OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorable 1. D. Ratlfff, Tr. County Attorney m&4Iuyt, , Dear Sir: Tour requ48t ror the h4nl@oYo captioned matter ha6 b44n II drprtm4nt. W4 quote rror four lett4r a4 I.410 866 or the -publio amuarment om Sunday, nc4t1484 than twenty'nor, *article 207 of the pdnal Code in gart pro- YM481 “‘The prekdlng Artiole shall not apply-- to motion plotUre shows, or theatree opelrated Eonorab1.r L. D. SWUfi, foe, Y&@o 8 ia;~4~;ymf& sit7 br town, after %. w84a. es lko Oaeir8iour8 or City Cows- ail or the tmm8 or olti48 lnwhbh ~14 motiOn pioture *how8 sr,tbaatre8 am 10~ oated rhull have t&a rigat ud porrr by proprr ordiwadr to prohibit or regul4ta tihokeep14 opoa or ahowlns oi maoh mo, tioa piobpro 8bowa or t&)rtra on Stmdy.~ "Qtn$$pQlf8 l( l) x8 amor a ti s00ti 889 0rth e p 4 tma Co delb6vo quotrd C4nrtftutiorull -(a) x6 60aqi08 a or mi010 se7 0r th0 Ponal Oodo abow q uo tedl raps& and valid dale- gaaioa or power by thr Iss rlatura? “(8) Un4.r &06Oion 8 or Art1aaa 887 or tha Jkaal Odle abet. uwted dou e City Inn th4 power to’ &mDhiblt mhe operationOr a PD- tfoa pisturs 8hw artieroae 0~0Iook P. 11.on 8ua&ay?* T&e quot44 pett1on or &?A410 me 4nQ ,3hO iirrt &mm- gE@ QUDtclbfter Ucti410 &81, both r- th0 h~61 Hobo, Qa& it a rtatutor~ Of30560 to 0*~0t0 motion protare 8h0wm 01~tlwa- tar* on sun4ay bartar* lrO0 par. Aftor tbat boux. th4 @tat. law Qo4B8 not prohibit *how* anA theater8 rrtm opclratQn&. Under seati4a a of Artiolr ~381 quoted ruprs, the 2*$i*lattaradologated to the anaioi da* the right -4 powor by proper ordlna&Oa to probibr t or rWUlat0 thm IMop- Lw og(lrgr rhorirygoi 8uoh 8bows or theaters after UQO par oa c4unQay. me aaaotiientof Sunday laws 18 held to be a grosnr exercise or tb4 pouoo 'peer or the Statoc The p4lzl04~parrs or th4 stat0 map b4 QelegatoQ ror a proprlats purpo*u to tb0 rarlou*larnfoipalitieC~ 9 Texas surlp 8pru~mloe %cmMmt lkprtr Bower, (Grim. App.) 168 8. Yf.t$6@. a
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion