OFFICEOFIHEAT-I'ORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN zonorable Will Mann Rlohardaon .%asistantSecretary of Stata .astin, T8xa8 Zaar Sir: Your letter of Fe o&lion 0r this dapartssnt as f0110WS: t0 the rui ..I IItha oam OS the eh 18 admittedly an ) In that it is inrtruat- the fret that the corporation wan sduoatlcnal xould reqqtm ths $lO,OO filing fae snd aq,,ar- emptian irotatraaohias tar, .._ :..: . ‘3fe .-old apprsolata a rt+oonsiaeka~o~ oPtUs piwstlsn a8:tke luger iiUn& foe ,aab Eonorable Will auIM Iiiohardron,Page 2 franohise tax have been paid by the oorporad tion and we are undeaided whether to rerpnd all over $lC.OO'whioh they rcxa%tted.g 1302, Vern~n'a Annotated CivilStatutes, h?tiCh sets out varloua purposes for whioh eerporationrsaybe created in this Stat8. Subdivision 2 of this“arti&ris in the rOilOWing Uiw~ge: I ~*a; .!RIssupport of any benevolent, aba l*table,eduoatiooal or ntsriouary undertakin The ?urp~e clause of ths charter oft h/bo+e .. 3cntionad corperation is in the followinglangtiea' "5hs purpose ror whleh it la formed Is@ support of any eduoational thorized by Subdivision 2 of &wised Civil statutss'of Texas, constructton and the maintenattoe the education o? airplane pilots both oommsrcial and mllltary, eatab~iPha8Ilt a&Xii direot .w The above named corporation has eaL.stoeh Or 580,000.00 and is organized ror proriti ’ ,. Artiale 3914, Vernon'8 imnotatef. provldsl,In part, a ,‘. ”. . . * 11 ‘haoh obarter, aslqi, =uppog riiiiag sugplmeat thsreto, or a ao~rporatic support of pub& +mthip, any,bek+, chsritabli, raacational; iBiS6~On~ Of or eaientlrie undsrtiking, the PI(I err a library, the prom&tion Of a PubE i- not rot profit ambl%he en6oprasesb~ culture and hortiaulttue, to aid aonorabh W3J.l Ma- Riohairdaon, Page 3 in produoing and marketing agricultural pro- dnota, or tor~aoquiring, raising, breeding, fattoniIylor marketing live stook, a filing fc6 of Ten @O.OO) Dollars, and for filing tho aami-annual fln~~noialstatsmeat or such agrioultural product6 or live stook oorpora- tion, %n ($10.00) Dollar6, whioh shall in- Cud0 the annual lioen6a fee. Vpon riiiw eaoh chartar, amendmant or supplement thereto, or a private corporation oraated ror any other purpose intended Sor nutual rofit or benefit, a filing foe OS Fifty (% 50.00) DoUar6, provided that If tha authorized capital atook of said corporation shall exoeed Tan Thousand ($lO,OOO.OO) Do)- lars it shall be required to pap an addltion- al foe of Ton ($10.00) Dollar8 ror oaohaddi- tional Ten Thousand ($lO,OOO.OO) Dollars of it6 authoriaed capital stook or fractional part thsrooi after the fint. "r .~l* Artiolo 7094, Vernon'6 Annotated Civil Statutea, reads a6 rollowa~ YRm franehlasetax imposed by this ohap- t&r shall not apply to any insuranoe aompany, surety, guxranty or rldsllty company, or any tran6portatiollo-paw, or any slaeplng, palaw car and dining oar oompany whioh is no* reqtir- ed to par aa annual tax maaaursd by thoLr grOa6 reomfptr, or to oorporationa having no Oapiii81 stook and organized for thm sxol\ui~o purpo60 0r promoting ths publLa intereat Of any city Or town, Or tD COrpO~tiOm Or&0nhdd iOr the purpo80 or r8ligiou6 rorrhlp, or for providing plaoes Of burlal not for private prorit; or corporations organLzsd ror the purpose of hold- ing agricultural fairs and saooumglng a&- cultural pur6tit6, or tar striotly educational purposes, or for purely pub110 charity." ~tras said In the ease of Coals yr DaUgbtatP Of the RopubUo, 156 S. B. 1.97 (Sltp.Ct. Tmr,T , that6 . ‘ aom=blo Will Uann Riohmdmri, Page 4 lm The seoond subdivision 0% Artlole 1121, ieGGed Statutea, roadrr ‘The purpoa* for wbioh private oerporatione may be formd: (2) m support or any benerole.snt, o&u- igbie, eduoetional or aisslomry undertaking. * The pkugose of this oorgoratlon is olearl~ educational. #batever sduoataa icrwithin the meanlag oi edaoational undertaking., Bdnoation In the muse a8 nssd in the stetnte lnolubesr ‘In its broadest sense, . . . not merely the instrtmtlm reoslred at sohool or oollege, bat the whole oourae of training, moral,lntelleo- tual and physlcalj is sot lImited to the ordioary iIlStl'UUtiOA of the ohild in the pursuits of literature. And it is srmeti?zmsused 88 f3~llOB~OUS*Witi lWrAiA&’ . . .” ?le call CJO~T attention to oonferanc~ opinion Bo. 2011, written Uaroh 28, 1919, bp Honorable C. %. Taylor, .%sssistaatAttorney Gonsral, and addraesed to FionorableGeo. F, Board, Ssoretary of State, whloh wo think supporta the con- clusion reaohed in th&$:.03inion. We sre snoloalng a oopy of said opinion ror your convenience. In view of the foregoing authorities it is our opin- ion that the above named corporation ie one organized for strict17 eauoatioaml purposes and oomea within the exemption mentioned in Artiole 7094, sqxra, and lr theraiore exempt from the payment of a franohisir tax. It is our farther O@iOB that by virtue or Artiole 3914, supn, aald oorporation ths ~10.00 iiling fee ae an eduoational inatk$utioa. ,. : Yours CeFy trill*
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion