
_ ,. ,~
‘.rCaa&2da~ii~for thltod States Seantar or for
Can(in88aua-at-larg and 8ll thima rho era oandl-
AstaI.?or +tsto o??lws to be voted ai on by the
'Qwll?lod~votor‘ or thi lliwle EmAt, 8Ll.r paf to
th~~ohalrm‘rr e? ,thestat0 E%ooutl-wo oomQ‘ittoo on‘
hu&roC (#iOfJ,~) ‘dollar+ end ahrll,not bo roquirod
to ;pq ally og+r l+lm or ‘mm to any other porwn
or rqrlttws to prq tblr baes plaood on the
lt;+l k not.4 that Artlola 3108, ‘~~8, prorid.
in pat$ (' '.
.ths oounb~ ocmwltbss ‘hnll llw ooze-
?uXl;;sii&o the oort of~prinblng the otfloial
b8110t0, re~tiag poll1 plwes u&sml same m
row& n‘oo“a~, %.s and distrilnating
provld lLk
aa000urfpoll booka,blank‘t~tloarPy‘adroting
bOOth8 Wqtiwd, 8OkkpMsobiw et oleotloa
urs 8nA.olsrk8 8n4 88888ag8r8, to nport the r&
r ut in l“h p r o o ln‘t
to th eoounty o h o lnmn,
prwldad for @onin, and rll other-neoosur~ox-
9on808 0rb01(Li~*pshp*rk88 fnspoh 0otmti88
8.d ‘h&tLo~L ‘uok oo‘t.mmong the ~*lulous
r0rme08;0n far 00tta7,0dpn0mt
ye"':: wlf mm henin do?lnod, urb,o??foosto k
,’ fill08 by B&o..
rotors of mush oomty 'o$ proolnat
~or8tsto o??:o.s'~xo.pts&);
-3 Many" jus
la thiir~jodpauntls end
_y.: ,
:sblo,eivingdIl~ag8l~tlon to -theirp0rtea00
. sad_ sm,~~nts or se8h swh offlo;;
tar. wbioh l
t&be ydyF
mg&.$i+iof:~ls ."
: .a4 vlhw oftho ?cml&& ‘t‘tuto‘ it10 our oplafbla
that wh‘ro %adl~.tu for btsbi;Sot ‘Dd ststo 0??100‘ do no$
zeni* * @orlty o? t&a wtss~ 0088 et tho ~norsl -*
Us~lw:a.,woond prlmry o2eotlon must bo hold in trl sta t0
6s ‘ruoh~ di8trMt ap. dbstrlots,~ ,os t&a oan my be, en the
rbrth .BWwloy in higust 8tioo*8diry~tho
gonusl pima 8180-
. &a 'on6 tialy'$lw'.pmr‘ or ato two 0*ndido$r* who r‘o* -Y nd
/_ th~.&i&o@$ atamb@~-or V&&B for any off100?or~wh.loh.noriar,
;‘. tlma:4m~~~mida,a*
the gmorok’prlmory
pi~04:0ktpo~~ 0moiu bui0t JI 08adu0808 r0T 8ta 0fri~
rt ‘Uoh. MqaQd’ It l‘~-bpr ruzthorop&alonthat tJl0
oo*ty.DMoor‘t P‘=0 Bx&&. ookhltteo when “‘o“lRg tho pro-
olnot,oou8t#':wnd 6th~ isndldatsr ?olr. suoh offloes foanbli,
drtu ior St.86 ~.Q??iO‘~w8epted) nooh oondldoks 8hould ?s8
u~smwl stioh qmmats 880~88er to pay the rcmro!mble and
n8808mory uponms. for-wndaot Tng both tho ~enl prina7
llss~lon and'thi sooon&prlmar~ lleotlonre@mllus of rbtbr
or not tha ~nomor~'o~ ruoh o8adldsto8 era on thm ballotfor the
‘8oondprlm‘?y. &lus thlw is.done tko ckrpmu of suo$i
noon& pr%maq aleetlsnoomld,not?a paid. It is otw fwth.1:
opinionth‘t thw‘Ba11‘~oounty Donoora810zs“otlTB UmalttO~
e8arrobl8gall~ mfare to print or ham prlnt*U a boll& fox
w s.~nd pk-4 .lthoughE?toto‘ml Ooa~o“icmsl orndidstu
ora thm oalt on.8 whom -8 will a8p.a~on s&oh ballot,sad
as sbov8 statwl sooh •~~s~8'8hm.l6~ be l8se8eod again80 th8
oandi4~8.8 above mntion.4; (Prooin88,
oounty, ho.1
In o&ua~otloo
8ko ?oYs(koing
m airootpour
to th“o“‘ or Beslbe
f. waples,lt al, 187 8. w.
191 (80&bo8ehart 0r Tixa‘)i.~LiO
this 0*** the ~app.31ant
‘U‘d ‘~~‘U b th‘ llbtritj$&Wt Of TMranb Connty, T-8,
‘Vemln@ 8h.t the ~pelu.i ooBotltuta~, n‘pootlnl~, the
Ohsirmon end m&arm of tho Steto DemoerstleBxoou$tn sop-
~nambriol prl~r~~8~8otlf3~moatlon~d abov8.
,*. '.
The ~sso woo rutmlttsd to the trial court apan UI
lgroid stitomoat et ?uts whlah w do not doom nsaa3aar7to
me$ out hqo and the ooerO’~?usod 04 tillofwhstsorvst to
s ,Jlsnt,?zomwhloh judLpuooth8 spgmoltie toke+~.Anoddl-
8‘088L9Ia &oJAa~s waq ~88o88oll~ogdnst sppallant as his pm
nts’ 0i-t or the oxpmn808 for th8 sraond88n8tori81 prlmory.
Oork 1n.oo&tirlsa puostloas woin,prtaonted to the 8u ram Court
ngud the #olutitutlonellty or e*rklo ‘t‘tutu %+orrrd
The B6~.hel(L.'t&at tko-stotuto under ott‘ok was oon‘tltutloial
mad -aid~not oamworthe 0th~~queationa sub4ttod.
. ~.. Tours Ary truly