. . .
. ..I
Eonorebh Molda Oeab~
Griml~l DlrtrlotAttorney
war air:
TOor nq0eat for 0 rooelre6a06 OUT*-
iully oonri6~r.4by thir 13 0otr rFm your Fe.
q0*rt aa f011ow:
bootdl rrslr Proalaot
Tramtee, alro holh
Inoltlb~ the h&110& OT all
BohoolMetrfat, aa r&l a#
ia ~rftosa~nCouat~ known a8 L&n* 3UniorColla(pr
-'kob et the aen rroeitriQa.00prr day rol:
the tloe spentat aestladg ef the Ibard,en&or
Article 8457.
*lillyou ploao*&ve w forv O~inlonao
to rh+thorOr &ot thaw -II& ot oithu ofthr,
Sohml Trootea ta
as-0 httlding offioo08 Cotuxt]r
tiolatl00 OS Artlele 18, 8hotioru 38 and 40 ot
tho Teum Coaotitution?*
Artiolo 16, ii)oottcm
40, Vexa8 Qmotitutiea,rue8
la pnrt a0 Sollowm
T& puoea shalt hold or~etuoloo at tha
up 0ta m,-
~ lrris0 or
0~ 8itii aoh-
Neat. . . **
Variour uarptiotao, Luterhl hue, arm provfbd
fo rlo th is
Qao osrioe or cou0t.y
ekhoslTrImtee18 080 of Ilblu-
rat. toram'a ¬ate4
(5eaArtlalot(UtQ, Turn e&v&l
stotutoo. )
You state %a your &etter t&t &. Abbey OM et the
W8t~8ehoolTrwt~m aloo hofd8tbl,oftisoofjuh~~oo~-
Collootoror the Port kthur Xadqwwat plahool Dlatriet.we
aooao frompur tittert&t thl# i8 aloo an offfoaof lm~lo-
Nut. If this lmumption be aorlrot it i8 our opiaton thot
Bkotlon4@ of Artialo16 oi wqBtrt@ CkmtlttMoa prehiblto
~.Ab+oo trow bold- thi38s ta O+Pto OS a&amont at tbo
Artisle 16, BootInn 33 of owz State Constltu$lon
reads In part de Tallwor
Tr h co r ~ea o tl0tt0g
o ffio era?o thfo mate lh nll
ndthocdr ew tsa pay
r a wa r ma t
a a gthse 4 Tnrarury
I0fevo or fe0y puooa, Se xsalmy o r o o up ua o o -
an aefimt,
tien oftlneror appolatse,prpabold8
ct the mm8 tian any otha otfllos or position oi
honor, wuot or yr4fits,under t&l8 stats or the
United&ates, esoe;Et aa prrooribed in tbio Coa-
IOU aat* in your lottor thrtxr. 5oint0ott, oar or
I# a taacbw at M
the CountyWho01 TPrurtero, JTunior Col-
Ifispocritloa as & teoollui* olwrl 0ot an oirioo,
!i.attoa40 of ArtuGti16 oi Orrr~'FOnolri
r:utlon~w0ukd not
It 18 our oplnloa tbrt Beotisa 3s oi Amttalo16
or our Sbrti Con8titcrEion ia nat ;app&%eablo
to ,thlolitwtloa
b o o duo
a 0lOoo o nn~i~~.o oifTtd~
$ & ,,& to ‘dn o t+ woorp y o
00 th e 8Ute
l r r na t Tr o 00u q Sit ir r y r o f Lfr r B & ntmtt
aad am
4 tho ltfft~too
toi aad tho poaltiep of toaohalr ia.tho Luar Jualor Collypr.