l .’
Toxen Docrd of Fhsrmoy
911 Induracoo Euilding
Dello S,~&SCS
Texas Eocrd or Phorrracy,Paso 2
cation to tho Do3rd fipona ron to be furnln!lcd
- I by said Doard, cottlnrJrorth uador c&h o:;nor-
ship and loo&.on, and the ncne, witlltho cm-
....-. tlrioato nunbar, of tho phamxlst rqistarcd
in this 3tato, or physiclen,doatfst,votcrl-
nar’ianor ohiro~ot13t W?IOis to be coatlnaotis-
ly onploycd by the phamxy or druz St.02oor
factory, provided thrt the Board may in its .
diooretion refuse to ~ssuc saoh pz;lt to such
applicant anloss rurnlchod klth satisfactory
proo? that said aDp,llcant113cng,o(sod in the
. buslnuss of conduotinG a pharmacy, drug cto:oo
. or raotory ror the purpose 0r EiStlUicCtUing
dru&s; provided further t&titst any t&e after
tho lesucncs of n psmit by the Eoz~d to suoh
. appllmnt, the Gourd my revoke or ccmoal the
pemlt Mhen aati3lactozy proof hes been pm-
souted to such Doazd that said pomlt holder
1s not oonductlcl;a bone fide phemucy or drng
I store. The pcmit prov~ldadfor horein ‘ohall
bo issued annually~,bythe Doard apon a receipt
of proper'appllccW,one~cceo&nlodby e foe of
!?wo~Dollaro($2)jT%hispm&t to b3 displayed
conoplouocclyut al.1t&es in thq cto?o or
factory of ori~ins1.Is3ue. Dvcry pozeoa,
rim or cozporctlon desiring to opon 8 WN
phamacy, drug'store, or.faotory shell procure
the portit before uentiolp3d,.bcrore cozeno-
: lng buslnoss a.adtho sa$g cf~sor%tloa~~y~~yos:er$
my be the Doard:In prissin5 u?on such
appliootlon. IJocora thm coo otoro: or PPC- ..
tory nay be oporatod under one pdrn. In, ~.
. 2
COGS o~..oIm~~oof persome of rstistercd
pharmacists, tho Board shall bo notifiedof
such chtx@ wlthinton (10) days; provldccl
that the atao phamacist'o mm% nhall cot ap-. "
peer 011JXWO than 000.(l) por+zit:,"(Zqhacis
ours). _.. .. :
31t$,J+bo obsorvii
_ ._ that the pbovc oocti~~ roc,ulrc?s
-._. .-
.--.- -- __---_~
~exos Baud OS Pharmoy, Pwe 3
__ _ Piehavo
. treosd tho 1e$~l~tlvo
.- _ _ history of the
orl(gnarenaotlientfro!18 tho tmo of it.3Introductiona3
kwmto Dill X:0.49 of the I&t L&sl~ture throu~,hit3 :
course in both houaeo of t!m I&t Logl~latcre. It was
aqandod on CeVsrel OCOo1SiOnS,and as Slnallg pcssed ~83
the product OS Q tooond ConSaranco ooznlttm, but at no
etaGo ~23 the word %onufaot~er~ nor tho $~me !*mnu-
snoturor of drugs nnd Llodioinoslldofined Iuitklntho lan-
. cuoge of tho bill. Yiehnvo alrtoSeilcd to find such a
dsrinitionwithin the term of the amndatory act of
~ 1935 Sxm mo no usa.:oof tho \IorC3in ~the3tatuteo
rol6tlngto phemacy prior to 1929. ..
In 1931, t!134lst Le&kitur~ mendo& Art&&
4469, fievicodCivil st?tutoa, and lnooz,?oratcd thoroin
a definitionof %tnufooturow and “mnuL”x4uzee” of food3
enb druz3, That ortlule, homvcr, 6Dplic3 to registrg-
tlon of such rxunufaoturers with th3 Skte Hmlth Officer
eUd, as we vioa it, ha3 no relatloa to tha State Doard or
Z'hfmmy. A~tiolo 1,469,itsomndcd, roads BB follox:
.',. I ,__~.-..
"All fianuSaoture& of.f&ii and Q&8 :'
dofEg busineoa in the State of Texas md all
suoh yorstxx3,Sims, oorporntions, who i2-
_,~. port or brxaf:into tho Ocote of Texas, for _
. 6ale or distribution, +froaany place not a .
part or jio3sosioionOS the United States my *
article of food,img or ohedcsl* 3holl an- ‘*
molly r&ster wit2 the Uiro.ctorand pay bin
a fee of 0~6 (61.00) Dollar for EUcili-c&+
tretion on or before t!le13t dn9 of Seytex-
b,eX. Y.aereR parson, fim Of:cor;loratiox'
o?orates Izorothan one ost~blishme., then
a st?pwcto ro&trttio3 an8 fen shall bo ry
qulred for each ostubliehmnt .Opcretf+ ;.: . -~.
*The torn 'r&nuSecturelui used in thla
Article shall 1::e3n the prom33 of co~binln~ .
OF puxifg:u~ artialcs OS f00a '01: Grug aid
pf:C!ifigiIlg RO?ii9 for EulO t0 thO conoutier,
eitbcr by ~~holasaleor rettiil,providedhour-
ever, that n ph:irI;acl3t, ro:;istcmd undc;rthe
laws or this ststo, ohail not bo deomd 8
mrtufncture?,#hen ho fills L(rcgGm li-
CNIaG& DhyB~Ci3fl'G Dl?O~Cl'~jYtio~,01'VhW
such pharriacist oOi3pOUn;iD
or C!.:CrD
th? richt
of r;ny0: 0.rai3.rz.y cozpmy, rind,aeoc%d,thut
article 6494, boiac a aubmcgcnt onetriznt
on the SCEO subjoct, oqrenscd en3 dafinzd
the lo!$slctiv~c intunt 2:~to 01.1public road
orocnin-,s, and thcroSoro llnit;cdtha rcil%'a~*
CoLlpany’o liabiU..tyodor arti0J.a6l>G5strict-
ly to Its rlcht of bag. ...
. .
TeXtiSBoerd Of Phalaaoy, Ps(;O5
m30 ~111 flrot ocnoider appellcntfssot- .
0na contmtlon. To oCnnOt o~roo 171thit.
Artiolo 61.45 ~166 (Lportion of IAgehoral Got
authorizingthe fomstion of railwy corpora-
‘ I
;&on;5ln Texas and dofinlne their pox0rs a:ld
t Tinecrcptionto the 5ot DO stetee.
It 15 &moral In its tome, and Vu3 oloarly
lntoodcd for the protootlon of proparty o-m-
or8 end the public as far &o wss reasonably
po391310 cgainst d5mge, Gxoense, or inoon-
vonicnoe o5uOed by the orl&al construction'
OS a railroad. It noOos5arlly appliss pri-
E5Flly t0 2i&iWyS, otrOct5, tuNlplkOs,etc.,
. already e5t:blisbOd and iu us0 at the tiue
Of CGnStrUOtiGil Of D raill’OCa (IOL’GSS t&3,
apd is one of tho re&&tiono tiposed upon
tho railrieyompnny in tha.ororciso or its
rights undar sootion 1, art. 10, of the TOxas
ConstitutiGn. Artisle G&94, on the Gthcr
hand, da015 opcclSiosllysmithall that pwt
of the railway rd.&t of way GvGr~Tdiioh e '-~:
*. i '
public road oros503 regerdlesc of uhfiutbor
all of it is actually used phyysioallyns a
crossing or not aad rO.gardlecsGr.Whel:the
publio roud v:aS-*coustruC%d%hethO: bM0ze
or aftor the railroad ~5 built, and spcoi-
Sioally fix83 the duty of the ra:lvxIycca-
pay to keep it ina propor aonditlon for
public use, provides penalties, eta, !';O
think it nciely suppleiientstko duty lzpoeod
. .
on the railway oo:spanyby artiolo 6455, but
does not.ocporsedc or linlt the scope Of
that artlclo, and that whatever dutiOs were '
ori~lnallyimposed by seid artlole 6485
still exloti and cuch uddiZiGim1 dutiOO,
Ii any, as r;syhave beon cm&tad by article
6494 aro added thereto. in tts pastxge of _
a-tide 61&l+,the Legislature~65 desling
with a diSP?:rsntcubjoct, rith a different
purpn3, tnd.fro13on olto&2xr diffor~at
viO\7PoIPt then that ,~ovOrningthe LO;lOla-
tu?e in tts origlml passaS 0S nrticlo 6485,
a~& y~ethink it would be a ot!*Oi~;odCOX&XC-
t.lonof its inPent to hold that,
rOferOcce OS sny in the 1slttOract to
the fcm-jr, ths i3~i3ktWo htordeb bj' the
p a sfjty
o f.
:ihatis r&..lole6491;t0 GO- .
fine the manin~ of a2tlClO Cf$s."
ToxnS BGard OS i'&meOy, l'GC06
It oppoors to u3 that In po3sIug the Tom0 l&ar-
sooy Lm the LeCIalature latendod to Include within Ito
(oms a OOrtEin and lkdtod 5t5tUtGq ilOfiniti.Gn OS tho
gcenin& of tho phrase %?.mSaOturOr of drums uu~ x=dI-
l . tines.” Xo ar3 unable fron the contort of the lanzuqe
03 1eCIGlutIvohistory to Cotmziao the Intent. As said
by tha Suprmss Court OS Texeo I::the oaso of SIJX~:OOG Y.
Araim, 110 Tex. 309, 220 ‘3, 3, ~66: .
‘.Wourts nU3t’ t&s ttatut35 a5 they Sired
i. thoin. Eore the‘nthat, th?ry Ghoiildbo ~&lllu~~
tG.tnke than 55 they find tho;l, They should
Gearoh out oarafully the intcndxmt OS a stat-
ute, civlns full erfect to all of its terrss.
But thoy,.:mqtrind Its Intont In Its lsnsuago
and not else-nhere. 'pheyare not the lau-
nakIuC body; Thoy ure not rosponslble for
dGOiGn?3 in 1oCIGlatlon. %%97 are reopnlisible
1 Sor a t1-m and Calr lr?torprot&tIon ot tha:
written, It mot bo an Intoriwetation
. which oxpresscs only tho.v~Illof the askers
OS the lcw, not Sorted nor&rained, bat Gin-
ply auc~ a5 the words of the larrin thc'rr ..
plain Gcuco Sairly samtion and will clearly,. .
5usttill.Q - .'
Shoe aoIt.herthe t&G
_ __ _._ .. %.mnu- '
S6OtUrOr Of &U@ 1(ara CoSlnGd by tho Glxtuto
an6 mSiOiIlo3
under InG~ectIon,wG bmanade ao invo3tIr;et