.. .. ; -...:..- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Boncrable John D. Reed, pale 8 *(a) The pranotIlt& oonduatine,or maIn- tclning or rfetia ambat or wrestlin&.matches, boxing or sparrIngcontcsto or exhIbItlonerap money remuabratlon purpes or prize equIValent $0 beraoeived by chc partfolpantsor aontee- teats, or whors an admission fes thereto or thereror $6 charged or reosiyed, shall ~bclaw- N In Texas, exaept on fhaday, subjeot to. such supervisionby tke CczmIssIonerof L&or Statisticsaa such Caolnissioner poaaeseee~ we-r tbeatrea and cmployedz thereof other i&ran perform&m and under the further provI6I~ne hereof; providea however that any such can- tcets aonductcd &y educetionallnatitutlons and/or 7Bxec Gtional kard qnits ad/or duly recogniaed amateur athlstla oFganizatlonf3 shall be exempt from the provIsions of tkIs Aat 88 61,auIfledunder Paragraph (b) ofthls aeotion+" Aa yet .seethere IS foqd here no .exp& PI IIR- pl~ed.cxauptlonOr oarnlvale Sta&Ing Buch boxing~andwrmtl- I& sxhibIdons. ; definerr Artiale 614-3, Vernon's A@notated p6+( ~ciila, =praaoter*ao fdlou~8 .," ., %a& IndIoIdual,firm, cl=b qoDartm&itip, association'ccmm or~corporatlanwhIoh;'~imk-: duets any datio combat bcx* spairiqe@r wrestlingmat& cttntse~ OP +&bltlon.I~:.i.,n 'pmmotsr' with&a the t&s of this A&g . t . This defl&tlanIe broad and all inolus$&md eon: t&m no sxpreaa or ImplIeQ examption.of~cernlvale- staging such bsringmid wrset~ing srhlMffcm,+or &se we able to ilnd In any~of the other prarIslone of thIr,s$atut6 aa 8xpresS or implied sxaaptlon 02 afiraioalesWg%g bOxbAg and nrCrSal%#ig exhIbitionabase& upan the payment @r eaah qn?niwib & OobU- pation taxee in ewlry oouaty in whI#h it oprraba6, or tiponany other basis,. '&a abatutc'~.evyIng and,mquii%ng the p&mat of . occupationtaxes by OamIvals ir &Male 9047, titrbdIrI#IonS(b), Vernon's ¬ated 'Xvi1 Netutes, which I! tisfcl.lowsl Honorable T&n D. Reed, - Fran every parnlval a~ ~lmuai tax or 0x10Hundred Pollase (5100.06); whloh State T&x shall be dw, and payable in eaoh and every county in whloh 6uoh aamlval ehors or exhibits.* miia provi8ion 0r the law oontalna no expns6 or implied exemption of Suah oarnivalsfrom the provieion41 of the boxing andwrestling law, and we are unable to find ug ;Y$rg-at" emmptlng carnlvelafrom the pmlelye or . We are therefore oonetraiuedto hold that a aarni- val paying an oooupafion tax in every eouuty in whioh if operates comea within the provl.aIonaof the boxing and wree- tlIng law if said oar&v&l utagae boxlng andwzrstlw exhibf- tions, and you are xe6psatfull~advlaod that in t& opinioa of this .dapartmoatjoup question should be anawared in the affirmatlv~. We trwt that the above opinion 8atl~aotorIly ,. amnmma yeur Inquiry. v!?~ytruly I youra A!Fl'Ol?ltiZY GBNERU. OF TBXIB By /m/ ROW. S. chrrry Robert FGsT&y RPPRQVSCDAPR 23,1943 T AssIS¶!Aw!r ATroM I3Jmmlx
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion