OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN a- G MArw A-or*- ~o~raable Formuter Eancock Criminal metriot Attorney yuatumhle, Texdm m sir: lie have recrlved peeds U8 f011ov81 Wght I subait loving Qw~tloa, toeit, “TherDforc, (L6 a 88tter of lav end qulty, we aPu of the vplnion th8t one engaged in I bueLnnse OP praa- tics 2.nviolation of the lav, either direotlr vp lndl- 2ectLy, baa no etandlng in uourt, and h&e alaim oennvt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion