HonorableHaaer Garrison,Jr., Mreotor
Deprtment of Publio Safety
&xitin, Texas
Dear sin opinionHO. -145 ~.
Rer lkuld'a countycommissioner,
by viitue of the faat that
at times he might skre as a
magi&rate, be allowedto
Responding to your opinion request of recent &ate on the ques-
tion a8 statedabove,we have oarei'ully investigatedthe authorities.
The pertinentstatutoryprovisionsare containedin Chapter4
of Title 9 of the Texas Penal Code, Articles493 and 494, under the gen-
eral headinguUnlamfullyCarrying&rms.-~~, Ue quote
__- said articlesa
*4rt. 463. 476, 339, 310 Unlkully oarryingarms
"Shoevetshall awry on or about his person,saddle,or
in his,saddlebags any pistol,dir&, dagger,alung-shot,
sword cane, spear or knuoklesmade of any metal or any hard
mbSta?me, bolrie lolife,or aqy other knife manufaoturedor
sold for the purposeof offense cr defense,shall be pun-
ished byfdne not less than#lOO.OO nor more than #600.00
or by oonfinementin jail for not less than one month-nor
more than one year. Aots 1897, p. 6; 4ots 1906, p. 66;
bat.91916, p. 194a
'b-t. 4040 476, 339, 319 Hot applioable
"The precedingarticle shall not-applyto a person in
actual serviceas a militiaman,nor to ang peaoe offioer
in the actual disohargeof his officialduty,nor to the
oarryingof wms on one’s own premisesor plaoe of busi-
ness, nor to personstrpcreling,nor to any deputy oonsta-
ble, or specialpolioemanwho receivescompensationof
Hoa. Homer Garrison,Jr., Director,Page 2
forty dollarsor more per monty for his services
as suoh offiosr,and who is appointed in wmfonn-
ity with the statutesauthorizingsuoh appointmentJ
nor to any deputy,whsn in the aotualdischargeof
his dutiesas suoh,nor to any game wardan,or lo-
oal deputyGeme, Fish end Oyster Commissionerwhen
in the actual disohargeof his dutiesin the county
of his residenos,nor shall it apply to any game
warden or deputyGems, Fish and Oyster Cummissioner
who aotuallyrsoeivesfrormthe State fees or oompsn-
sationfor his servioes. bats 1871, p. 25, Acta
1918, p. 194..
Article 6, Seotion12 of the Constitutionof Texas contains
this statements "All judgesof oourts of this State,by virtue of
their office,be oonservatorsof the peaoe throughoutthe State."
Smtion 1 of said Artiole 6 reads in part:
"The judioislpower of this State shall be vested
in ow SupreneCourt, in Courts of Civil Appeals,in
a Court of Cr5min~lAppeals,in DistriotCourts,in
Chnty Coufts;(b Coliimibsibnera~Couit~~
in thurts~ of
Justioesof~thsPeaoe)‘sridin:suoh other oourta~&s'may
be providedby law." (&~phasisours).
Rhile Camnissioners'Courtsare Courtsof 1imLtedjurisdis-
tion, th sre nevertheless"Courts.' Hill CountyV. Esmilton(Tex.
7 278 S.11,2921 Bradfordv..%ssley (Tex. C~II& App.) 226 6.W.
Civ. &pp.
171, revsrsing(Tsx. Civ. App.) 190 S.U. 824. .~ 1.
Artiole SK &our Code of CriminalProoedurr provides:
"Art.'S3.‘ (41) (42) Rho are magistrates
"Esoh of the f&lowing officersis a %mgistrstelwithinthe
meaning of this Coder The judgesof the.SupremsCourt,the
judgesof the Court of CriminalAppeals,the judgesof the dis-
t&t court,the county judge,sny oountyoonrmissioner, tk
justicesof the peace, the mayor or recorderof en inoorpor-
&ed oity or to%.* (Dnphasihours).
Hon. Homer Garrison,Jr., Page S
Article 54 of.the tide of CriminalProoedureprescribes
the duty of magistratesaa follows*
“Art. S4e (42) (43) Duty of magistrates
"It is the duty of every magistrateto preserve
the peacewithin his jurisdictionby the use of all
lawfulmeans8 to issue all prooassintendedto aid
in preventingand supressingOr-J to cause the
arrest of offendersby the use of lawful,meanain
order that they may be broughtto punislaaont.(0. C.
&ile Article 36, Code of %ninalProoadure, reads as fol-
“&t. 36. (45) (44) Who are peace officers
"The followingare 'peaoeoffioersr' the
sheriffand his deputies,constable,the mar-
shal or policemanof an incorporatedtown Or
oity,.theofficers,non-ocmmiaaioned offioers
and privatesof the State ranger force, and,eny
privateperson speciallyappointedto~exeoute
oriminalprooesa. (0.C. 63, hots 1919a p. 264.)"
The last quoted artialedoes not nams a oou& oamaiaaioner
as a '"peaoe offioer,'neitherdoes it name a justioeof the peace as
8uohJ but in the 0188 of PattonV. State, 129 Ten. '%. Rl 269, 86 S:
W. (Zd) 774, we find.thefollowinglanguage(after oitingthe various
statutes~snd constitutional provisionsquoted abore)r
". . . While a juatioeof the peace is not denom-
inatedas‘a,peaoeoffioerunder articleSS; C.C.P.,
yet this aourthold in the case of JonesV. State
(Tex. Cr. dpp.) 66 S.W. 92, thatt 'tiewho~is auth-
orizedto ,preserve or maintainthe publicpeaoe,is
a peace offioer. of courae,it would hare been
oompetentfor the legialataire, in enactingthe
pistol law, to have prescribedwhat officers. . .
were authoriaedto oarry pisto.laJ but when they
used the genera.1term, excludingfrau the opera-
tion of the law all "peaoe officers,"it applied
Hon. Homer Garrison,Jr., Page 4
as well to those who were constitutedpeaoe offi-
oers under the constitutionas to those who were
peaoe officersby the act of the legislature.
While we have oonoededin what has been said
above that the legislaturedoes not moan or treat
wunQ- judges aa peace offloers,yet us think it
is by no means clear that they did not intendto
regardthem as suoh, aa oertainartioleaof the
Code appearto anathemwith functionspertaining'
to peace officers.+++ Fe hold that the oonstitu-
tion m&es county judgespeace officers,end
that ahen the legislature,in enactingthe pistol
law, exoludedfraa its operationall peaoe officers,
appellantwas embraoedin this list, sndas auoh
peace officerhe was authorizedto oarry a pistol.
e&rt&le 484, P-C., exemptsall peaoe offloers
frau the operationof lirtiole403, P-C., prohibdt-
ing the carryingof a pistol. In the case of
Tippettv. State, 90 Tex. Cr. R. 373, 189 S.W. 466,
486, this court said:.Qyvirtue of section12 of
artiole6 of the Constitution, all judges ++e are +++
peaoe offioers.+** A oounty judge is a peace offi-
osr, then there is no esoapefrom holdingthat a
judge of the oorporationoourt is also a peaoe offi-
oer. eee &d if all judges are pesoe offloeraby
virtue of the oonatitutionalproviai~ hereinbefore
recited,then appellant,bgvirtue of being a judge
of the oorporationoourt,muld be a peaoeoffioer,
and authoriaedto oarry a pistol,evenwhen not in
.. actual.'dischargeof the dutiesof tha3~ffloe.':
'We see no good reasonwhy a justiceof tba~: -~,
who-is a judge of a justicecourtwould not oome aith-
in the defdnitionof a peaoe officerunder said ocnati-
tutibnalprovision. We are thereforeoonstrained'to
hold, in keepingalth the authoritiesabove oited,.
that the appellant,being a juatioeof the peace,was
a peace offioerand authoricedto oamy a pistol on
the oocasionin question,even though he ma not in
the actual disohargeof the dutiesof the off3ce.
*. . . . *
Ron* Rcmer C9rrisaP1,
Jr., Page 6
See also Satterwhitevs. State, 112 Tax. Cr. R. 674,
17 S.H. (Zd) 623. at p. 926.
Cles.rly,a countyoaaaissioner, while servingas a magia-
trate,is a peace offioerwithin the meaningof the terms of Arti-
ale 484, Penal Code, supre,which, maong other things,makes inap-
plieableto peace offioersthe provisionsof Artiole 483, Penal
Code, aupra,definingthe ,offenseof unlawfullyoarryingarmso Rut
we cannotbring ourselvesin agreementwith the last statementquotm
ed abovefraa the Patton base, i.e., that a magistrate,3 magistrate,
is authorizedto,oarry a pistol on= oocasionwhen not in the actual
dischargeof the'dutiesof his office. In additionto the language
of Judge.Rawkins, mritingon the ~ats.te's.motion
for rehearingin the
patton o*se, "Ho oannotagree, as insistedby the state, that on the
night of the killing appellantwas not in the dischargeof the duties
of his office,'.whiohwethink olearlyindicatesthe statementin the
originalopinion.tobe obiter dictum,we
showingthat the languageof the statute
literallywhat it sayswhen it exemptsaany
actual dischargeof his officialduty:".TrimbleV. Nate. 132 Tex.
Cr. . 6, 04 S.H. 2d 31 at pp. 34-35 (specialranger; dr%v.ving
cattleat¬ on officiald&)~~Gti&ci V. State,-94Tex. Cr. B. 636;
252.S.W.156 (deputysheriff,drivingjitney and not on'offioralduty)3
Ransomv. State.73 Tax. Cr. R. 442, 165 S.H. 932 (deputysheriffout-
side oounty).
Wethink the proper Lnswer to your queation‘iathat a cow&.
oommisaioneris a -gistrate by virtue of his officesthat when he acts
in the oapaoi* of suoh~magistrate he is a -peaOeOffiOerJ',?$atfi~isE8
end when he sots as aoh peaoe offioerin the aotual disoharg
he la
_..anthoriaedto oarry a pistol and at othe,rtimes he
'i in diEferentpoaition~~than any other citizenor civil offiber.
Gd in?hia connection, we point out that s%rince
its originaleneats&&
our presentArticle484 of the‘Penal-Code has been amended;-This~&at-
ute was formerlyknown as Article47.5in the 1911 reviaionJandwas
Artiale 339 in the revisionof 1596 and Article 319 in the revisionof
1679* The learned judge,writingin the Patton ease on originalsub-
mission,must have overlookedthe ohsnge.appearing for the first time
inthe oodificationof 1911, the languagein the exemptionsof 1896 and
1879 providing,that the prohibitionas to bearingamas shouldnot apply
to ' a person in aotual aervioeas a militiaman,nor to w peace offi-
oer or a poliocman,or person summonedto his aid, nor to a revenue
Hon. Haaer O@rriaon,Jr., Page 6
or other civil officerengaged in the disohargeof offioialduw,"
etc., thus showingthat a "peace offioerawas iamme uuder those
codes fram prosecutionfor Faring anaa at a~ tfme or plaae,
whereasthe peaent statuteolearlylimitsthe peace officer's
exemptionto the time end plase where he would be "in the aotual
disohargeof his officialduty.*
Truatingthat the above fully anwrs yvur inquiry,we
Yours vergtru1y
s/ Benjamin&ode11
By Benjtiin%bdall
APPROVEiD HOV 15, 1941
Opigdpn Cumittee