Honorable Weaver B. &km, Chalmuu
ateto Board of Control
Aumtti, Taxes
Doer 8lr1
You hevw requested a or talli clv*tmsnt
upon the matter dereribad a8 follovmr
ertlmta for bldr,
bida Nero opened
xaem of tha fund@
8 under prevel.llng
the naod for oertain ~pai.r* to
caring and the dome aoverlng to
and tleitsrhwatlon en& obviate
fe, It ML aaaaluded by the
drawn for the oonatruation of (I portion of the
job only, a8 oontempleted by the Leglel&ure, and
our oonmxlt~ anglneec was lnetruoted to oause
revlred plaxu end rpeoifioationr to be submlttad
thet do not in rsat provide for either a anlln
lwnawblo Weaver11. Baker,me 2
r00r oovaring or a Capitol dma oovarlng, but do
ln ra0t provide for other muohna*dad f;n$w&m~O
eliminate the haaards above set out.
adrartisamsnt, bl& vore reobived on iurah 18,
1942 at the o~floo or the ciliate Board of Oontrol
as outlbsd in our Inter-ofrloe octsmud0stiau 0r
that da te lttaahad harato aad aada 4 part moor.
Our lqlmor 4ad ~ohiteats rooomand tb aooep-
tanoe or tha bid or 10019 cowtruotion coEp8ny
for the re8aonaset out la said oomualoatlon.
I). . . .
3~5~ tb rw8 lm 8twd mk ak r 80~1 .
neotlon vlth the plans and spsoili6athns here-
with lubmltted, doas tha Stata BoarQ of Cont&?ol
of Trma hvo the lagal right to avard a sontraat
for 8Ubh oonatrwtlaa, vhish sontwot in Saot
does not ori ~ith~ th8 r~tn rwr OOTW*
or Capito r daau eovarin&
IO.roaponao to our reqwat foe 8d6ltlonallnforma-
po& wlw provided us vith t&a rollwing analysis and
*The follovlng 1s In ansver to qwstloas rub-
mitted by the Attorney Oanaral ooaearning tha ap-
opr~tlwa for ‘mln Rooi covering - Itam Ilo. 1 -
r 58,81?.00’; ‘&me Covering - Xtmaso. 8 - $42,-
219.00’ 1
Ibaa Roof CoverIp%consists
1. Remm pramart roor3q
and vood joists ln roof.
2. Removeprosant Skyll.@ts 2. Remove present Sky-
a& rittLng iwu vark to lights and raplaoe
. vith nev.
3. IOU strwtumlat~l.
4. Mew ShMthbg utth azu
pr00r 8tat~~i.
5. a~ copper ma 5. f0ge vtmti-
6. Meu oooper auttep
ns.ln Rooi cove Bid Priae -
$52&o $33,132.W
“At the tlsm the orfglwl bi& vere ax?eir-
ed it yu UposaSbl6 to @oaupe the soppor roor%q
as it una a aritleal matsrlal - dua to the present
lma r @ no
. y
a o ifl~tlo na
uThrer vio ed to o t
tb r b wo
rmt f?
Into oonsl&raloaaad thenewbi6 nwlnd
ou Mbrah 18, 19ke 6otsreQ ths i~llwlng vork to
be dona on&r the hecr&lng ~lI@lu Roof Covwing’!
“Ro. 2 - Removeprasont 8ky2lghts an4 In&all
nav akyllgkts over the Eouln oi l?epe8entatlre8
and tha Sewta Cbamber~
*MO. 5 - &atPll*tton of roofrcmtilatora in
rldga or ruin roof.
“All the obcve ltwa en dlree8ly related 80
the V4aln Roof CovwA.q* and inalu& ponurent
vmkvhlah ambe dons &the pnssa&ttomestnear-
lyapproseh tb origballyaootmpX8tedtork.
*AcccRDnio 20~APpR0PRIATmla Aocmqg ?REmRT
&ma Covering:
1. Rmove pafsnt aovex4a~
2. 30arr03dbg 2. smr0idtag
3. 20~ or at-
3* Rarz-m ln
4. CafBiw, 00&maa, do-
ttila urd bulum-
5. ~~04 rio0c 5. nw brlooxly oowr-
6. IIoa&~~~~,mId~ 6. itf&cIr~ m&la-
big8 0r 8td ww r ii?’
sstd0r or 4~.
7. Dmebarrello~nrlng
8. Coo; oor!~1~0and
Boas Covering - #42,219.00 Bid rrioo - ~39,00@.00
"At 8ho tlmo the orl&aU bids uere naelnd
it ~88 bapoaslbloto 8oouro ?&a a&no, stool,ooppar,
lto .,raqaf.redfor 8hla vork slnee it ru erlt%oaI
Mtarlals - due to thepa'erontemuRen@~'.
"The rwlsoa speoiilo0tlona took tLu aon
facts into oowideratlon end 8ho nev bid8 reedrod
on Jtarehl8 l942 00~4awd the felleuln~v-k to bo
dcnu under hnm Covor~',
"Be. 2 - soaraal2zI&
‘lo. 3 -Rmvep~matvmdulndova allafrus
- k er~lzy 0ontMpl8t.4.
- Reman prwmt mod W&owa~ Srur
8na rrus, also to pant *r lrpowdrtulvorkln
lntwlor of dm.
"All the ebom items bra dlnotly remiti to
we mat aoo;ao ii f&a appr I~tlon itus w&n Roe?
Covorlng”and "Dow Covering” rwttioT Myexpondltuw saloly
to lotwl “00v#r ing
o r lmr
8” eln8wa a bed
y8h oLqlsuture to
iaoludavork alreotly rel&*d to tb rln roar uid dam.
You have bdvlsedus th@t the aost or mere17 "oevw-
lqfttuan&zroof onbheowh*od*anat~daMon~o8her
hand at the tine the ertlmmt*r v8ra nedo ru only 8pproxb
ut& 2op or tha auml nuaaa by #a Im &ture.
And 8mt the
m-t8 0r theme pee0u ted irap the rub88
ituu ~8 &If 0f
a lIo&s&tlve oamlttao ahe~iiiththe n8ponribiUt~af
&ozwrable Uaavo~ Ii. B&or, page 5
&twnblng Vht should be done pwtdafng to we rs.a roof mad
dgjiseol the Capitol Building.
It la alear that lf the subject items vepe intended
to imludr 0nly “’
ths emount8 appropriated would hsvs
been suiticlent only Sor this purpore. The approprlatlon 0r a
ester sum ir aefinlte rriaenoe 0r a legidatira iatont the
tf;e-wwe tit04 w0m to b0 0xpd0a ior othrr work hi
oexmeatloa vith“4”ho m8lnroof and a08k8.
The laaguage a008 not admit of the aonatruotlon that
it r~ isrturdra to roma0t th0 Board 0f c0ntm to 0llb 0r two
titeraatlr*s only8 olthw to exW.rel~ rwovo urd di80ua the
psent roofaad a0au,aororfnga ana replacr vitia mu, OT to a0
nothing to ellaslnate exist&g doieotr ralsting the-to.
Tke bzwity of tha approplrlatlons mat be aonstrtma irr
the light or the raot that by gum-al lav the legla~two has
oo&erred upon the Boat4 of Control the duty and respensiblllty
of 8ujwVls~ and m the St&e Caplt01 Baudlng.
xt fr th0w0n our opirrioa tket these lppropzl,atlwi
ltwa vwa intended by t&e Is@.alature to ruthoziw erpaabitures
dirrot~mlaedto the pkwpoaos 0rth0 appx-opriaticms and shotad
net be restrioted to Wpondlttar68 for "06v~~fngs" cpily.
ml8 baLq$ taru, it la our flmthav oplalan that the
aeat of casrfml vouu be wh 0w0a to lvOCd tba aontraot rw
the pwpoaos desorib6dvhure lt appwa,aa itaea8 appur tron
the lnformatlon you have given us, tlst tha uork to ba done la
dlreotly related to the main roof and dfxneand will plwvont
owta& drarge to tho Capitol Building and danger to parsons
vlthln the building, as a result of defeats in the mar and doaa.
vhfohmo4toeaafnl~ the Log$sUturo intenibd shou!ldbs aooom-
pushed by the appmpriatlaas s&de.