OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hoaoreblo C. J. Wilde county Auditor meaes county Corpus Chrleti. Tsxns Dear Stir 404 for ln Arti- , subzittlng te thlr o above stated question, , with thank8, .noelpt oi or Crimulal Appeals ln adon Of the Leglea- Aot provtdin$ for the rarlss in sountla8 ol t8 nor more than 6ZLi,OOOiahabl- we quote hsrewithr ovldlng that all sountisn State, h*vlng a pdpul.ationof an eighty thoueand (60,000) ln- or more than two hunbred an4 twenty-five thousand (2fS,OOO) inhabitants, aacordlng to the last preoedlng Fodrml Cwinur, an4 In a-hlchthere ie loaated no oburt OS Cfvll Appeala, may, upon an order being ma&a by their Conimiseicnsr18 Court8 for this pW?- gone, provide for and maintain a county law mnommo c. s. Wilde, ?aga e library; granting to said Courts a&I alcaaa~ry pawar an4 authority to Mko this hct affaetlvs; proviii&$ Clmt said Aot shall be aumulativo#an4 4eclarlng en elnergemty.Aate 1041. 47th Let&., p. 1315, ah. 389.' Wince the ~oauge of tN0 L8w t&or0 has been a oaae a~paeled iu &rrlr County stylad zx parta. hieraCarson, Appellant, No. L,m. Al80 the O~LLLLOR oa the appeal of t&a ekovm a&se mn4ere4 by Judge Hawktar under &ta of &did 11, 1942, we enolose hemwith copies of same. *In view of the fomgoinq law and opln- ion, dell t%noea Countg Isgally aollect th8 fea OS bl.CO la eaoh @iv11 sad erlsaiaalaaao and dopoolt it to the COUAty law Llbrery h&Ad to be wed in the manner provlda4 for in Arti- cle 1702.0tbs Revlaed Civil Ljt?Ptutoa 194E khqqleieant.fnsmuoh am we stll).eollsat this aaaunt, we 1~14 be pleased to have your aa- vi00 rei.~ardlng aam at M ear4 :Ieta.* Siaae you hevr road en4 am familiarrfth the ap&~ ion et the Court of crinl~l A;lpaalrla tha Lx pete Sam Cs3- SW ease, a copy of which yoo nttaah k, Your lettw, we think it will nat to 54uwi1esary to write here erterralvdpin order to anawex your qunrtlon. wo agrsa &onarally rich the SinUag8 of the aourt in this aaae, with the yd.nsiylaa thaxuin ~iaouoaa4 by JMgo Bsauchkzp an4 Jipdgs Hemkinr an4 with the oo~rl~~lon stated by the oourt both in tke ozfglnal opinion an4 oa the motion for rahosrlng. 8;svril.1 rsly to a very large extant on this ease an4 the authoritiestheraln site4 In +,dvlryyou this opinion and in the foll.owing 4laaoaaloain the Barrio couRty OtRtiito vitb tAMI one egyuJrbL4 to tJwos0 county. i-do till slqly rnfer tn ;~ortlonfl of thla oa60 rether t&an qucrttryt at length from tha ause. drtlcts A9OR4 goviasa in eubatanoa W&t oountiea + lea8 thtm 60*b00 inhabitantsor nom Uk;ina % gD$ulatisnJf f:Ou ~&an U$S,OoO lnhsbltants,EL&.w&are there frsno Court of Ctvil )rp~m~a, ary eftor anterlng WC ordar for thst yuzpoce eatablloh Honorable C. J. Wilde, Page J a County Law Library, and ehll thereafter tax and oollect as other coats the 8~11of fl.OO In each oaee, clvll or ori+ lnal, except delinquenttex oa8e8 fllemdIn every oounty or dlatrlct oourt, whloh extra $1.00 aost 16 to be kept by the County ‘rreasurer in a separate tuti to bs known a8 the County Ler Library I'und. Upon refereoae to the oounty ~opuletiontable found in the Texes iUuanae, we tin& that there are eight oountler in the Sttits of Teur8 fslling wIthin the po@,atiO group mentioned in the act, but five of these oountIe8 are taken out or the provl8loneof the aot by rea8on ot the raot that they each have a Court ot Civil Appeal8 la euch oountIe8. 'PhIaleareb but t&roe oountIe8, Ceaeron, Hldalgo and Nuec.8, f'alllngwithin the provi8ionr 0s tkls act. In the Sa;aaa Garaon oa84, supre, the ecurt found and held that a Wmpa5fon artlals to the 054 here under aensl&ma- ti05, wlich wa8 83 drawn a8 to be limited in Ita applfaation to %kllae County and Herr18 County, we8 uneon8tltutlonala8 beftrga lOOa Or 8pecie1 law QaSSad in UO5traV45tion of Sec- tion 56, Artlcle 3 or the Con8tItutlonOf Texas. In thle eon- net5tfonthe court cited the 4484 of Miller, st al P. El Pa80 County, 150 S. K. (Ed) 1000, in woloh the Supreme Court of Texee fatat. the rul6 that a elas8iiioationcennot be 8&pt- ed arbIt+rlly on a ground which he6 no Zouajiatlon in differ- 6nCe of situation or aIramotanaes of the OOU5tie8 or euaf- cipixlitl.48 placed fn the dlfrerent UlaB846; that there e\rt be 8aa4 reaeoneble reletton bstweah their rituatlonand th4 purpouae end objeeta to be obtain&If that there muat be scnc4- thing which in coma reaeonabhe degree may acoount Tar the eatabllatmtmt of tirealesees. We da not think that Article 17OEd, can be 8uffIcientlydI#tin&crhetl,in the manner of It8 gaessa{;e, from the artiale relating to &mrIS and T)alla8 Counties, ao 48 to t&&e it out of ths prohibitionetated In thi8 rUl4. lf Article 170&Q it4uncon8titutionalfor this r4e8ou, It 18 unco54tftutfonal aI to that part at it provld- i5g for the a68emmont of $1.00 ttXtra bo8t in OfVil CR864 a8 well ca thet port whloh requires ths payment of @l.OG extra cost in ariz&Jal wiaee#, and t&i8 fs true fo~bWir& the rea- soning in the camon ease, @VW OLoU$h J&&&U AawkIn8 In OP4r- ruling ttie..;otton for rehearing eteted that the court did not intena to rule upon the provI8ion of the 8tatute there under cmeIiierhrtion rehtiny to coets In olvil easea. iðer or not we 8r4 correct in hoMing thet thL8 stetute I8 void a8 looal law falllng,undar the eon8titutioM~ Honorablr C. J. WIlQe, Pago 4 prohibitfan,it 18, a8 to thm a8#4sSm4nt Of oriminai 008t8, rollrmlng the opinion in the eareon aa8a. 8upra, o4rtaIuly unconstitutionalfor the Sollaming reamon8, paraphradqf Judge Bawiclns: (a) That the lten of WOO tax84 a8 oost8 for the Iaw Library Fund 18 aeithar ne408eary aor laoidental to tte trial 0S e eridaal ease, and that it f8 not a logI- t&ante item to be no taxed; (b) That to 40 tax agalMt the defctndnntin a orlnlael an80 In NU4048 County, and not to tax It la other aountIe8 where th4 def4ndant wa8 eoavlotmd of the 8ame offon would ba a dI8orImlnetIoawhioh the law doe8 not reoognlso nor toleret4. You are rsspeotttiy lb r fa ed that for the rea8058 hereinaboveSiPen it Is our opinion that ktiale 19W.d 18 Un4onetltutloMl. Thnrefore,your qU48tiOU mU8t bm aMwer- ed In the negative, and Nu4884 Cou5tf may not lrip~ll~4010 hat the tea of $1.00 In eaah elvll aad orlmlaal aam and deposit It to the County Law Library Pund to be rued III the mennor pro~iU44 for ln Art1010 19Oed, R. C. 8.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion