Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Oi?FlCEOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Homer Carrieoni Jr. Dlreotor, Department of Public sarety Camp bbry Austin, Texas Dear Sir: AttentLon: SW., L. G. departaentklpon otter fn full aragraph (a)~ot as a departmental grounda upon which the right of such trane- portatlon agency to do~businassin this state oan be forfeited,and the Attorney General ia hereby dfrected to institute proper pr6ceedings to aanoel said.right of any transportationagenoy so orrending.’ _^...... ..-...__. ._ _^ -- --.,_-_..-- ._ . _..-. ^_..r . .. . . ^” ,.,.^.. ,,.,, ccc ..FD^<,F” -” y-C .*nDLIF” C.YFI1.I nm =,nCr .CCIC-.Y. Bonorable pmor Qarilson, Jr., Page S ,*Itls'reapeotrullyrequestedthat this depart- ment.be advised whether nornot any member or'tha department other than duly oomm.lsdOnedmembers Of the Tszab Banger division or the Department0r Pabi 110 Sarety nre exempt rr,omtha restrictionsimpowd by t,he above quoted portion or Senate Bill Ho. 428 under the provieions or existing Statute.* Under the.laws of this State transportationand oom- munloations companiesare prohibited iram giving free parser or'franking privilegesto any peraoa, ii328 or aesoalatlon of persons. Artiole 4005, Vernon*8 Annotated Statutes, 1925. In Artlole 4000, Vernon's Annotated 01~11 Statutes, the Le slature ha8 set'ont oertain exceptionsto this general prohlb etion. Texcia -Bange~s.areSpeoirioallg mddotied aiaong those persons, rirmi8,or issooiationsof .pereonseroepted tram the prohibitions Wo oth&r,aembersof the DsparMent oi Publio mretpi nor the Depaktment.of, Publl~ Sarrty ,itseZfare~lnoluded la the rxaeptionrii@der.thisArtiolei :. However; thir Arthh does aontain & ganebal &arpi tibn ror all bona ri6~e~'psaae'~Oiria8rs in thd dfso.h&ge of oera fain dat1.s. speoirloa3ly%i$s Article i3xempts~.~any ride peaos orfloer when his guty IS to era&e ori in We belleve,thiia axaeptlon inoludee‘anynember ot l&e i)e&tment of Pub116 Safetfkho is engaged 'Int~heexeaution of orlmlnal prooesa, if BUQ? memb?r is aatho+Sleed to exeoute.~.such process; This department'baaheretorore h&d in $ta opinion Ho. 04973 that memberspi the Texas Bi@mif Patsol”may, under aertaln oiroumstanoos,be oonslderedaa esdmpt freti:the pro- El;;ions or Artlale 4005, we quote rrem t,+ option as ~roi- %embere ,& theTexas Highway P&o) are snot specifioallyne+d -~-get the exoept@Xs p@.drd in krtlole 40062 .A hkaf 'Patrsleman,b&n&a.peaoe offiaer, however;~we =%l t n&he aould p,r,~pqxly reae$vd’ a pass and.ma&g nse of~the same while ,-gaged ,f.n the exeoutlon of ariminal proaesbi? Honorable HomerGarrisoni Jr., Page 9 It is therefore the opinion,ot this departmemt and you ars rssppbatlvalp so advised, that, except when engaged In the exsoution or arlminal proosss, and having due authority to do so, no member of the Department of Publla Safety other than duly aommlsslonedmambara of the Texas Bangera division of the Dsjartment or Pub110 Safety are exempt from the rsmtrlatlons lmposad by ths quoted portion or Senate Bl3.1 No. 489 under the proric~lon~ or ldrtlng statutea. Trusting that we heve fully answered your inquiry, -0 '='?^ Yours very truly APPHOVED JAW. 2, 1942 ATTORWEY OF TEULS GItlWRAI. Y /a/ Gsrald C. Mann BY .ATTOIU?EY GBWHBAL OF TEX4S APPROVBD OPIWIOW COMMITTlE3 BY B.W.B. CHAIRUW