B ._ . . . . 3 , OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN lWAWC.“AN” . . lnwaaY O‘IWI. HmesPber I+ 19k2, ru tioas 7 aa4 9 in oar our neon~a*ratl4 slt.h&ma and this -. ,i.; Two types of etatutoe are fo be found pertaining to the oreation of privste Oorporatlonat (a) statutes authorlg- in@ ths oreation of eoorporatioas for etated ~~rpoaes, and (b) statutes presoribfw the meohanlam fir sffeati~~ the incorpora- tion. Prior to the paaeag@ of ~~rtiole 1302a, :je6tlon57 of .-- Artfole 1302 cuthorimd the inoorporetion of title fnnurano~ eoc~plpanieeand the provision8 of Chapter 2 of Title 32, R. C. s,, proerrlbod the moohanlem therefor, with Artiohe 4699 and 47,700 enterbig n4t at all into their sreatlon. Seotion 23 of Arti- ale 1302a removed seation 57 of Art1010 1302 a8 en authoriaa- tion for the orentlon of sueh eomppaniee, bnt with oertaln ex- ~optiione (6. $. rjscrtions 2, 6, 8, 10 mad 121 hrtlole 1302a did not $arport to alter the node br whloh ewh ompanies are ore- If Legislature the had intended that euoh 0omp6niee ~~~forth wqloy the msahanlem of Artieloa 4699 and 4700 it 8.8~ reasonebls to a&sum that 10 rotid hate sxplioltly Lb provided. In the abeenee of euoh a provision oa~polllng be- ofamoethe aonoluelon that the general aorpora&n laws ofmtlnuo ti9govern the creation 0r title lneurfinoo ompaniee insofar ae they arm not inmmeleteat with the l xplioit provielone of Art- iolo 1302ar It will be notlord that by virtue of Seotion 8 of Artlale 13028, the Baird of Ineurenoo Commieeionere is +a&- ed with the duty of filing the charter8 of suoh eafqmniee o6nesqnentlJr, whenever appropolato,the Board is to be aui eti- tuted for and to aeeum the dtltilbeof the irclorotary of Stata in effeetlng the proriniom~ of Chapter 2 of Title 32. This oonalorritm nmkae iqoeeible the appllaatfon of hrtlolee 4705 and 4706 to title inaunlooe ootnpaniae~ oonsc qaentiy, iiueetion Bo. 7 %a tmaered in the nogatlre. To hold othsllusiss would be to eay that tlt1o Inour- anee eompaniermast iaveet part of t&lr aeeets aoaorbing to Artlola 1725 (per Sootlen 6 oi Artiale 13026), tbat they may imeet m.rt of their oapital etook in an ebstraet plant, that thsy must invast the remainder er their capital stools in the it- enumerebod br Artiole 4705 that they must invest thalr surplus aooordi~ to Artiole l+7& and, flr~ally, that they mat invest their prsnium reswvoe ae~tlding to btfole 4725 (per :*otlon lo of Art&ale 13021~). Such segregation and ear- narking br assets would be well nigh l;nPosslble to sstablleh and al&ala and nould result ifi the Tegdfation Of the in*@&- manta of these oompnies to an extant far +waaCsrt&en 3.8 &ma with life and eesualty insuraaoe ooinpeni~~. 3isoe title is- surenoe :a ouwaotiy bmwn to be a type of lnauranoe ln rhioh HonorabLe 0. PI Loakhart,~ Ghairrman, Paga 3 the risk of lose is very anall and in whloh the pramIume are very large In aoaparlson 4th lose p-to, It Is unlikely that tha Legielatura intended euoh a high degree of regulation. . . Mareavar, it is oom63onkncnuledga--and Artiole 1302a epeoiiloally rseognfzes-that aarupanlsa doing a tit3.a Inaur- snoa bueineee oonduot many addltlooal aotiritiea. Moat of theee addItIona notlvities, if standing alone, rould not be ragulated by the State. If Artiolee 4705 and 4706 wore to be lmpoeed on these eoqmnlae, these aotititiee ae wall ae the title lneunmoe business would be eubjeoted to extreme regulatlon. It aeama reasonable to believe that the Legi- laturs Intended that the rsserves e5tablIehad by ssotloae 6 and 10 oi Artiale 1302a should isolate a portion of the aeeets of theee o~paniee for the proteotlon of the holder8 of title Ineurknoe peliolee, and that tha ramfader of such aeaeta should be rree and unencumbered for uee In the other aotivl- tie5 oi euob otapaaleer 1IInally. our oonolusIon is etremgthaed by the es- kbllebed praotioe of your department. Although pour orIgIna opinion requeet aekad *. * . %a our oonetruotIon oorreot that (Artlole 1302al me&e8 the provIeIoneoi Artlola 4705 applioa- ble . . .I rour let&jr oi iGore!nber 4th atatee that you have never ocmsidereQ Artloloo 4705 en4 4705 applioable ts title lneuranoe osmpaales and that say 1atImatIon to the sentrary la your orIginal letter was *erroneoueand iaad+ertentw. Aa- aepting your met reoglt letter a5 eabodpl~ a oornet etata- losnt of your departrmntal praotloe, It Is aignifloant that during the thirteen yearn einoe the passago of Artilole 13026 the Legielature has never sawn fit to questlon or to alter your praotloe. 9uoh an aetabllahed. oonstruotltm whan ooupled wIt& aelaplete Leglalati*e eilenoe and, praeuniablr, aoquloe- oenoe lends weight to the opinion above axpreeeed,, ;Zn,etion fzo. 9 In Opinion Blo. 0-4587 wsu aopleb tram your su;.plementsl ra;luest for oplnlfm and reads ae followar *In studying the sOhsdtis 0r e5eets aoooa- panyfw the affidavit of the inwrpomtare, whloh asset5 will be tenderad in paymant of o.apital etook and surplus (b&ore aotual fllln& the ohar5er wi31 probably be rewritten sa tie to divide theee a5ueB6 up into a mfnimum of ~100,000 capita.2 stook and $5,000 au~lue) wo observe t&t tha aaseta are af- firmatlvsly dI50105ed to ambrace (a) fee titles to Iimoreble 0. 3. Lookhart, Ghdam&n, PW3e 4 roe1 eatate, (b) real estate purohaee oontrerote, and (0) notes or other sohetary obligationsae- oured by rlret lfen upon reel e&ate, 8~ of all , .three of whloh are loocitedin the State of IZew Sexloo end some i!::the Stata of Texas. Of oourae, before either atmrteringor llaensfne,this Company, this Departmentwill disohergo its responsibility of detar?airzi~whether or not thatassets so llsted in the eoheduls to the ai'fidavit&re actually valid fee tiblee, real estate purohaaseoontraota ehd obll- &etIons eeoured by first liens upon reel estate, ar?i!tho ioautioh thereof (whetherin Texae or New %exLoo) and the value thereof. Sut, for the purpoee of detarmIniu$ the legal elirsibility of the various olasses of assets so tendered In payment of the au- thorleed oapital atook and the eurplue funds whioh may be set u;linitially in lncorporatirdthis Com- pany, we ask you to amwer spebiflcallgthe folleu- ln,gquestions Ln addition to those mopouhded here- tofore, regardless orwhether you hold Artlolee 4705 and 4706 applioable,or whether you holo Art- lole 1302A or some other article or artiolea af the at&&es a~)glioabla, wItArefcrer;oeto the in- -vestment of the oaplte.1 arti surplus Amds ljf tiiis Company; Are foe title.9to ret31estate situated in Ye% ell,yibleto be received In noymnt of the oepital stool,funds of this Company? '53 . Cm Tee titles to real estate outside of I'exnsbe reoei~ved in p!lyr;lent of capital stook of t&is hmpsr.y~? V. Can fee titles to real estate In Texas be aocepted in pnyuent of aurplun fuui?sof thla GOElQW$? "3 Can fee tItlei to real estata outs&do of of surplus of this '1'emwbi aoce2ted in pn;rLlent Company? "Es. Can real eatate QUrOfMie OontlYiOt8 UWSl real )ropertf in Texas be aoospted in pa~wt Of oapital stoc, of this Sompe~? Eonosablo 0. P. Lookhext, fihalm, Peg* 5 “P. Can real r&ate puroherre oontmeta upon t-1 property sltunted ootsldo OS Texas be sooept- ed in payment or oapftal atoek o? thla Company? I . *a. Ccc real e&&e purohass oontrriate upon property in Terser be aoooyted in payment car mm- plus or thfe Conpany? *Ii. Can real estate purohane crontraets upon real property outside of Texas be aooepted in pap mont ot surplus or tblo 0ompeuy? “1. Can notes or other aonetary obllga6loxm oeoured by flrsrt lieno upon real eatate in Toxea be reo@lVed In payment bf aepitel etook of thir ~on?panjl "J. Can notea or abhor obli&ations rwurod by firat llcnr upon real e&eta eltoated outsid* bs noolted In payment ot aapital atook of T~JRLII or thi6 COIWBQJT % Urn notes er other obligatlone wowed by ntlel lleiicl upon real ootetr dtlueGo4 ln %wwl be reoslred In papant of surplus of this Compenfp Can not&r aad other obligations seaumd by Xl::; liaw upon real 8stato slteetod outadd. of Toxne be roooirod in paymod of tha mrplur oi thLs Coup?' %o do not attempt to answer subdiridona X, IT 0, and El term Veal sitwe tkm eetate purohees 00ntra&8w JOal not Q1te this departma& sufrllelont feobl upon which to hew en opinion. Alao M are dlsrsgaraiag the phraao “or otiwr mnetery obllpatlone* oonteined in su$dlvlsiona I, J, K end L, beomae muoh phraoe is too indefinite to be the bar18 Qf M opltion. The protlaion~ in the genowl odap~mitlon Iawn reletlve to the wsaipt of property for oapital 8teOk em four@ In Article 1308r "Ax% 1306. (1125-1126911273 Cepfkal &oak.-- Ekfore bhe aherter of a ptlvete oo?poration omated ior profit can be tiled by the S;sOfe~ry of %ate, 1 Honorable 0. P. Lookhert, ChaIracm, Pago 6 the full amount of itr authmised oapltal stook must be in good faith subaorlbed by It.s Dtockholderrr end fifty per Cent thereof p&Id in aash, or its squiva-. . . lent in other property or lnbor done, the produot of wblcb shall be worth to the cmpeny the aotual value at whloh it was taken or et whiah the property wacIr0oeim34. The afTldavlt of tihoar who exeeuted the absrtcr shal.l be famishad to the i>earetery of Stats, ahawlngr *1. The news, resldonoe and poatof'fioe ed- dress or eaah eubsorl8er to the aepltel atook ot suoh oonpauy~ “2. Th8 amount 8nbrorltmd by eaah, end the aaouat paid by @+a&~ “3. T~Q each value of any property reoeirrU, p,i~inaits desorlptlen,location end from whm end the pAor at whloh It war .noalred; *4. The amount, ahemotor end value or Ubor done, tron whom,~aad prloe et whleh It we$ reoeived, (Aotis 1901, p. 18; Aote 189 , p. 192; ziote 1907, p. 309; 0. L. *ol. 10, p. 246.,I ” It ~$11 be notiwd tlmt this etatute eslploye the word “propertyR without ettmptlse: to 8peoiSy psmlsalble kinde of property. Bcwstm’, Artials8 1359 @md 1360 p~‘@Vide: -.Y+ *Article 1359. (11751 Condltlon8 oi purehaee.~ .’ Eo private ooxporntlon @hell be pomitted to pu+ obase any lands under any proolalon of this ohapter, anlese the lands .RO ,ptarQhaae4 am neoossary to 8~ able suoh oorporatlon to be, bualnes8 in tbls Xato, or exoept where:s?lohland 1s purohased in due 00~Wae of busisess to ~eouxe thr payment of debt. (A&8 Ig93, p, 36; Aota t897, p. 48; 0. 2. vol. 10, 19. 466, 1102.) - aArtlala 1360. (11761 Sale of surplua.-4ll prIvat,s aorpomtlons eutborleed by the Lawa of Terna, ti.0 do bueinese in this %ate, wt.otie i4.n purpos* 16 not the aoquisltion ox cmnrsshlp oi’ lands, tiubieh have or my aoq,ulre by lome, purohssa OX!otherwlso lionorable 0. ?. LdthWt, Ohhaim, %ge 7 &ore iand thnn is MlsessiHuy to enable thm to on their bu#lnese, ahell, withsn fiit8Oll oarry y0ers Proa the date said iana araybe aoguir8a, 1 *in @me faith sell -8 UonVey in f88 siDlple all 1enEa so aaqulrsd whicrh am not neaeesary far thn twnnaction of their buainesa.n And Artiole 1364 dealarea t&t: “Art. 1364. (1160) E88heat pm000aingO.- All oorporetiona holding l~da ooctrary to the ~rotialons of this law oball hold the lame sub- fsot to forfeiture alta amheat prooeebinge. The Attorney General, or any dlstriot or oouaty et- toraey, when either of them haa roaaon to beliers t&at any oorporation is holding land8 fn viola- tion or tale law shall iLnetltute suit in the name oi the State 0r Ln*, in Tray18 Couatp, or In mf oounty in Texas where muoh Borporation mar hare aa agent, or fn any county whore anr part OS the laml ianr be SittuRt8a, againat auoh oorporation, a@ 58 provided for the em&ant at eat&er, or a0008i8di persons Uping dthout devise thereof and havi helm. (Act& 1893, p. 36~ 0. L, nel.. 10, p. z6ya In the oa8e at Campbell v. %a& 35 S. W. (24) 9) (Cam. App.), the oourt raldt V@r many years it haa beea the eetabliahed polior of our stets to prohibit oorporationm, wiQh oertain exceptlone, iron! aequlrlng land. . . It fs true, a6 argued br the plalntirfs In. error, that if the oorporatioa has oonmunimted the deal by acquiring the lasida no oae oouk? hey8 questioned lte title sxoept the 8tat8.w We oe~ find no law requiring the refusal of a oorporato aharter bsoeusts a portion of its oepltal etook haa bsm purah&ued with realty uhioh ths corporationis not authorixed to ho&l. In aooordanoe with the language of the above case, we feel that the aoquisftlon or such property my only be questionedby the State through es&eat proaeedlfqs uuder ArtioZe 1364 and, in an appvpriets case, through q&tra rims prooeadlngs. It wllf ruther be notloed that Article 1306 doe8 not ayeo$fy that grope&y 80 rrooived &all be looatsd within Honorable ;I.7. Lockhart, Chairman, Pa@ 8 the state. 'onse:~uerMy we enswer subdivisions A, 3, C, and r? of .&astion140.9 in the afr~rmatire. -. . For tht roaaOm above state9 and f3r the additional reasorithat private oorporationaare mder uo disabllltywith respeot to aoc',uirkgand hdding r,otas oeaurod by first ilens upon realtp, subdivisions I, J, E EudiL or 2leotionHo. 9 are also answered I.Bthe afflrmatioe. Trusting that the r0rbg0ia fully answrs your fn- quiriee, we are , R. Ceaab?aorhud Asielstsnt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion