Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Benorable CbarlrrH. Theob6Jd 06untyAttornay 06lreat6ncounty Oalvrsston,Teua D6ar 61r: Your requret to ouofullj oan~idoro6 bp t request a6 folLat tabar requoddd me te r spielon oa th le y e u h a r e h o Ad Ewe. 85 60 of tho ast ataa68, et that theso i6 LIBmlrt~ ~pr+wtahg th6t ii 'urp%0ti0n d wocrmtitutioa<hat the b0 lfr00ttvO.* fBnak6t Iasutloa Honorable Uharles K. Theobeld, Page S TWction,RS of Article 5 of our State Con- etitt&on. gm%Qts authority to thn legislature to inoreaae. dio&nlah or chance the civil and criminal jurlediotlon 6P county aourte by elt%er ha1 or saneral law. Sections 1 and E’ 01 the above auoted sot are themrore valid. *Howover, Section 5 of the aot PrOV~diQg addltioual oompensation for the County Clerk and County Judge, and providing for the eppoiQt- mnt of an additional daputy clerk and the pay- ment of a salary to eucb deputy, is clearly us- onQstitutional as a looal or special law ettempt- in& to regulate the effaira of a county, anG whsra a Sensral lcw oan be labd~ea;iplicable. Al!aostthe idantieel prooedurewas aondemcd in the oaee of Duclos vs. EbrljaCouuty, 251 6. #. 569, Effi~bd by SupM!N GOti iQ S&5 5. 1c'.S62. Ale0 see the aese8 OS Altgelt ve. Gutzeit, 1SV 5. R., ESS, affirmed by Suprem Court in 201 S. Vi. 400; *ara vs. Harris Ccirnty,E00 S. W. 794; and the reevnt case of Ulller et al vs. El Paso County, 150 8. X. (2d) 1000, (Empreme Court or %x&s--0pin4on delivered by Ctiiarf'Justfoe Alsdmndsr I.* (Unhrscfning ours ) $eotionr 55 end 66, Constitutional Sew, Vol. 9, pp. 4voe,473 and 474, Taw~ JUrlsprudunOe, r8ad aa fOihVSJ “1. 86. &3QUR~~y - A legislative maat- ment may be unaonetitutional and therefore in- valid aa to aem of Itspprovisionr, and Valid ae te cthera. Indeed, lt ie elementary law tbat a statute will elways be sustained a8 to portions wbleh Rre not ufioomtitutlonal, unlese the UQ43OQSfi~kd~OQSl gOrtibQS @Qd the WQsti- tutional portlo~s are so intsrminglrd that they oamot be severed. The eonstitQtloQal 8,QdUQ- aOQBtitUtiOQa1 prOVit8lOQl3 IBaybVBQ be OOQtaiQed in the same section, and ret be perfectly dia- tinut end ee~rable, so thet the first miy stami though the ti6t fa~L1. The point is. Qot bheth& they are NJQt0iEOa in the sdDl6seotioQ, fo- the dietributloa into aactidns is au~ely artitioial, but nh:?+harthey ere as6sQtlally and Inrreparablyaonneoted in substanea. If the two parts tin be possibly ieparatad, the OOti srhotidd0 60, aI%&QOt p%~&t the IQVrrlid part to dfmtrey the whole law. Bonorable Charlea H. 'phrobald,Page 6 Thaw an aat he1.dunaeaetftutlonal aon- tains a prov+.on for the rapeal of prior law, suah provision is al8o unooastitutioaal. If the statute in qusrtion operated as.an amend- nmnt of an earlier law, ths effect of holding it to be unabastitutional is to lsata the orlgfnal anaatmsnt in full tame and offeat. "I 68. Ssvsrabllit~ of Part8 of Aat - A8 to whether eonntitational psrts of the statute must bo held to be invalid or inoperatira baasusa of concroeia.tion 18 dependent upon the objeot of the law, and the manner and extent to whioh ths unoon~titutional portion affeots the re- maina~r. It is mid that tho aburt araynot d4- elare the whole to be invalid unlsse a11 the grovi4ionm aro connsated in subjsot mattex, de- pendent on each other, Qpemtlng togother for 6l'Oth8X'W14400 COIlMQtti together IIasadng tb lvaw r=po8o that it eaanot be preapacld that the laglalatura would.havo psaed ths one without the otbu. **It ir a roll-settled xulo that, if Ohs *ore41 pro~irioa4 of a le&slatire aat are 40 mutually emmated with aA depaadeat tm eaoh other aa conditions, oonotderatioo~ 6r oompaaabioa fer aach other am to mwmnt the belief fbst the Legirlature intanAa$ them a8 a uhclo, and would not hare 6aaaCe4 one or mire of theaiii'the others ~0~14 not br jotid and oarried into effest, than all th4 pro*lrion* mlut f411.' non~the othrr hand if the unOo46titutkoMl portion of the mtatuto 1s rtrioken out, a08 that which rmalnr la oompletr In Itself and oapabla of bring lxsouted l.n aOoordaPor with t&a ameat lagf*lativa infant, rihellyimi4~4adent of t&4* whlah is rsjeotaa, it Lust be 4u8taiwL" Zt is our opinion that Seatiarw 1 anO 2 of th* aot PFB elear2y severable aa aonstitutional. Xt is 001 fwther 6gfnio5 that the partial tmaon- 5titutmmlify or the sot [ta wit, aeohion Ss aa point44 eta% IionorabloChsrlss Bi Theebald, Page 4 in oplniou No. O-3722) wkll &at aifeet the other motiona 0r the aat.