- 2.4:. ......* OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~onorrblm Jehm 1. Bmkmr cotmt~ 104ltor Lurr Couat~ P4rl4, T4244 Dmrr Sir: Tour mQur*t for OD 44~ftil~ 0044iaw0a by thir mpA44t 44 follou41 bn4worlng the tollowl rr SW t8x nbttor4 n rttorm~ lnL all bumr to take the trx * Court hrr nrithrr met or mndo oontrsot rlth l it hrr bcerl the pactlao of th0 ourt to thoroughly lnvertlgrta 411 umtmontoi Raok tex.8, penrltlrr Ai%ar run 1avertlgation Court ham in open oourt ma60 8 propar ortlmr rhowlng their nocawmidrtloa of sly rqurtmnt tber harm ooa8ldrr.d propar in thr *a- or property whlrh ~8 01) thr rrndrrd list. *Of oourmo a malt met br brought throw& th@ Dl8trlot Comt to rrttlr thbsa 04488 r&Orb the Pro- party 18 on thr rrndona llrt. Thl8 18 almwr 4 Bo4or4bl4 aohn t. IkLrr, Pm- P ltrlrtl~ Irlondlr 44lt dthoat 44y 404tawrrmy and 14 only 4 utter of form to oollrot tbo trx44 JUDtir 844 484 piO40 t.hO p?@pWtY 04 4 p4fia# k414. *Thr Coal44~onor4~ Coati h44 th4wnsor4 r0it 8t llbuty rplor ray npotmblm 14481 4ttOmo~ to to hmdlr thur 44r4410s41 rdtm. A qurmtlon ha rowtly born r414d 44 to thdr ruthorltt to do 01 will fiuthor rtmtm tb4t the Oom~J641044r4* Court prp 40 moapenrrtiom to thr 4ttornmT rho kb;l44 thn 04444 br war Oi oati8810~ or other- . vhr quo4tlo4 I wat to hrrr 444wroa 14 there ran 4a f0m~0t Vnaor the rMT4 01r4um4t44444 uy the C&a- 4lo44*8 Court 14 it4 dirrntlon 44plof rnr repu- t4blo load rttorfuy thy 444 rlt to rmplo~ for th. DIUDOU of brlnglng oroh OM of throo rnthmly fmfiai~ 44a rgr44C mu&t4 in thr Clmtrlrt court, or 14 it 4 arttar or rb44lute neorrm~t~ tlut th4~ make l Tu Coatrrot lr, writlag rltb on4 or mar0 10081 rttor44~4 to &4tilo thou 84ttor4.m Artlot 7 ))l sd 73354, t4rfma’m hnnot*toa T84.44 e;tll Gt4tut.4, naa 44 telloat *Art. 7315. 7691 Contnot rith rttornw Vhrnevorthr oo86kl44lonor4 oourt or ant oauoty rftar thirty day8 wrltton notlor to thr oounty 4ttornoy or aimtrlot rttornby to fll4 d*llnlymllt tax lultm WC hlr rdme to a0 40, 4h411 do er Itaeor44rr~ or lrpoairnt, *de oourt mar rontnrt rlth may aor@otont rttotnrr to on- foror or wrlrt 14 tha lntorOom4nt of th4 801144- ti04 or DDE 40ibp44t st4tO l46 0044tr tan4 tos 4 per oat on thr t4x44, lfidtr -a inw04t 401 tplll.f @01100toa, aad 441 g oourt 14 rurthor author- ima to pry for 44 4brtr4ot or p?OP4?tr 4480444d or unknown 444 unrondord tror the 08x88, laten8t and ponaltl to b oollorto~ on maoh 14444, but 411 muoh p nt an4 rrp4n4r4 4Iml.l k4 oaatlng4nt upM thr 001 Y4otlon of 4uah taxom, pOMltf and lntrn*t. Eononblr John S. &kor, P*ga 3 It 4hmll b4 the dutf Of the 04u4ty rttorrmy, or or the 4lmtrlrt lttorrm~, ware then la no ootmty rtt0?44~, t4 l atlvely lmD!mt my p4rron 81th *hue lU@&I oontmot 14 886e, by tlllng 444 pumhlng to a *prod7 ooarlorloa rll lultm Sor roll~otlon of dellw24at tmxm4, under my ooatmot Ma0 44 hero- in rbotr l BOOlflOal prorfaea the whew* ant dim- trlrt or oounty ltt4r44y shall rrll 6x rafoae to rile and Dto44OUt4 r o o blllltm l4 good r4itbh, ho tie11 not k lntltl.4 to 44 from thbrrrfrce, bat msoh fe.4 4h4n li4t4rth4l44# k 001~0Gt.6 me 4 Bert Of the 004t4 Of 4Uit lnb lppihd 04 tha ~a$- mont of the roap4nmrtlo4 lllorrd the attorney B l’OD~OUtiy the lUit, 444 th. lttor4.~ with da ruoh oontrrot h44 been ~rdr 14 hrnby fully am- powma and lotborl48~ to pro0048 in 4u0h roit4 without the joinder me 44414t~n0~ 0r dd 00tm or dirtrid tittornryr. hot4 2nd C.7. 1923, D. 3h Afit8 3rd CA 1923, p. 182. *Art. 71354. Delinquent tu rcatrrotr. "PO.. 1. So oontrrrt alull be aad* or lnt4r4a into by thr Ooralr410nrr4g Oourt in ronneotlon wlth the lolleatl44 of d*llnpumt trr44 *or4 tIm om- pnrrtl0n wklrr rwb ooatnot 14 8oro thmn rirtman par 04nt of the ukeunt eellrotb4. 94ia roctrmet rumt br $pp?~Tod by both thr CO4ptrOll@r lnd the Attorney U4nmnl of the Ptrta of TCIID, both 44 to rubrtanor end form. so+iaa hcwwer the County 4r flrtrlot httorno~ *hall not ZVOO~W 44 eaqwb rat104 ?or any *en1404 hr m4y rrndrr 14 00.300, tlon with tlx partormmor cb the oontraot or the taxer lo lla o tothrrrunbr. d -%o. 2. hny oontrrot rinee ln vlolrtlon ot thlm ah411 k told. Aot AOt4 1930, U4t he., 4th 0.!3., p. 9, oh. 8." ft 14 our opinion that the lbovm quotd 4t4tuk4 IN amx!ltory rnd rxoluslv~4nd that thr Co~4414a4r4' Court t44 n0 authorit to ocatrrot with 4n ltt0ra4y t0 oolloot a.- l.inpumt taxer f 4bor4 the oounty rttornry or dlmtrlct sttorn4r f4ll or rrfurr to oallrot drllnpurnt turns1 la ray aaamr oth@r th4!a thmt mmt out in tbr 4boto rtrtute4. %boo~tr4ot* 4m Xonorabk foh8 F. Nkor, ?a&4 b lob;rot to th e4pprOWl Or thr Attommy ~a~81 an6 the Cw trollor both 88 to robrtmm rod Son. All lo r r tmr4th tr or wplopnt Of rtbmmym for tha l01108tfon of drlinqornt age not in rontoralty with thb abow quotu? 4t4tot88 an . TradlJi& that thlr mtlr?rotorlly 8amwrm pu in- quiry, 8e era Vary trdly four4 L. J, hmnl4 A4414t4nt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion