cii HonorableA, S. &&ton Ccmty Juditer AndersonCeunty Palestine,Texas Dear Sir: OpinionHo. O-4296 Re: Nay the county tax a6s6666r- ooll6otoraccept prymentof oom- m6E sohooldistriqt*tax66where pay- m6nt Of 6tat6, awnty, and read di6- triOt tax66 is aOt mad6 at the 66me time? W6 have reoeivedand aonsideredyour requestfor an opinionfrem this dspprtiaent.I% quote from your request: %tay th6 061ptytax 666666or-coll6ctWaoc6ptpaymentof commonschool dirtriottaF66~ifpaymentof State, countyand mad dictricttaxes is not mad6 at the sams time?6 Th# propositionsubmittedby you sa6ms to be coveredin Article 73360,Revi6sd Civil Statutesof Texas. This departmentin OpinionNO. 'O-381has alreadypassedupon the authorityof th6 countyasssssor-col- leatorto acarpt paymentof cenmonschool district. lxx66 without paymwnt of countyand state taxes. In your requestyou have includedroad dis- trict tax66 in additionto countyand 6t6t6 taxes. IV6think our opinion Tlo.0481 and its conclusionsare applicableto the propositionsubitted here by you. Since the statuteis quotedin said opinionand the appli- aable rules of law ar6 disoussedtherein,w6 do not belive it is neces- rary to de 11yr6than to cite you to said opinion,a copy of which is enclosedfor your ccnsideration and assistanoe. We trurt that in this manner we haw fully answeredyour inquiry. Yoursvery truly APPROVEDJAN 28, 1942 ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS /E/GR(T(TmSELL%%- FIRSTASSISTANT By /s/ HaroldMcCracken ATTORNEYGEWiRAL Bb!:*j:egn Approved HaroldMcCracken W01. OpinionCommittee Assistant EyBWB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion