.... . i a..,:** OFFICE OF’THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN \ , -. gpnorablo80 A. 000, Wgo 8 , nh e x iff ‘ha llW& O.a n4 lx e o ute a Qwd to th e 8tOte, asi4~ foW to be presurlbod and fur&shed by-the c a a p tr ol llr r in hewkg ,oaoh us., th6 6muult of mu.‘, ln8er608, .penttlty an4 00‘8‘ for whiah ‘old, and the olerk*r fus fer rmoardtngduds. Be.‘rhnU &auao at& duds to be roaorda& In. tie moor& or dwd8 br the oouatv olerk lxihle oounty, aad . rIma 80 reoordod, dmll rmmrd t)&oam $0 the 0onrptroller. Tho.aouizt~~olork 8haZX b8 6ntitled tq i flaa'of one.dollar ior rooord- lng oaah. euoh 4ood to the Stato, to bo taxed as other Ooatn.~ When itWd thus 6014 to the gt8t8 ‘hall bs re6oune4 the tar aollrotor ‘hall maWtho~j+r~$or dl‘tx~butiouof t)~o aamoys rioolnd by,‘him in suoh re&ntption, poylng to daoh opoor the evnanb Oi oOot8 fou#l to be due,,arid:tothe Stat. tind.oouuty the 8~08, lntbiert and r#nety 20-d to be am:;oaoh rotip8atlvo~. Ir 8q ctithe -ma. thus 8old to'tho state 18 not reUemed ulth- ~In+ho t%mo pruorlbod by thls law, tsIoahor- lff:shall roll the mm at publie ~outary to t68 highest bidder for oa8h at'tho prlnoi- pal eatranae to the oourt hotrrain the aoun- ty dmroin~t~e llnd liom, 8ftar gittng notlae OS aal6 In the mnnneir now presorlbed for ‘ale of real eat&o under uooution, provided vhen notlao 18 glnn by poetlng nOtiOO6, one or tho maid IlOti10~8 shall bo po‘to6 in a OonS~io- uous plaoe upon the lsnd~ta ba 80xar gasa not&&o ‘hall ~oontaln a loga& dolreztption of the land to be“old$ the dat8 ot Ita m aha by the state, th8 prioo for whloh the land rraa sold to the stato;.that it will be 8old at pub110 outary to the high088 blddor for oash, date and plaao of aal8. All 88le8 oontssqlatod heroin shall be m&do.fn tho mn- nar pnsorlbaa tar ths ealo ot real c&at0 unda~&Mutlon, and .the eherlflit .I8hereby authoxhe4, and itla herebpmadb hi8 tit7 to rbjoat any ona all blda ror oaldland uhon in his ju4gnwnt the amountbid $8 y@norablo Be A. UoO, ana in onnt8oid i4‘urfiolont or llradoquato, b+a oc-b@.8 ‘~0 ~~j00tod 8b +uIa ‘~~~o~re- ad7ortlseaand offorod ror uao as fo rh’e r o in b utthe lo o o p $ a by, no o o ft& obldh4l be a o a o luo ona~iiii!!i~ l7 o She ~uorttoaof the sufflolenapof tho bid, sad.no ~blan~hallboswtalne4lnanyooi1~t of fhia atate to ret asidr 8alU ulo 08 groaner of thk l58uffloisilay .of.. the gmatm*bia and ae- oeptoUj. xotliiog hakein; #h4l .bo aoustruod, as $rahlbiting the 88+o, a@lng through thd oouuty at?+rn@jcor the boanw wherda tho la54 1108, or 188 AWor4W aenar4% froa instl+t- to l5g an aotjlbti ro~,t.a81dr.the 8afa role on oh* gmutd8 of fraud'or oolltwlo~Lbotmon the offfur making the ‘sale lrndt&s purohuor~ The shorlff'@.all send the amuatroaoivo4. 1 frou :.hmh'i6li to -the 8tato ~oa‘uror after xn oonn*otioo with tho iotagoing statuto wo dir008 your ctouition to I\rtlolo 754Sb Vemoq“ dnnotatod Olvil statutes, tibh‘jmotidu 5.n&l "sootldl 1. yor all purporor of thlo got, Oh? t,crat 'tgin& units,' shall inelude' tho 8tnto OP Texai~x or any tom, olty 0r ,qo\u~- ty in raid,S,tkto,or asp oorporatlon Or aI&- trio0 orguilud uada the laws of tho State with autho~lty to levy and aolleet taxes. ~800r a. In any suit herstiter brotwht by m In bohdf oreany Cadng unit a8 abo*s deflned~, for doUquont taxes leti againat propert@ by .my miah tadng unit, the plain- ttff 8w4yinphaa, as pertlee a0i0naw any or all other tiud5# unit8 helvi5g4oli5Qrlenttax olabb agdnst &oh property, or any part !.’ 8hMO@f, ami it @hall be the &uty of eaoh de- fOJtiWt8 kUi4 aait U#Jl bob la- With oiSa$ioaa8prov$ddby lnboa o r inlld 6~80 Md fil0 188 Ohb ~OZ d0lr quonttama yal~ttioh popert~,oraayput thaoei... "Itr&allbo m‘mWiry upon osy suoh.:tu- i4g ll5s.a #o'ws.nt,f‘uoh.aultor rtiw, in 4.l oa‘0‘whore all other,tulng unit& are not Jr- pleadedto &atlfy all ‘u6h taring uuas not,so lm&oa&od.oS,-the flliag of auoh at&t ox a&r, ‘U&I notioo tB be gL?im by doposlt;bgin the UaltodStatocwil a ro~storod lottozn&x08- *to‘u&taAagiunftQrualtagwagtho of theplaintiffand dofondants, AOU ox JLOVO~ the oaurtw?wo rllod,andaahozDdoaori I? af theprtqtozty 2.57olnd in 8a1A orribso IL ‘uohlwdn&ufItamnobIrp1admamayhaYeOb. o&portu4ty'to lat6rvonoas heroin. wovlded.* ..,. Soetl~ 0 ,ei Atrtlalo 7S43b. supra, $o~%dos r “If ihri’plco+ty be 044 to auy w u5lt wuoh is a .lio the judgment lmdor d6aroo of oourt r raid lult, th otLt&o to rhi0h ~0~ p8diOS 80 bh0 St&t tUtarhiOh hY0 be64 adjtlasqd * aaid suit 80 have tu .l+s lgalnatq&~poportyt,pro ratasad in pro- portion to’th6 mount of th6 tar liuu in fa- mr of aald~xoa~~atlto 8 unita a8 &stab- llsbd by %h~rW&smat la 5% d mat, 05a 00‘8‘ ma lxpanoo‘~‘hall no tbe payable uatil ‘al0 by m10htadng unit 80 purohaslng sarito, ma moh property +m.U not be sold by the taxing unit purohasing agum for 1088 ths5 tho aa- j-04 nba6 th0roof or bho euount or tho hag- manta q4ast the property iu sald.sult, whiah- 070x la low& ulthout the wrltton~ oon8ont 0r 4l taxing i&s whleh in #aid jU&ment here be64 foupl to kan taxllw linrtt3whpro- 9orSytad who5 aooh poparty‘f‘ SUbg tlaifpilrobu~ *am+ the ~~ob;l'~or* or shallbe rooalrod bf it for aooount or 19- 80lf.Md all &&or 84d trdng ML%0 rcljt@gad in.‘al4suitto havea (ru l&ena&net suoh tion oSit@ie AoS m bo blnn by the t$ountylpax uollutor or t&o oounty b whlah the prom , is,lo9ato+ '. :. :. . * .a ;.;, .la kfr to tke 8tato j Art1010 .WSsB, auprn, Oho ‘hor=..Ba ado'ud oxoouto a doed to tko @ate, us. &U fonU ~JO $6 Ppr~idbd Ma ftWtiS&Od by th0 ~@U#XO~OX, klkowi4 iahuh%au, cho auou4lhof taxer, l4~08$, penal- UOO, and uata f&r w&&oh aola, aad the ale?k@a f ou for mJC$in&tho. dU&. It ia the fwthax du%y of ~#a sheriff l~w%6’80lZOOU~0 Md itlO SUOh dOOd8 to b0 Z+ 06rdod in the.rtioardof dod6 of trkoooun$y olork ia hf# aouaty, oa4 vh~.ko roooraod,,the d00d sh83.l00 r0iw.9kad to the Qoogrtoollex. The atnmty elork is lntitlod to a foe of ano dollu ($lJBO) fox rioordiqg woh suoh deed to the 8tat@,to b.o 86& as .obhsr oeek. Eowmor, bj vlmae or .SooMon 9 of Art140 WWb, supra the olork mu&d not bo 6ntitl0d to a4 oai dollar r00 until.th0 ma So aold by E = ualt; (inthla aysotho state) so purohaaiog . a0refiko, in nnmsr to your rImit quo8tlon you a-8 ~00p06tfuuymxri80a that it i8 th0 opinion 0s this dOpOrt!mnt that the 6lork ~0ul4 not ba ontltlod to ll~ahfee Of eno dollar tati~6OxQiq tho dood to tho !3tatauntil tho de04 fs noouted by the aheritf and rooordo4 by *ho olerk m%~vldod tho St+to has aozd the xana ip OOEQ~~MOO dth &r :’:1U"tlolo'IMSb,.qapra. f il. l!mmmUo B. & Qoa, Pam 0 .“l >-.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion