Yaunlrhomw lmpo80duk&le~.d8at~~x&..-
Qlaiter pro*lded
on 811 rslsi, osrscrawn
rpgpolarzdaof 8alo~, and all dellvrrfsr or tmuufA of
8&U'88, Or OePtifiOI%ttt8Of 8tOOk, OF oertifiOia88 POP
right8 t0 BtOOka Or WrtifiwtoB Of dqwrit repm8UAt-
Fag LD krtOlW8t in Or XWplV8lSlting OWtifiO8bt~8 =de
taxable under thlu Ssotlon in rrnydow8tlo or Torel&m
~8Wi,l&ti~, Om, OF OOPpORtiO& Or aWtifiWLt~8
of intewrt in any budxmrs eondwt8d by tnwtn or
t-t-8 8d.e ait0~ th0 8fmtiw d8k br00r, tfbhh00
aada UpaDl Or shavn by th8 booh Of the i88OOiatiOII,
Oompuky# aorporedaxL, 0rtru8tw, orbyrurys8slgmeat
in blank ov by w dsllv~ryot arrypapersor crgrwnont
OP y11oFiLtZdW 02' Ot.hW 8ddiV308J Of UdO & tWtl8fW' 03’
order Sor or agrowent to buy, vhethar lntowodiato or
fFacrl,tiVh&hW'intre8tiag thehold.rWiththebMm-
floialintonst in QI lo&al title to auah stoulc or other
oortlflaatohxeble hmmmder, or tit& the po8ser8ian
utook, or oerfdflwte, on eaah huadwd tlollaP8 or i*or
wlw or iraotlom. thomBof, thrw (3) oentll, soroept in
eaM8 vhsw the share, or oertlf1eatar aw lsmJo4 lrlth-
seotlon 1 of the Lot fwtbar provider the mode and aura
of paywrit cf rswh tam
b y a a a dhesiveetmp or stantps a f?WOd l follows~ In
the OELB OS II wla or tram&m, vhew
thu evidenw of
ths tr@m%?tLIW Is 8hoW aatJ by th0 books Of th. 68~
, oorpowtloIl, OF truatee, the stamp
thy provided for by thi8 Artlole rpf be &ffixOd
to 8 dU@iCEt8 Of 8UUh bll2 OP EWOxWLdUE urd a~~18d,
and rooh dup'lioato of rush bill or macmamka~ 81~ be
kept by thm party wlcing muoh 8ale ln hi8 p~88ff88lon.
xoylded that la8 8h21 ater uptm tha lofmh
122 ormworadwed6to~nwb8r
ii thet 8uoh
bill or mea@- vu am&in dupli that the
. SWl?y 8Wh bill Ol'mOlttO~~ O!' 8610 Or
.S@WQMt t0 8OU1 8hEl2 BhOW t&O date Of tih tl%UIMCtioII
Vhioh it bYidO!Ia68, th8 arylDsOf the 8822W. tht3 EtOOk,
or other wrtifleeto, to vbbh it nlatar, and the orpp,
kroi 8ilSXW8 th8mr. All 8mhbl218 ormemorendaof
the 0022erc4heny lwrt day ahe2l beer thu memo nwbmr.
Thoaioremidideniticrrtlonmakr~ftha bllla*raro-
ruldlm or Mao 8heal ln all oaror be eat&d uad rrooxd-
ed la 8 boa of aoaount." (E&3hEJIl8 cmw)
Ewn vlthoa tbo ~8818taRcP or fateocm~2ulBlrs eut2mrltlwJ
h8retqBrtrraltad aad dl8ouMod, w bellW~ the bun, tsxt of the
8trtUti 8bOWqU6hd ipgbl8 t0 thU oOaa2Wiosl thBt blar inS%dWMOOf
of 8tOak end A, by no owooln*blr lnkrrpntetifm of tha
rtetute,upon the ciorp0xettonor8u8oo%etfostvhoao ato&% l02dor
tmrerrud. It I8 quite tnto that other portlong of thie tex mua-
#Ul'8p2MW 801wbttrdoaUpoR emO*rtiW OPMWWintlOWWhOt~ ~tOOk
i8 boll&t 8&t &Old w tbrr fsvelrtiag Ox 8~tiqg 23Ub210,Sl#h L8
the kseplng of moper moorda for Lru~otlon of the tex outherltle8,
w SffixLng Ot tSX 8-8, Ot8.1 b&St thi8 bW&& 18 inOidOIlf4hlt0
their right to do bu8ines13f.m tbr utute and 18 an oafweamnt f'ea-
tUreon2y,vhlch hs8 bsmnupholdlnthu 8~erh.rrr~krdi8aua8ed
a8 blwm27 oonstltutlvaa2, Theidut ofbuylnpt?~thateqmevldeneing
m;IJunt Of thi8 tsx i8 p 2ec #q edUa LyWIQIO thQs l
p b z?801
Orp o M% 021 8
M nngo rrffoctwtlng th e 8a 2.ea rtwQ8is~.* The tax b a rIs
a not
em ed ~alom81 or other dlrwt tax up0a stook ima& 01 ha2d by the
md cex&'iOx&ioE8 and 888O@ktiW8, but Hbtkwx ti Sn %ndlaw& Ox
OXUl80 tsX UpOa th6 PtiVii4Pg0 Of tWMfi* 8Wh 8hWS psb 2ti8
lg e lwtth e p r fxr B o n,5o r iwp o r 5tlc uts x o wla iQg to-
vit: the a mll*r ox tx-abxu~mrof thm 8tOdK. ml8 ooatwallug dla-
tlwtion, to oux end, Qekem the pos~tlw Of xr.
hi8 aUthOl’itiQ8 tnswOUih, vlth the
Psderel sgunoisa or lwt wy not w tuad by a 8tot0, w,
of aourw, do not dlffex,
~Q@xab16 Q6orgo R. shmppard, P&v 5
our Izlkl1pd5 or thU %tAtutb 18 fortified by the p0rEw8iVe
~ti$~X,rsbtiOR Up05 thLI. QUq8t:Oll rCrCOl’dUd th0 HCW York 8tOOk -S-
far % kCt, frOl2 StbiCh the %XiW Act iS ~ttGSFU8d. f&d.U.iOZJ HO. i?i?o
bf the Attornay Oenerbl of Xev York in 2939, prior to tha eumotwnt
of the laatsnt PBRUE~, holea t&&t tretrorara of the sto&k of l Pro-
&&%05 Credit Aoaccitrtion, %Vm.i thou& A F&era2 bstrww?W2ity,
‘&kim?ized bjj Podore bw, ime 8ubjout to tu. iah woh oppinion it
18 mid that %lB ia;pOSitiW Of 8Uilh 8 tax UpOIl UZ -0P IndiVidIW2
do88 not becom 0 burden ~05 the FeUora3. Ldotmaiteatelltle8, MB
dOa?8it In eny vay iatorfew with or lrmpdr Bay of the r&at8 and
&it%08 Of the hdOl'Ol .&$.llCi.8. "
!&? OR80 Of &W'OS Bt 61 YE. ?h.bS, (193) 257 np0. Dir.
889, H. Y. S. (24) 76, hold8 it to he the 6.Utr of the penan N&k-
ing or effeotwtlng A salo or trem.fder of 8toak to aff%x or 8ame2
thr StWPfD.
me uckae of wllle V8. Addcae et al, court of Appeex8, July
11 1935, El. Y. 160, 197 B. E. 280, aSfw
268 Uyl%e ~8. A&M,
2d R.Y. 9. lOQ,hol~ Wtthe fall~reto~r ltooktruwfer tax
w thB 8ell.P UpCn th@ 88x8 Of StOOk pFW1ubtS M 8OtiOB t0 WO0Y.P
money note.
dlxectly b6ar upaathe*rgwoQt*edwnoedbythB
lble oounoel for the Peaa Cwd
""Bt Mmlairtratloa, we pokrt to tie%-
liOW w.th. 8Upl'.l!lO&UPt 0fthr~~ed5totO&U@W~db5 St&b St4t-
uter deilgned to QLP(LID
national bmakiag oorpo&utlmw,k~r(Bitted
Fe&m2 ag6nc~e8, to collocL and wmit taumB letird opan the sham-
holders of mid banZcrr. First Ratlozllal Bank V+ Xmmttwky, 9 Well. 35 ,
29 L. R%. 7015 Citl8eam Bietlmml Bank Y. Xentwky, 217 U. 8. 013, 3,.'
21.Ed. 632 30 9. Ct. 532~ First Itntiond. Wak vr 6h8h6u.8 Oouaty,
166 T3. 9. 4&O, 41 L. B?d. 1069, 1 S. Ot. 629; ~aehentm & I. Ret.
BAY& Y. Fuula~2rsnia, 167 Il. 9. L I, 42 L. ~4. 236, 17 8. 0t. 829.
Klth mfelmlos to the czantentian that tb* lnawl%t tax
~SUl’8 gbO0O Oil UQOCllX8titUtiCUd tO% OP btW&BXi UJWXS 0$@UOi.S 01
iMtl’UUl~trlit~.S Of thQ FOd4F81 &W8Pnmont, VU thillk ohs 668. Of
aelOPAa0 x.mC43d %I& VI. hdmd, 32o WI 8. 41, 84 ]t. Bd. w67,
ikrnlshw acampleteansvsrr In t&phcadLdiag:
the aanstitatlonal2ity of
a state l.Ev FQqULrfng rLstiolwb1bankl.ng 0oryarrtLans to aolleot md
PBQit to the st”te, A tt3Xlevied 1@02I W8tWOP8 Of the bank, ba8.d
Upon the ~81~4 of safcreg dbposit box utwti4e6, the m3mme Court 8816
s9h4 person lM32ta lor eha tax, prbbsrilg, wn-
not alwys be ssld to be the real taxpqor. The tax-
papr 2s th4 peruon u1tlnlRtely u5lmB l-orth4 tax
itseli” The fbd8 vhlah vere ru*ivod by the stat.
O(IPDOfru8 theig6etu of the u8er, not fm8 thoao of t&e
f66eral l.wtrumerltallty, the bank. The c010md0 su-
pmwae Court holds the wer ie tha taxpayer. The doter-
ml.wt1on of the ststte Qotlrt &a to the lncidenoe of the
tax has grut veight vith w and, VheA it fellow log-
luuJ.the lanigmge OS tha Aot,u hare, lr oontrallLnC;.
As the u8er dinotly iunsinh~ the f’t~idmSoa’ the tax,
notu multimate cowwrvitha tranafamsdbwden
but by 1 l? of the Act ir the moponrlble obliger, yo
oosclude the tale upcmhianotupon thebmk. '&a
OWU&tUZ Or bva Of the Thited Skrtu do AOt forbid
%he tu ai.ng 8 p8wi~ibb tu 03i 8-m 0r
the bank, it is mttlod by our prior daolriona that th@
8ktutory provirioa8 lwquirllagoolleationand aumzm*lexI
of the taxer do not Lqpoae M tsnaonr~itutianal burdaa
QD 0 fedO=l iA6tF lEUAt8li~. l l l
UpoA these ooosidentl~andau~~t~~0400rd~ly
a dvis peo uth e th elllc r o r tr a Asfo r oo f
r th ea la r esw mer tffl-
o & u OS atook o r th eso r p o r a tii?w
uldu*8etrtimla Aued inp o ur
letterir,llablo for the exaiae or wvilqp tax l.vSad w thm
Tex uteo o Trk wder Ia r , lwg u d l4 ra r ta u rktw o ilwh a o r p o r a -
tiotu or a~aooiatlexu aa Pa&ml q4n81** o* LnrtrlarnWitiu, a
qwrtioA vhloh ve mad uAAeac8~ to Ilen pare UpoA.
Yeum very tawly