. ... : : i *..,:*.. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 1 ^_-.,......._._.__.,_ _^ __._ ...~,._ -- Honorable George. W. 00x, Pago 2 or allotments or funda ircm the UnItod Statra Oorornmont to be used on Stats oooparatlte and other Podoral pro aota and programs In Texas, In- olu&Ing oonstruot J on ot publio buildInga, rrpafro, and inpraremonta . Any of auoh Fedora1 iundo OS may be deposited In the State ‘l’roaaur~ lm honbr approprlatod to the lpooltlo purpose authorltad br the Fadoral Gotetrmnt, and aubjeot to tha lIm$tatIon plaoed on this Aot.’ **has rules and n@ulatIons of the lrodiral Works AdminIstratIon require Fadaral funds to ba kept In a a@parato aooount marked *ConatruotIon Fuad ior Dookrt !&x08 W-257*. Wo hero alrrady contarred rith the oitioIal8 of the Austin So- tional Bank, Austin, TIxaa, and hate oeourod a atatonmat rror the Vlor-Prealdant that h) till reoairr and dlaburao thoso Federal iundo in ao- oordanoe rlth the requirements. *A:portIon 0r the rui0 for the abotr dw4 bored dooket wer’o approprlatrd by tha 47th Lm&ii laturo, and of oourae, thsao iundo an la thr Stats Trmaury, and we would prefer to deposit ‘the Fedora1 funds In the Mate !Preaaur~ ia order to ham all funda In one plaoo. ‘. V?b ihall Oak you to ad~Iar us whather PO&- oral fundr plaoed In the State Traaaury oan ba draIgnatod la lo o o k da nouiith a tho’rulra and rrgu- latlona of %he ?e&rralWorks A&ainIatfat~on, and whothor th6y oan bo drawn out on .ohaokr or. *or- rants rignod by’s nproaentatlro of the Ownor (the Stat@ of Texas) on proper preamtatIon o? aatimatrs, vouohara and requIaItfona. *. . . .* la our opinion that tha Stat0 Traasurrr is au- It thorized to aoorpt and you to deposit the funds graatod by the Fodrral Works AdmlnlatratIon and that thr Same may bo oarrlrd by the ‘Troaaursr undrr the dooket number aaai8nod by”the Fedarol Works AdmInlstratIon and that tIm earns oan bete;un out from tlma to tlm by warrant upon proper requl- . Yours Yarr truly K&R 28, 1942 ATTORNEY (3ltNERAL OS TEXAS n BY Aallatant