OFFICE qF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Harry Knox, Chairma State Board of Control Austin, ‘l’em~8 5 ), . Dear Sir: ,. tion or this departmont the quo ofriolal bonds or all eleomosyn keeper-aooountant 0r eleemoe out 0r the appropriationa m tlon for uaupport and ma+ nd *in the sum of nd conditioned ~for mosmary inotitution shall, e of his duties, make and n the sum 0r QlO,oOo, pay- r0r the ru, raitmd, aoou- * his ‘dutiee. revision of the general law whioh stipu- of furnishing suoh orrfoiol. bond6 shall LikewSae,: there is no 8po0iri0 provi- ation bill providtng appropriation8 for tiona direoting or allowing payment 0r thd prenium on euoh orf’ioial bonds from State.iUads. Your queetion is answered in the negative. This de- partment hae several times ruled that where an xf fioer or em- ployee is required by law to furnieh bond before entering upon the duties of his orrioe~ or employment, and there ia no PrOvi~ aion or the statupee or epeoitio Atem in the appropriation ,. I ~~ j I‘,. Ronoreble Harry Knox, Ohairman, Page’2 bill allowing or pr&dirvx tar the payment of the premium on suoh bond by the State, the’ expenee of iurniehiq such bond is doened to be personal to the enployco or officer and oan- not be paid out of general expense f’unde provided by appro- priation to the partlouler Gtato department or Institution. SO* opinions Noa. O-2092, O-3666, and O-3032. Pour8very truly ATTORRlIY OplNwAL OF TEXAS ;. . I . ,-’ : ,‘, .’ .’ ‘, 2 - ! i f