ff 1% now pq?oeed that this suknmtlcm be amandedto rcrsb
e0 folltm0t
"b. The
uuoti~ sh4311
thet 0hal.lba
selary to the
ti-6n1% tihaBxeautlreWfXear by
tion by appointmentby tk+ stat%
Rollxd&¶r VocntfonalEduastlea'
.. . .
ehouldbe made by the %a&& state Bo%rd for
Fmmtlanal Muu%tian, thsn and in that.event,
wUd ouoh 3l%ml%l al%utlonof the uTat%
of s'ublirr
~tcmtlc%l2~m%k%h#% tb% ICx%autive Offlew
of Said Beard?or
?kmombla ?hn G. Cm& i~we 4
fuada when euahtravel ie neoeseeryin
tha adminiutmtleziof the tooattoatil.
magram, end is a~pawd by the State
Board for Voa6tltn361
reted equally atmug tb eovorel -%erv-
lees; nnnely agrlcuiturc, hcmcmnkinl;,
~txadtwand lndustriee,on& disttIbu-
tiva sduarition.
%mrth - (A) I?6daaireyour opinion80 to
or net under th, broth-?kqhes tiot,Wcmp-
Deen .Qtorthe @arm %sadkat, orasy Fedeml
VocationalRehabilitation Abt, the Boanl Por Vo-
datioti Edu)%tionpen use euchmoney sllott6d
to ths State at Tsr;eS by the Fedeti ao*em%aent
fkomthc~wi Dsen Randa topaythle~8alaryto
*(B) ;CoriZdeuahrrplarpbe pcrmittsdurulsr
the aoaetitutiaaand Lswa at the stuk ox stwrr,
lnamuohaeths aaiddireetorfo 6lsotheState
S~rlqteadent tar ~ublLe Inatruatloarw tha
State or T6.xasl aid
“(0) Roraover, tb ExeautiooDl-
re&tarba all~lrti’a salary
aa awhoM oanlt.
be 9romteU txpmllpamong the 6avwal ocrvloed3,
thetis agrioultum hcmeumkine,tradesaniX
indu8tr~esand dlatx&tive eduaaticm,as
a?d deflmd tinder any Fedarel Voea-
tioneland R8hab.UitatSon AaW and
tim mcunt of rfxnay that
The Plan0 prepared by tha oovtrel etutrs are cub-
mittt?dto the Offioc at 3luontIonof the ttepzrtaent of the
Saterlarfor ap~pravel.If thay are appcmbd, than the
Wl%e of ~duaatlondilVt6t6 that the mmb$'8 epportiond! to
the v0rLausstatesbs gala. 20 U.S.C.B.~ % 18; Wtatmatmt
af ~OU&H#," 1027 ?3attlQrl, pslbems, x?L Them3ia nmdll$
to lmlicatethat thlaFlaa6may mt be MIaslUad, and WB hclisve
thet they ray be. %e da not #lx&k thut t?&norah%xQw3murat
be approvedby the Fedem.lMiioa af tiu4atIaa but we)do
bel.Ims that ehengtmwith regard to tha sslaedan of the
F&eoutl.ve orrIosr%ad tha p%y&wlt to him with Ftaeralfunas
of a cralmyam not s&nor a&s&es. Suah nattarn rro d.iraet-
11 wbfUm&ed rri~th the adalrd~ratlea or thsrvOOatl@%l Ode-
oationprourtun and th$ oxpandltaretri,Pedm8l funds,end
~uteua;;gurepialaabe apprav~ by tha FederelMfios of
Z.nthe~%~S unUarooariUanttltm, the Skate
%u,jw&uts;dsnt muld atl.U k %sootiv, Of'flimrr but im
.raUd bs mah by virtue alpl&Is&~tion (80,stata ;5qmrin-
ten&r& Md mf by appohatmmnt BJ the State Bocrrd. Bsada
aot b8116va timt this wuld bo a maffIoI6at oheage to re
qulra ~l?bdaa-al ap rwu,l. lrut tba afaanige w&h raspsot to
the pay&mat of tie salary 18 a tS.imot reversal of pelioy
aad werauldrwzirtt such apmw6L
"d. T&v ward tdlrectart$0 used to de&g-
atee the stats~ofrioiel dirsotl$reapansible
tt+the state board ror voaatloaaladueatian,
thouqh the xxeotltiveMfiocr twhe ummll~ $84
Bono~ble Ran 0. Gmwl, haee 10
Humble Ban (2.Cneal, page 11
could be oonstmcd to man a r@intmreemSnt to the State
of finanaunt repmaaat.1~~that pomantaE6 of the 5vhioh
the stat+3 otrincr 08 k%outlva Cfflosr &wotes to the
vccotloMl edUGrltlon ~tmgm.3h In ether words, if tha
otate offia+r dototeo one-fifth of hie tiae tn t&, voti-
tiailrlsducctionalp.myrm end ha mcalro!~ a ~5,000 an-
z~uslsclarg'frcm the !X;rtats, than $;i,ccc er wm8i r-48
cbUi4 be pat% to the C-tat8 as reinbursemnt. It could
3150 he ooncstruetl ta man a pq-rmnt to 'thdof%mr him-
eelf in a%ciitionto h&s aelcry fror5tbc stats. Ai to
which cf thhssetwo uo.mtruot&onsis ta bt placed on
-m&ibursCYl)O.zt,*~we express no 6~2.don. In this aon-
nectlon WC fim beuling tith Fcdewll statutse ondml.-
lap upon wblch our intsrpmtation would in no wag be
bindin& Af3th% Rp~rcYRl or dl&lpprovrtl of the v. s,
Cfliaa at Wuaatioa would indincte its fnterpretatlan
upon th salary feature of the acoMment, we belieye
thatno *mid expres*aQ 0JIlnlonthamon sn&tht~
part of t&e ruser&~~ent ehmld ad muat be feft m&Irely
to tbn Fearrml agency. 8% do bold, heuwer, that them
is nothing in the Wnetltutlca or statutes of %xamD whicih
would prevent 8 2\s ntwlth Faderoilfundatof a ml-
to thm ,.mati6 YE
t3tipe ttment al l!bMutivo cfriw3rr
Fourth tc). Te anamer thir quckatfan in ttw
Fifth. se &me anwrcsredtIllaqu%etien in the
bo@ cf the opinion.
X'ewish to e hm~ics that the rulings of the
IT.2. vtflacscf .*Auca 3 an ult5mately determLineits uwn
condwt under fedeti stat~ed end mgulcrfionsrsleting
to toocrtlcml oducaticm. Fox this manon w+ean@snt that
ell r?aarn4meata 0~ tPrraats Man be euhmttted to the IL Se
Gffiae oi'~dumtlaa.
very tmlp yours