OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY .GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN “In your 0plnloIlwoo.o-48364,next ta the laut $ara@aph, you Otabe tha4'wh.Q.amtlnuow phydoal prelretum is not required,the permn mwt bo phyaloallyprooentIn thin State under suoh airoum8tanaUand for nuoh a subrrt6ntlal part of .tho tlm~perlodinvol~ed~ulUreaaonablylndioate t&at Torae lm in faOt, a8 well a8 lntantlon,hle fixeLand #trairnont ~&au. oi abode durln~ the entire period rsQulred.* wfn the light or thl6 epinlon,dou .thiaap$ll- oant netitthat reqdremant? ~hwtual reefdcmom* In the foregolug prorirrlon+4 of neoeoelt~~ to the one year aa til M the five y-r requlrenrbht.* nape rule of Intentplus pbyslaaLpreselloo Is a pllaableto befh requiremen48.We outllned4hir rule ln&o~amn~s froakourOpl@lon#o.O4864 whlahyar quoted $n your letter am as4 oh abo7m. we find thlm amno rule ann0uno.d by the TeXaSoOUt@ in the eta4utespresorlbingresidenosrequircrmat8 In dlvmroo aotlon8. In Dl&IIUon V. Dlokiason,1.983. VP.805, Iimwrable J. 8. Murohieon,xxeoutlve~lmmtm, Page 3 -here oan bd no doubt, we think, that the an aotual rssldeueefor the six statute dsrpands months,68 diatin&ahed fronta le@ resldemo.e, ubloh paapbe lsaintained in one plaoe while aotuaZl- 1yllYlng In another. As said by this aourt in Mlohael v. hfidohael, 34 Tax. Olv. 4pp. 630, 79 9. n. 741 'It ww Intendedby the statute not only t~~uospe1an~otual,good faith lnhabltanoy of this state, but au!aotualrssl&noe In the .oountywhere the Isuitfor dlYoroela blatltuted, upon the part of the party seeklq the dlrara,.' Xn similarstatute~theSupraare Court of l;santtr@y in Tipton v. Tipton,89 Xy. 843, 6 5. w. 440, heM that WtWl resldtmoe ia rmmlred. ,331 mymud Y. ~Xaymo~M, 74 3'0% .a4, 18 8. W. 90S St~wan held ~thata 4wporary absenooimm then ~oountywquld not.affw4 4he rIghti to malnta&nthe ault, but 14 oannotbe a tesaporarJr residenor MM&~ nln~tenths of the +.x monthnnext $reo f" :+ ,.the suit Is_,.. qynt. out.~o..the,::ooun -2 y,:,aZ$ The oondl4ion 40whloh a”fwrty weklng a dim&a la subjeatQ4or realdeunoe in the.oountyfor six nonth8 nert psciedlng'the flllng of his p&4& tfon la abmlats. There I8 no rsoape from hit. The resldenoeruw4 be aottml~it ~mla4be oon4ilmot&u~ xt la not nwi3fisarythat awry day nor perohtmw every waok mast be passed in the oounty, but the bulk UC the time" Appllring these primlpls~ to tho fast 814uatiOnpro- suited,It U our oplngcin th64 the lpplioantdoea not no04 the requlreaent 6f ~ae4wl rwida100 . . . far one (1) year Imad- lately~eocrbJad*hez a glloation. The lpplioantmu4. be phy&oally prawnt in tiie etato tar a aubetwtlal part of’th4 two time perlousspeolfiadlrithe law lrceapeotln of the reamma for her abnenoeorher intentionto rem% se quote the seoond faot sltuatlon as pro~entsd by "An-a~ lloent who resldti in the Btate of Ppftwn a twwityyetwar''or psrhape men Texan.for S lower, ~6s oomloted of a.FedoMl arIme and scraten60d ' ~HOaorablea. s. Mumhfson,~grsontla Dlreot++, page 4 . 40 the FederalBinltmitleryat Leavenworth, X~~uu,whwa heuas oonfinedfor a period of t!mlYeamath or longer. H1a abrronoafraithe SttbtaOf Terarr.10 eti@rOed. He has no Intention ~,~~ot'abandon+id3Ma re,siUuoeand upon hla rslea8a f'mm the rodoral Penltentlary, he lmmdlately I rOtnrPiato the State, either after hntlng served .hle 8iwAemw,~ on parole. IIShaa not been. physShli.y~jywont nlthln the state ror any wt. of the twelve montha lmmedlatelypreoedding: the date Of ItI8~pllOa4i6n but has rtmld& ln the St+tq:for a 6ubs~tial part of the flre yeerr '_. :o?at-efthe ~a.~ireoetllag the applktatlon. m8 ,th@ appUoantmea4 the rf+lenoe requlremnk %a .-,;: '#4fy#lt, at,op.nlon,JI?. 0+44?" 'z The appllotitin thl8 imtanoe ia like&e lmll~- in aumer to qtmtion (1) fa tha4 blo ior iha reaaooacr~giren helm6 notebeen .ally ,presqntin ~tha, St&e for any gwt T of theRtwelve3uont -4nmedlatalypreodlng hti~application. Ia. i4lnerant who he never had a ihad w w- aanon plaoe of rasl8ianoabut ha# traveledthrough- amthe unlt8d Sates for Poet of his llfo,bn4 due to h$a a@.he 4~ tumble $0 niakahis livLrg.andtravel dmudj thereforo,heillea anapplloacloa. Thii perun he been phyn1oall.y presentla tho 8k4e of Tarur for a total,of olxty month8,or flea yur8 out aitthe lestinine. Does he mat the realdon@@ reqtiramat? If not, would It make any diiferenoa IS he has rscrldad ao&tSmunmlyln the State fOrtb6 .twlveptonth83.mmltih4 *aoedlng the l pplloatlon, whiohumla fm(ll6atahlaintentiontomakoTexa0 I" hirpman~bplroaor abode? *‘fn ,tlm oat0 of an ltlnerant, do we have to prove'lntentlon 40 m&e Texas hlzifixed and permamn4' plueo of abodo dwlq the parlod of tlw aa well II) ths faot that he welduutual;lyreal6ln~in the State?* Yer. phydoal preewee la the stattifor a total or rim yeara out or the ifid nim yt34kra wad not ra.rm th0 rmt r88lda00 requirement0r the appiiaantb the ab804t~e cC&uiln&mtien to make his ptmnemnt horn in Texas during A p&e&a Intentionto talrsup a permanentabode in Toxaa ¬ b6 orde retrowtiw- w as to give .thoatrtw or resldacre ti0prrioda or previotw Ftprsioalpo8ewe in the state ii the aFplioantdid not in faot have ths intantlonto make Texa# hi6.pmmnwt howo at the time of nroh prim! ln- +srllllttarlt ao$nllw wlthln the hate. YQW! rojirthsl+tlon reada as'iolloss: Homrable J. 3. Murehlaon, Executive ~ootw, pclrgs 6 $atwdad tc mks TWU his permanent plaoe or abode; muld ,, not bo concluelw. opinionoolwlttee By LU..B. OhafrolM
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion