honorable S. D. Dooney
&nS~ty Audib~r
gold8 county
BOc.tQn, Texas
opinion fram thlJl departrant.
"Wa have tve big de
Doria Uatmty, and mui fr
working at said plate.
e Qolleetor for
op, BOV~aountr ha8 a poppls-
to the lart reden Denme
us thm Clfiy df Taxarkm4 has
vx1tten 6n oplsion cone8nling rlmmt
tted in your In&m. The opinirw is
la beIn& enalosed for your eonetdera-
to your rpeairi6 questlnn, you are advlmid
that rubnittsb by pou and under the holding in
our @d.nlon tic. o-4346, supra, that the perrcm~ inquired about
In your inquiry vould not be subject to pay a poll tax foe the
year 1!3&l.ind therefore the 8~S8SSer and aolleotor vould have no