’OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xonorablr George B. Shq~rd Com~trollora? X'nbllo Aaoounts Alatin,Tetar Dear Sirt ,.-.' this Departmenton the control Boa?4 rug be wed by It8 ror.aam0 out of out OS the Coniisaatsd Liquor yun4. or'a0uMo, tha tlover- 0118 are mrely to ba loaned to the ~plOJ808, not &iVM to than. to give the,ooverallr,to tha maployoe Or to per- mit their use by the aaployae for hi8 private pur~IIe8, would effsot a gnnt ol publia prsport~ not authorlmd by law. The questionof puroharingartlolrsa? woating 'appkl deomd neoousaryto tba aooompll8hment d the work of the Dqwtsmt is oao pr$marSly addreared to tbo dlr- orotlaaot the head Of tha FtloulaFideparat. Ualess thon 18~a ~$alpabloand arbrtrrw abuse of dImoratlarithe dool8lon of the department hoad-shouldaOt bo set de. 'l&etest of the valldit~ ot mmh rOha8W i8 rhothor the1 aso rw80Mbl~ nOoos8~ tta9ttror the E&ate*6 purposo8; if u), tha taot that q IaoldwMl pmmml benotlt mat lo o r wto tb l81plo~o~wUl not no&o the lxpaadltu~ oao fOF priVates nthor thta DnbllO, g\rrp08or.It Irr~anfa- plated that the employrem o? the Stat0 8hoold prevlda tbam- 8elvuwIththo ordIna~aad \uadl artlolea ofrearIng appazolt tbo8r aanaot be tusnl8hed by tha Depwtaonts wlwa lxproasly luthorIao6 by tbo LmgIrlatun am a mrt or the omplo ..*a,wmpeawtlw. But ll=tIoles of WarIag apparel pooPIlarl;laooea8arytar t3.maooompti*hmont of the work at the Stats MJ, as above lndbatad, be pumhar- ad by the Department. APPROVEDJm 12, l942 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF T.-E&is
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion