OFFlCEOFTHEAlTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN BonorableD. Rioherd Vogee oounty Attorney Sohool-M&@ct. \ We aoknowledgereoei i 194&,in whloh you reques to the validity or an ori 'IndependentSohool Dfstri arper ana Colqpanfor Elexarcounty, Texas, r0r, 0r d4mqu4nt tax48 due sold Independent Soho Paragraph m thl provides that the ') $hm& Dlstriot ls,%o pa&,Murph and Oonipanythe sum ooverlng the aost atmlpa, g4rrormane0 id opt .or the rim l&litlon to 19% to the term or the am- on Ho. o-$OOk, in whloh nquent tar attcmnef for 4n oat&2 not make ohargea for stanipr, n to 15s of the amount of t&ea opinion or this department that the pro- ph 8 of the contraot imbmltted are Illegal In view 0r this ooJl~lualon,we e other point6 pro- rented In your opinion request.