OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eoaomblo Charlar 3. mstla c0mf huaftor Barri a County Kanhall, Toxa~ Dear 8lrr :~ ; .:: of 7oar latter rm- plmmtlag our opinioa l the Sol%ow: d. lr the Cwuatq ea 8ut .ar the gem- uount mott4 0) Doll8ra par *so o?rloor of thb stat. or say orriorr of an7 diatrl6t, oounty, oitr, pmolnot, lohool dietriot, or other aunidpal ou$dlri8lon OS thi# Stata, or ary offtier oc mlmbor of an7 . Honorable 0h.rl.o R. Idartin, Page 1! Ststs, dl.trlat, aamty, olty school dl.trlot or other munlolp.1 board, or hldf:.of an7 oourt, orrted by or uadu authority or any -. goneral or rpo.l.1 law of thi8 W&m, or any maaber of the &giol.tar., lbll .ppolnt, or rots for, or oonflrn the .ppolntmmt to ~47 offlo., pomltloa, .lerkOhlp, 0mpl12y1~01&or duty, or soy person rolatod dthin tb r loooad dopoo by lftia lt7 or within thr thkd da&r80 by ooaungulnlty to tho person 80 appointi- or so vatin& or to an7 otbu.maab.r or my au&h board, the Logfolotora, or oourt of rhleh ouoh person 00 0ppoi.d~ or rOtin& rq ba a mozbac, whw the salary, I..8 'or oolupanution o r lah ly p o lnte6 1. to ba paId for, dlr.Otly or indir.otlr, out df 0~ rrcm pub110 rw0 or reeo of orfloe of any kind or chareotu whataoever.a The other lrtiolor referred to~prtioubrire oartala ottloero a@ eoriag within the prwiolon. .f the aepotioa 1.~8, donounos evasion of nepollom by trading, prohibit approval .f lllog.1 aooou.tO, prooorlb. puni8hment for vlolatlou aml lELL+ uato outaln oxooptl ens . The quoted ktiole +Se 18 the 014 one Uaeaod partlnont to your inquiry. Troiu a r.adlna of the aDdioable statute it la ob- OUV~~ that the offenSe~OoMlStO 'o't igiolntlnu. *oting ibr or oonfirsln the appointaoat of a ~roorr r.1at.d rlthi th iiFimd d.rrr.a ot r.latlon.hl.r Actlol. sell!.. .:ot&l si.1. kor.anqo Anno
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion