OFFlCE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorabLa W. L. Edwaada County At tornay vlotorla County VIctoris,, Taxaa . Dear Sir: : Payment of oountp attornaye who act aa distriot’attorneys. Tour letter oi Ootober 14, 19i.1, requsstlng the ’ opinion OS this department reads . In part a8 follows: “This letter is writtqn in Counsotion with your Opinion No. O-3773,adarsessd to the Hon. MO.’ H. Sheppard. m that oplnlon, the aspart- ment held that Xr. Sartln oou3.U not draw his salary aa District Attorney during his absence, an8 that thsri was no evallablo appropriation for the pafie@ o$ Diatrlct Attorneys pro-turn. WI are In-booogd with your apinion on those qu8stlnn0,. ,. *I now ask you to oonsider tht quest& rzytm the stsndpoltit di County Attornaya, who agt In the abaenog of tha District Attornry under Artlola 26 (OCP) am Amended, whloh reads as fol.lows~r *‘Art. 26. J’hr co&Q attorneys shall ,attand the terms or a11 oourts 1 hi -.oountr below tha Rraae. o*~~bl4tirl%i okrt and shall remesant the Stat0 Sn all crf& ‘inal casaa =a02 rxamlnatlon or orossoutfon In ea%d oountvl and in ths absence’ of .tha dl8trlot attopney hr mhall raDraaent the State alone. or when rmxmstrd. shall afd Fhe dlstrlot attorney In the proeeoution o? any oasa In behalf of the stats in tiia &&lot ‘oourt. and in auOh oaaea he ahall rroefve all or one-half of the fees allowed by law to distrlot attornrye, acoording aa Honorable Y. L. Bdwards, Fege 2 he sotea e10ce or jolntlx. In suoh oases , I 11 or one-half of the ~~s~“~;ln$~eb~l~~ t.0 the dlatrlot sttor- ney aho~3 dutlaa he perforas, or assists in perforsing, but shall r~aiva no Part of the CW3titUtiOIVIl 33l3rf 3llOvd to such district sttornsg, aOOGrdiPg 0s ha acted alone or faintly; provlds4 that fees collactoa by the county attorneY from the state for such sarvloas shall be deducted by the ComptMJller Of FUbliO ,?.CCCUXd fro= the faas which othsrwlae would have baa psid to the district aftorney had ha feW’+ Panted tha State alone; movldad further t.h;s artiols shall not be OOn3trued ss in- hibitlng any county attorney froa voluntsrily, with the Conssnt of ths aistriot ettornws casirttin;; the district attorney in the per- for-mnce or 111s respective duties, without oon,pans~ t ion. s Ii9anatn STcts 1933, 43rd. Leg. ) p . 177 ) ok’.- 83 . ) ’ “The question thus prsaentsd as 1 a8.a it ia otion of the vord Vseti” a’s to its nsalaryn or Qaymr in this *It Is Ily ,oontantlon that the word VC~B* in this Statute should be oonstrued with rerar¶noa to the PurPoW Of the Statutr, whioh in this in- stanO* *ra* undoubtedly to proola~ ooaren$ation for County Attorneys, who lsot In the absence or DistrIOt AttOrn6ys, at. ths 9~x6 rate or pay aa DIetriot fittOrnsys., and out of the find sat aside for ‘the EiStriOt Attornsy. The Legislature un.. doubtedb contemplated ttiet at tines ror *oma resson the 3ietrlct dt~oruey would be unable to act Or ~.w.O~ mad UG8istanoe, and ior that raasou .m~ds provision for .the oo~~pene.atlon at the county b.ttorney. Any othsr conltruotlon laevse the ,“tetuts without meaniq. “It fS W cOIlt6ntiOn chat, the F.t.ntuts, Art. 26 afOr%*id, CsD. be conetruad i.n no other.way than tiint the Y:cnl “f34S” should be Used intsrchangeably *pith th% \*ords “Fey” or “solaryn, or any other words d*notlnr coapsnsetion. Honorebla %. L. Edwards, Fags 3- “It arpaars to me that thr Legislature ln- tended that the County Attorneys should be paid out of tha salary fund of the District Attorney, and thst the use of the word efeesw, instead of the word “salary” was sixply an orersl#t. To substsntiote this stete3ent, I call your attention to the history o? the various articles involved. Article 26 vas evidently written at:8 ~tine when Dlatriat i?.ttorneys T’:SIO on.a fee ba&la. The orig- inal etotute aaa the seation which 1s above under- ltned. The 40th Legislature in 1927 araended Art- icle 1021 C.C;‘r., which prcvldes for the pavxant of District. Attorneys. Of cours.3, .:.rtlcla iO21, had the a3ect of taking the Dlstrlct lttornay off the fee baaie end placifig hlfl on a par diem basis. The 43-d. Le~ialature in 1933, after the passage of Article 1621, and its axaandnent, men- Cad Article 26. The mended pert beicg that portion ~rhicb 14 net underlinsd above. I believe it to 53 the laql -resuxotion ihot the Lepislatura took cognizance of the existing 1~~~6 at the tine it aada this gjaendxent. If this is correct, the Legislature then rasaed their a;vand.nent knowing that District Sttorneys were no longer on a r40 beds, but were on a per diea basis. Therefore, the intent of the Legislature was evi.dWltly to raaah any fund@ held by the Comptroller’ to pay Distrlat Attorneys for the purpose of paying County Attorneys who act in their stead. Of course, Article 3886r (R.C.S.) is now the existing atatute :eith referenaa to gsynent ol Sistriat Attorneya. The above is cited for the purpose of shoving that the Legiolature did not intend that tine :+ord ‘Y4e.e” should be usad in a restricted sense. As above ststed, *ny other construction laaoes Article 26, 8s aasnddd, wholly valualesa and nesnln~less. *I do not believe the ‘Jogas case, 67 S.?:. (26) 856, Caters the situation. In the first plaae. that proceed&? was avldently brou‘;ht to recovsr r444 aa provided by Article 1025 C. C. P. In the rsaond plaae the Court in disposing of the aase altes Article 26 as it existed before ita alend- slant. The court held that the County Attorney could not racovtr fees provided by Article 1025 for the reason that the Dlstrlot Attorney ~4s not on 4 fee basis but was paid under Xrticla 1021 on a per diem .besis. Eonorablo X. L.’ ‘Zdwerds, Fege 4 . “By tai h- PUS~W.u~Y ----*A-** ” to Artlale 26, passed sitar the par diem lew, , I believe the Leglaleture alearly IndiMiteU its intention that themCounty Attarney should be paid out of the fund or money set aside for the purpose of paying the Distrlat Attorney had he sotad. w;(enlfestly, ii. this intentlop; 1s clearly lndiaated, a strained or taahnlcsl bonatruatlon of a mere word rhould not be allowed to defeat it, lrFeaially when auah aonstructlon.would be inequitable. “1 further a611 your attention to the lang- uage or Section 2, or Art. 38861 R. C. s., the preasnt salary law. This statute sprclriaally rsappropriates a&l manlea heretofore appropriated by the Leglslatura to pay fees, salaries, and par dlea atiaountr of the o?!i%ers nsmsd. ‘In view of the fact that the County Attorneys of Vlatorla, Calhoun, s.atuglo and Jackson Countiss are affected, I ask that you give thla cmttar your moat aaraful. considera tlon. 7 Artlale 31, Code of-‘Grlmlnal Proobdure, provlcleer WVheneter any dlatriet & county battornay rails to attend any .tero of tha distrlat, county ‘_‘or $astlaea courte, the:judge of mid aourta or luah justloe may appoint some competent attorney to pariorm the dutlee of euah dlatriat or aounty attorney, who shall be allowed the sene ooapensa- tlon ror hia servlaea aa la allowed the Cldtrlct attorney or aouqty attorney. Said appolntaent ahsll not extend beyond the tera of the court at . whiah. it is msde, and shall be vacated upon the appearance of the dletrict or aounty attorney.” Ae we understand your request you desire the opinion of this depertment wlth referenae to the amount or aompeniatlon, if any, a aounty attorney la entitled when tha aouaty ettorheg aate in the absence of the dietriot attorney under Article 26, Code of Crlmlnal Frocedura. 54 think that Artiale 26 snd krtiale 31, supra, mat be Honorable ir. L. Sdnards, Page 5 eonetrued together, and rhrh ao conatrusd, it is olear that the Leslalatura has mado it the duty, and it Is llkewlsr the right,-of thr oounty attornay to rap&sent the Stata in the district oourtr la the abseaoe of the district attorney. In ..ths sbsancr of the dlatrlot attorney, the duty and thr au- thority to reprrsoat the Stata In the district court ir ooa- rarrad by the statutrs upon tha oounty attorney. It Is not upntraplatrd nor Is it aeoessary, that the oourt should dsslg- auto the oouatg attorney as district attorasy pro tra. It la only whoa the dintriot attorney and;tha aounty attorney sre absent that the. court 1s euthorlrsd to Yhppolat a dlstrlat sttornsy pro tom. fn a latter oplnlcn addressed to Hoaorabls Cullea D. Vaaoe, County Attorney, 3dae, Texas, oa ?ebruary 12, 1935, thir dapsrtmsnt rulrd that a dletrict ju&e 1s wlth- out anthoritr to appoint ra attornsy pro tam to reprsseat the State whrn either tho dlstriot attorney or tha oounty attorney le prssoat, When the oountp attorney acts ia ths abaenoa of the dlstriot attorary ha must raoalvr his oospsaaatloa for sold aervlcas under the provisions of Artiols 26, rather than under the provlalons of Article 31. The rISht of the county attorney in euah instaaos to conpsnsstloa under Article 26 depends upon nhathar fare are allowed to the dlstrlot attorney of the dls- trlot for the services psrforned, la the abseaos of the dls- trlot attorney, by tha oounty attorney. Slnoa January 1, 1936, tha dlstrlct dlstrlots of this Stats an annual salary in than by tha allowanoa Clrll Statutes) *This ooapaasatlon d6aa not depend on the aumbur .of oaa6s triad, or the result achieved, and rrcludes all other ~oapsn- ration azoapt hie annual salary.’ .(Vo ea v. Sheppard, Coma. App. of Tsx. Saotloo A opinion adopt.8 8 by thr Supreme Court, . 67 S.M. (2nd) 856.) Slnoa distriat attorney8 are no longer oompansated on tha raa basla, but by the payment of en annual Salary, snd the-l@slstura hasasds no rovlslon for coapan- sat1 the oonnty attorney who aots la t ii a sbsanoe of the dlstr Y ot attorney by spproprlatlon to hla a part of the salary to ba paid to tha dlatrlot attorney, it folloaa that thr oountg ‘attorney who sets la ths ebarner of the distrlot attorney fa not latltlrd to ooapensstion for tha saroioas thus rendered. Trusting that the roragolng rully anawara your ln- q&f, wa m-0 Yours vary truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion