Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

'TIXJCATI-OIZNEY GENERAL OF ‘%-EXAS Hon. Homer P. Rainey,President Universityof Texas Austin,Texas Dear Sir: OpinionNo. O-4555 Re: Form of oath requiredby Section 2, Senate Bill 38, Acts 47th Legis- lature. We have your letterrequestingthat we preparefor.you a form of'affidavit meetingthe requirementsof Section2, Senate Bill 3, chapter617, Acts RegularSession 47th Legislature,which sectionreads as follows: ‘Sec. 2. Exemptingforeignvisitinginstructors. refugees and ppliticalrefugeesfrom conqueredcountriesfrom the' prapfsionsset out in Section1 of this Act,~andproviding that such foreignvisitinginstructors, refugeesand political refugeesfrom conqueredcountriesshall file an affidavit,cm form to be prescribedby the AttorneyGeneralof the State of Texas, stating,among other things,that they are not members of the Communist,Fascistor Rasi Parties,nor members~ofaqy Bund, or any affiliatedorganization, and furtherstatingthat they will not engage in any un-Americanactivities,nor teach any doctrinescontraryto the Constitutionand Laws of the United States of Americaor of the State of Texas.“ We prescribethe followingform to be used for foreignvisitinginstructors coveredby~section2 of the Act: *The state Of Texas county of Travis "Beforeme the undersignedauthorityon this day personally appeared who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath says: "My name is . I am a citizenof a countryconqueredby the Axis powers. I am a visitinginstkctor in the Universityof Texas. Hon. Homer P. Rainey,President,Page #2 O-4555 "I do solemnlyswear that I sm not a member of the Communist, Fascist,and Basi Parties,or either of them; that I am not a member of any Rund or of any organizationaffiliated with a Bund or with the Hasi, Fascist,and Communistparties,or either of them; that I am not employedby nor do I serve in any manner the Communist,Nazi, and Fascistparties,or either of them. "I furthersolemnlyswear that I will not engage in any un- Americanactivitiesand that I will not teach any doctrine contraryto the Constitutionand laws of the United States of Americaor of the State of Texas. "Sworn to and subscribedbeforeme this day of A. D. 1942. Rotary Public,Travis County, Texas." Yours truly ATTomEYGEltEmLOFTEXAS 8/ R. W. Fairchild BY R. W. Fairchild Assistant APPROVED APR. 27, 19&' s/ Grover Sellers FIRST ASSISTAliT A APPROVED OPIRIOR COMMITTEE BY B. W. B. ctHAmwAu