liirorstle2;s. 2. Si.-:~pscn,
couty AttcrEeiey
r;hculdin offlolalin a county
haoi~nglees than 20,000 inhabl-
tentswhcse IS08 OS offic4 after
all t~r;renseeare paid azmunt to
$2 OOO.C.0,ar4 e-0 rsoelresin
Ltion to suoh few3 an 6x
OfSiCiO861~ry Of $~900.00 p6y
anj%nlne; baok lx the oounCy as
excess Sew?
few rooantlertorro~tieatfag the cpin!.ok 03? this
on tha above stetod qwstion &ad8 in pirt aa fol-
Thf3 opinionrequestsdin this letterla
eskod for by Er. Leo Liolloy,
Matriot Clsrk of tblo County,and reletedto
Sees of officeand ex-o:tltilosa&r.yin counties
of loss than 2OJKO ishabitants. The s~clfio
gxiatim ugcu rvXoh Xr. Solloy ro=u4etsan
opinfonIs es iollowar
"Bhoalda!! ofriom ir? aounti*r havlrlg
loos than 20,000 iuh&bitintcl whose toss of offi
after all aipsnasaore g&d amounttc $ZOOCiOO,~
and whc reoalvw in eddition to such Tco8 an ax-
officioealv.ry of $GCC.OO;,-should euoh oftiolal
py anythfugbm$ +o the county as 8xoeasrtJ463*
Ccno!ioCoumy has a populationof 6,192 iuhabitarits
accordLrgto the 104C FsderalCQILISUEI,and the oountyoff'iciels
cf onid oounty :ro a>-pensat~d 03 a he bash.
na6 33G1, vemc>n'aRiu.lotatsd
sttitutos, &%rti25cy
a county olwk, or a districtolerk, or a
Iionorable Jes .
S:atUtw, i.n00u~tloS11Wlri 0 ~OpUlatlon Of 1068 then 80,000
lnhabitentcr, to retain m oompaaer~tion and bxueso fees the
rLu&mm a.aEl of $3 000.00. Articlaa 3096 and 390&, Vemon*e
AnnoWted C:vil &etutes, eq$e*elg authorize the Carla-
elmera' Court,whcm, in its jud&cnent, aueh ooqeneation Ia
neoe58~~, to allovicomeneatfor,for ex offIoi0servlceeof
the oouttty olerk or qjolntalerk", providedauah aaapwsstlon
ehell not iccrease the ocepenrationOS the oountg clerk beyond
the road amuct end exaeeef$es allov~ed
to be retained by ;tlnunder the yeoe&ln~ artiolas. Thorpe
ortlcllss, ~4 t?;?nk, aleerlpeuthorlzethe CommIealonere* Court
to SllOW the ~l~+rk nf th*a COiiRtp &?urt, OP he 1% tbIe ~#JSO,
the *jolotclerk* .i~oountlsshaving e pojmlqtlcn of less
'thml20 ooo ichablta nt 0, ooqmmatlon for 6% Off10106ervicea,
provtie 4 ouoh ozqeneatlcn topthor with tha feei ratainea
by hFm undar the precedirgertlclee;does not amount to
more the .2,000.00per awa. (itbe the caee et Anderson
countyv. fio@ne, 107 5. 4:.1010.1
Tne ocuntyclerk, or the "jofztclerk",Irrentltlea
to ratalnall the ooqxmeetlot allowedby &Mole 5883,to-
gatherwith one-thirdexoeeetesa allowed.byArticleE3Bpl~
uatfl euch am-third tqether tiththe amunt speaiiledin
Art10103f363, amwntfi to ~,000.00 per nnnam. If.the acanpaosa-
tlon allowedunder Art10103863 and the exeeesfee0 dima
underArticle5891 dc not meoh the aoxirmlpl ol ~3,OOO&C-per
ennum,the cmi&aalonero~Courlsio authorizeato w the olark
an ox ofiloloooapewatlo.n, provltkd suoh cozapeneatlon to-
getherrith the fees retainedby him unbr iirtiolea Z&i end
3091, does tiot+mount tamma then CJ,OOO&O, Under the faots
statedin your lettsr,the clerk will reoeive a pubstm~
~E,OOO.OO es few afttw all ospewos are allows x ais @-ovided
by len, end ;he Cozwiso:ocere' Court haa all.ormiS en ex offio:o
o~nahtioc in the mount of $Q~O&l nal-lni; 0 total of
$2,900.00nhlbh the clerk reoeive0. +hio 8snouat .%x&anot
emeod the 3ariaura -t allmmd by Artioles3943 end ?BQl
and a8 t&e olerk h+W not :eoeivedthe ImuAmuseiw.Xmt allowe
by theee ortlcloeand the emnmt~ellowedby the Owsnrisafoaero'
Court does zictexoeed tho mer&mm.aUoued by.thearecedti
artioles, we answer the above mt4ted fgmstior, in th4 Ii4.gc:tiVer