. ... ._ -. . . .. . ...* OFFICE OF THE ATI-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ate4??y paas\ ;yughtitiavbg Uu. - - T&eopllw&u@f the Cowtl of thlr Mate hue a& beea unlfora upan the qwrtloa but the lateatexpreul~ ti vithal the roundeataenelushn, ve thhk, rerpeet matter la rouad la Werleao v. Uhltnej,234 8. If. ? W) 1047, oplnloa by Ju&e Sudley, adoptedbj the ihproaa Cmn’$ J&wiry 3, 1940. Intha oowae ofhla OpinionJudgo Wedby r&L& *. . l sta a dwa tlme, h Qlmvw, umvk Ilo va aad .wed, la that vhlch uaa srkblhhed u the mnuaad4ItUdwdtlufweaohmnevuflxed bamed o nth e ma a ueo nwlea l t& seo fI iip eo lflui d0g r ~ or 2u4&t*.. ma 4 1h a a .b pets x 4 awdin th 0 lo o a dr du,th ertm tme o f~vhlalio h n@ lr’ de8lg 4 a b ted yth eut u united ~sta itu ea ndwd o e4 tr at!a l c r ’ Ranarablc Bert Fwdr SW* 3 2oAurlunJurir adrrrar The ao*t Judia&y 4 !ztk% ,:j.;:. 8whU opo~aaIl62~0$te~ ef ocJun,aotlc%$vh%nr%- q&red by lav, fi2lngof appealbaado,rpPlfmtion8 fw writ8 ,~f error,a&w undern pier, and the like.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion