OFFICE OF TNE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN s- 0.mAan mTaeavQOUUS Honorable L. L. RistJert8 county Auaifor Iiutchlneon County Stlnnett , Texas Dear Sir: "AHlo1e 6674q utm any moneys out of.:t < lowed by ths Commiesioaers* Zourt for 0th~ ! county funds7 a Articles 1709, 3941, 3948 and 3943, Vernon'8 AMOP tated Texse.Civil Statutes, read as follow6r~ Honorable L. L. Robortr, Page e *Art. 1709. The county treasurer shall reaeive all moseys belongl~ to the aounty from whatever aoume they may be dsrived, and’pay and appl.y,ths ssme as required by law, in suoh IpcLIuIer as the oomaissloners oourt o? his oounty may require and airrot. *Art. SQ41. Tha oounty tre6surar shall reoelre oommlsslons on the moneys reoeivsd and paid out by him, said oomsissio~s to be fixed by order of ths OaPrmLluSionerSOourt as tollms: Bor raosiviA6 all moneys, other than sohool funde, for the oountp, not exceeding two and one-half per oent, and not sxoesdina two and one-halr per oent ror paying out the same; provided, Mstt he shall reaeiro AD oonmissions for reosiving money frcu-6his predeosssor nor for paying wep money to his suooessor in OtflCe. "Art. 3942. The treasurers of the sereral oounties shall be treasurers of the available jmblio frea school. fund aad also of the perman- ent oounty school fund Sor their nspeotire 0 ountl es. The treasurers of the several oouA- ties shall be allowed for reaelving and dls- bursing the sohool funds one-halr of on6 per OttAt for reoelvlng, ana one-hati:oi 0130 per OSAt for 8&3bU~SrriA~, said COmraiSsi~M to be paid out of the available sahool fund of the oountyi provided, no CAmmlssions shall be paid ror reoei~l~g the balanoe transmitted to him bg his pradedessor, or for turnlag over'the balaaoe in-~h%s hands to his 8uooes8or; and pro- *ided, that he shall rsoeiva AO oeuamiasions on monsy transferred. "Art. 3943. The oommissions allowed to any County Treasurer shall not exoesd Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) provided, that iA s3.l OOUAtiSS In *hIoh the assessed value oi the property of suoh oountles shall be One Hundred &Jllllon Dollars (Q100,000,000) or more as'shown by the prsosdlng assessment roll, the Treasursrs thereof shall receive as their commissions a SUBI not exoeeding Two Thousand, Seven Hundred .Dollars ($2,700) annually; . . l .* 95 Honorable L. L. Roberts, Page 3 Jirtiole 6674q-Bo. Veraoa's AAnotated Tens Clril Statutes, reads as r0ii0tt8t *It shall be unlawful for any County Judge or any County Conmissloner, while aotiAg in his offloial oapaoity or otherwise, to use any money out of the Lateral Road Aooeunt for any purpose emept the purpases lAUserated in this Aot . I? any County Judge or Amy County Commis- SiOAW Shall kOOrin&y @X&WUld Or US@, OX' Vote for the use or agree to expend or use any sum of mosey aoorui~g to any county in this State Omn the lateral Road Aooount, for any purgose not authorized by this Aot or shall kpowlngly make any falss statement aoncernlng the elpen- dlture of any suoh money, he shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon oonviotioo shall be punishsd by eonflnement iA the State PeAi- tentia for not less, than two (2) nor more than rive (57 years." Opinion No. O-lob8 Of this departm6iAt held that the County Treasurer of a fe6 county was satitled to rsoeioe ocis- missions for reoeiring and disbursing monies reoelred tram the Bedsral Ooverment and onmoniee red.lMd from the eaxs of aountp bonda issued for the purpoee ot conatruoting a oounty jail. We quote from said opinion as follower "The money she (referring & the County Treasurer) has reoelred from the Federal Gsv- ernmaAt, wa8 l videAtly,a dlreot girt or grant to the oounty for.the purposs of defraying a part of the expense inourred by ,the county in 4 ';: t i building~a jail. fr 80, it beosme ooaulty ruAd8 and for r~osiving and paying it out, she is entitled to reoeive the oommlsslo~ f’ixed 1A the eourtts order. The money reaeived tran the i sale of the 3ai.lbonds are likewise OOUnty funda for which ah6 is entitled to ~eoelvs the i ~.* atated oommlsslon for rsoelvlng end disbursing them. Z)resltlloCsuotp 0, Walker, (Sup. Ct.) 69 S. W. 97; Wall Y. McConnell, 65 Tex. 397; Trinity County v. Vlokary, 65 Tex. 354; Bastrop County Y. Hearn, 70 Tex. 383, 6 S, W. 302." Hoh@rabls L. L. Robert*, Page 4 It ie true that the act referrad to in Artlole 6674q-80, V. A. C, S., supra doea not ilpnoifiaally in so mtmy words authorize ~omabs i ona to the County Treasurer for reoeivlng and disbur8ing fund8 and the striat letter of suah statute would apparently prohibit the Treaeursr in a fee oounty from reosloing oo~~1ls63lon~for rooc4iving and dlabuming suoh funds. However, there ie 8 w8bu known rule of statutory oonrtruotion whiah we Qaemapplicable to this eituatlon. In the oama of Uel@h v. State, 14S 5. W. (2d) 690 (writ refuaed), this rule of statutory oonrtruotion was applied. In the P&oh cam the pleintiffm sued the State far the tort of the Btate*s agent for the Wrongful death of plaintiffa* &w&tar, a mlnori plaintiffs oontended that the term %unloipel corporation 7 in the wrongful death stat- ute (Article 4671) inoluded the Stata and that therefore the Stats was liable. We quota Iran the court'0 opinion a6 followst While In a latitudinoum taense the State may be found within the letter of the phmre 'munioipal corporation.' Yet, a6 gsnerally ursd In law literature and legislation, we do not think euah 18 truei srpsolally, in view of the elsarly indioatad eonrtitutlonel men- lng of the phram, we do not think It 16 true with reference to legislation in thl8 State. We think the situation here is soaewhet analogous to the right of the Treasurer to rocsive oonmissione on monies received and disbursed from bond issues. The oourts hers ..-. 97 Honorable L. L. Roberts, Page 6 held repeatedly thet 8uch bond monis8 sgst be faithfully a?plled to the purposes for whloh t$e9 wem voted and mis- ed, yet it bar been un.lf0rml.yconosded and bald as pointed out in opinion No. O-1088, supra, that the County Treas- urer in a ree dounty is entitled to his statutory oommls~ sions on same.’ Tae paying out of tha Trezwurer~s consui~- sions is not em unlawful diversion of the funde of the bond money but is merely a statutory 8harge BgafI&st said fund to compensate’the Treasurer for handling sazne. ‘:, St’18 our opinion that %h%le the purpose of Artiale 6674~410, V. A. C. S., SUpm, 18, to provent un- lawful diversioncr froze the Lateral F&I AOOount for pur- ;;osesnot authorized by the sot suoh artlole doer not oonteaplate the denial and prohibition Of the statutory con~~issio~ of the oounty Tneesurer in e fee county for re- ceiving and disbursing suoh funds. It is thereforr our opinion that your question should be answered In the erfiraative, and it is so ens- wored. Very truly youre ATTORNEY OElcERAL 09 TEXAS .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion