Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable:~T. J. Crowe,Secretary Texas StateBoard of MedlcalExaminers Texas Bank Building Dallas,Texas Dear Sir: OpinionNo. O-4222-A. In.e,ompllancewith your raquest,we have reconsideredour opinion04222. We are of the opinionthat said opinionis corfrect,and thereforeaffirm the conclusionsthereinexpressed. Your attentionis directedto the fact that the Constitutionof the State of Texas prohibitsmoney being wlthd.rqwnfrom the Treasuryof the?State except pursuantto appropriation made by the Legislature,and further providesthat no appropriation shall be made for a longerperiod then tyo years. Constitution, ArticleVIII, Section 6. Under these PrOVisiO& !tZ,followsthat where the Legislaturehas failed or refusedto appropriate moneys for expenditurefor partic@ar purposes,the accountingofficesof this State have no authorityto Issuewarrantsupon the Treasuryin payment of expenditures made for such purposes. Yours very truly A!lTOBNEYCEEEBALCWTEXAS s/B. U. Fairchild By R. W. FaGchild Assistant BWF:mpjldw A?@.EOVEDMAB. 10, 1942 s/G&OVERSELIEBS FIEST ASSISTANT ATTCBBEYCENEBAL APF'BOVEDOPINIOB COMMITl!EE BY B. W. B. CHAIRMAN