Ronorebla 7. F. lfahwld, Comiarlontir
Qepa+twent or tgriaulture
hwtin, ?LWxas
D4sr Slrt
to whether a aertala p
b4 1101at114 or thr
lr th e
no o p tio no f th enetho
a 8fo llmit ‘R o in-
9 r o p 880to fo r ma
lo g e g r ic ultur aQen-
e pro&oer, rr*olllng
partier will oontact’ thr
sor tbs purahao* of tho
ruek to aoeopt drlin~,
e agreed prloe upmt rroelpt at the
c be ardfnmlly made bg aheok,
61 the l.sngth of tha Agrlaultunl Aet
referred to above (hrt. 1@3l-1, V4rnoa*4 &a. t%tpt., uupre),
~4 shall not sat a8m out in till, but. @hall attapt to
g$ra tkc ruhst4noe thermof as te the msttsr8 before us.
psrlohablr rruito and vogekblro, whether as * ooodosion
m~robont, dealer, broker or 80 agent. me comEiooioMr of
&piotitun io ohargod with the no9onolbil.ttf of gmntlng
er n?wlng 1i04n040, and approving or rsjwtiw th4 bondo.
Thmt offloial ir giv4n broad 4a4 getnml powon for tba
lforoemmt of the liot. In addition to the 1104no40 4nd
bond r4qulxwl, oort4in psnal provlolon0 ar4 dlroot4d to
thr prw?ntlOn of tnUd asid ia104 mpxwOuhtion8 by a li-
04no.4. One is guilty of a mlodemaaor wha loo~~o or at-
to mp tr to so t OS l o0~8looioa mmrohmat, Uo414r, broker or
4g4nt; without 4 llo4noo.
7244 Aot d4fin40 the por8oao or whon llaanoeo lro
l'4quil-d %Q th4 ?O~~in~14~~Ot
“lb0 tom *oamIoA3n mrrohant* moan4 4ny.
DM8OZi who shall nOoiv4 On oonoi(lrm4nt OT
lolloit from the produooro thomo? w iann
prmluot within the tams of this Aot for @a10
on ootwlooloa on bebelt of tbi8 pro&terr, or
who obll lo o o pwt fa sroduot lntmmt fr a r
tho produoer then& ?or tii l purpooa of romlo,
o r wh o lboll l*ll or off4r ror sale on ofmnlm-
*Ionenr ram produet, or who rballin ulr war
hra&leior th4 lo a o ua to f, o r 80Nt o f,the
prodwor thoroo? say iam pro&at.
*The tam *dolor* mwno any wruon other
th u nlooalooion norohoat who for the porpooo
OS rmoalo at whol4oalo obkrlno ??a the pm-
auour thrnof po0040010n OT oontrol of MT f4m
produot, sxoopt by payment to t;ha produoor, at
the tlmo o fobtaining luah 00440010~1 or ooa;
trol, a? the full agreed prs 04 a? 8uoh ow-
"The tom *broker* me&no lny p4roon 4119
gaged in th4 busimoo of ooliaitin& or nrga-
tinting t&4 Sal. Of any fan proauot.
-'ibr ton *aqout* meam ray poroon who
on behalf of la~ oommlsrlon morahant, or doal-
or, or broker, r404iv40, oontrwb~ iOr, or
oolioito ury ranaptoduot rror-a produtter then-
of or who mgoti4t48 t.hs oon8fgqaent or paw-
oh444 of eny fan produot on behalf of any OO-
mission merobant, d&alar, or brokar." (Sub-
diVi#iOlu "Or t0 "h", S4tO..a Or th0 AOt)_
Xononblo J. E. A'olRuul6, Fe@ 3
while the lo t
lp4olfio4lly provld4o that the
we af th4 word wporoott* lnolu6oo not 0a.l.~M
but ~pmtn~roblp, fla; oorporatlon, oompanf or looool~-
tion,- wq have aonoludsd thet tb4 lo tlvltlaofo the mrt-
n4r4hlp lIIet&o6 in your lrtt4r tla not ooma wfthln tbr
abovo 6oflaltlono.
Wo iloo dlmot your lttmtion to Soetloa 6 oi
th4 hot, as follaw8t
"'&m tens OS thi8 &et ahall lpplr onll
to the lbx80 oitrw Fruit zoae, aa Uld 8rM
is aofltmtl in (ketioa1 of Ifgp(l0Bill Ho. b8S,
chapter55C,Con*nl~wa of 'hxm, Regular
S.##lOn Irort~-84oOs(tO#iOl~tUrr,, urd ahal
not apply to an) othrr 8eotlOn oi the Strto.a
We Irt4nno4 to Chapter s of,th Conmrd Xaw8
of tho fort -nooM LI(Ilol~tulr la lrronoow; the o8ptlon
o r th a laro 1105 bl3.l rotloot the oomet roto~8na~,beins
chaptera,(w)oi the aaw rrooion how. Bouro Ml1 fo. 555,
grinto&-asOhaptor 550 4ofinoo thr Tuua Oltsua ?ruit 20~
to b4 008D00.d of the $OUtttiU Of ~W4Ul, WilhOt, Bib&O,
l3krr, lap0ta. 7ln Ii-, Brooks, Konedf, Xlob.r& E@404B,
Jim Wmlla DuVal, Wabb, San F8t?lolO, iMf&$iO, -0, LiVO
Okk Vdloa La Sal14 Dihit Ywarioll Z.mrla, ?rlo
Jdoon W11~0* &&, Im dt, VlotorL, Qollad,cd-
Your lottvsAOOO not lndl04tsWlt4tbr the pro-
pond Lubbook Ooutttr~riiarnht~ will oD.nte in My o?
th4 &ova norA oowtl48. fr it dwo aot , it 11 our opia-
ion that nom of the prov~olo~ of the ‘ham hgrlolrltwcrl
Fmtrot$vo rot ( hctlOl0 1~301-1, Veraoa~o Aan. Civ. atit.,
lupm) OOUM qlply to tt.
YOU do aot r4?4r to UAJ other rtatutu than tho
one herein Afoouo.A,aaA our aamrt0 /OW ia@rl :*
llult~d lo o o r dlng g l~
oft .
them qm other ltatutoW PtoVl-
oio~ you wish us to bavooti@e, kindly ko aA*loo me
Yours vary truly
5mERhL OF 211Kh3