. 1
HonorableL. A. wood8
state superintendent oi Pub118 In8truotlon
h8tln, Texa8
Honornble L. A. Woods, page fi
e. 'prod&d, hormwr, all rahool di8triat8
OOniolming t0 OQUAty Pnit 8r8t6Bh Of bU38-
porktlon and noelrlq no 0th~ typa of
8&a, either tU%tlOn Or 8&m, 8.d 008tpri8-
big tbrw 8OMOudrtOa di8-
tX'i8t8 OM (60) 8qwe 8u88
or mow of ukd mplo~lzq three
(6) or DQM 108# -8 thrp 8UOh 8OhOO1
di8tXiOttWObs~~UOtrTO~d POrnit
may reoelvo trampartatlon a%& only on l
tr nn8p o r ta t1 Qn.smd&et need tberefor
OP ttw bU18 oi IhO S!) per month
m81dO tT0
. ,
Honorable L. A. Woods, pa@ #S
Irtiob x of the rural da bill 18 latitl8a %r.mI-
BIZZi7 FOR AID.a &kth 1 Or brtiOl0 1 ~~868 P8 fOu0~8~
In opinion llo.~:O4708me beU %hat a8 tba ooholaetla
pQpU&tiOEI Or tbs 8ah001 di8trleb p p dr OOMidOXWt~On
r l*o eedd
fionorable L. A. wOOd8, pale #r
th0 popilrtbn utaltrtion 0r Beotfon 1, the 8ahaol U8trfet
dl4 not uot thm eligibility requlxtaont8 oi Sootion 1. 9!hb
raot di8qUdurid th8 80hOOl di8triOt t0 re001m did WUi
'Lthtt it OU8 rithh the ten88 Or a 8peOu gyOd80 8t8~3dkg
rnblaollyrithour ru.llq 111OplnlQn Yo.04706,lt
i0 OUF f8ldh.F @llbn tblt 8ohOO1 dl8triOtr rhioh OW’W%thb
the temeoLT~the'rlr8t mbreo above quoto4 m-8 8m ineugi-
ble te+welva equalls8tlonald al088 auoh ~Mh0oldl.atrlot8
nnt tb *
lll&bllltr roquix-mon t8 0r seation a, ~Aw.cl8 -1,
1trighbbo argued thatth8rord8 'am aboreliritatlanr
PPd.re*tdotbn8 alall
not app3f appmrln8 in the rb8t quato
:pwvu~ (wtm.0 Ilr).mold free.a 4u8triat~irar~+km~neo8881ty 0r
asee- tbo @maral +li&billQ m@m~,,*t'&tlole:X"Wo
tW.nkitolomthtmohwoz~8 apply only totbo lblktiw urd
rwtrlotloru.0r Artlele xv uhon it pre8oribor th4 ama6.ltlon8un-
dejpRble&maltlon'uddllbe granted. ml8 booaE88 apparent,
Ronorrble L. A. Woods, page #6
%ae. 86. m &&$8ldUPO 8m IlOt, OXOept
.8 othrri8e provided $3 th.b COMtitUtiOn, p&88
uty laenl or 8p8ola.l hu, nuthoritlngr
qi4+gatmg th8 dfd.88 0r 00mie8, 0itfe8,
M,WFd8 OF 8&501~18triOt8~
m ok~i8810.~~0f49eale tithe ~84 0rmt~c0dy
v. sy lh lt.a l..97 6. 'II.(f36 467, nu48 th0 r0u08ing 8tae-
8bMt OOllOOZdZU this OOMtitU b%0X& 9rOV181oPC'
An6~Bllprue Oourt la tb oa8e 0r Xlller 4t aI. v.
Nl m Oaw* I.60 8. T. (84) lOO0, h86 the tollwlng to say
about mot&cm $6 of etlo,h nm
wn purpow 0r thl8 ooa8tltutlolnl lmhlbltlan
WdMt ibe WlMhUt Or bQd. Or 8peOiP1 k-8 18
l WhOb8W Wa 'It%8 int0Xid.d toPrOWttb
rAuo;r p00%8&pi~gb8rrd tQ UOUWUId-
v ti&m@wutthe state u r8.r a8
po881 x4" xt 18 S& bb&t et M -17 pr,iod itI
mug 0r L 8tate8 tb8 .prutlee 0r sluating 8pial81
4a4 lOOti 2.~8 beomu *m~etflalent man8 for th8
m y lxmetment 0r law roar the aarmoemnt of per-
e~~~UwtherthanpubUo latere8t8,maen0oura~ed
IIonorable L. An. Mods, pcrge #6
the rsprohaxulbla raotloe of trading an&
~i~grolaig.~ * u r0r the 8uppre88lon
Or 8U0h pXUOt%OeS t&t 8Uah a p0ti810a -8
UhptOd %Ii thi8 U&d II?84 Or fb8 Oth8r ‘GIL
0r the mai- s6 R.o.L., p. 880, 8e0,
ip it8lOB81UBiOU8 tQ th f l
Yory truly your8