Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY dENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AllSTlN Mrs. Ella Mae Murphy, President Stata Board of Hairdressers end Cosmetologists Austin, Texas Dear Madamt oplnlon No. o-A&o~~ Rat Doer the State Board of Sir- draesere and Coamatologiets h8ve authority to enforoa it6 ruling requiring all ragula- *ion8 to be met in a new looa- tion before lloanae oan ba ~tranararrea or leaued to a baauty ahop or aohool? Your latter of Ootober 6, l.9W, requesting the opinion of thla depart-at on the above atatad quaatlan reads in part aa ,followa; *We raspaotfully raquaat that.you radar to rour opinion f O-536, dated Maroh 24, 1939. Wany beautr a!bpe .a4 aohoole wara lloenadd 'atthe tlma the law waa passed rhiah do not meat the requireaunts of the Board or ooma within the law aa lnborpratad at present. 33 one of luoh aohoala or shopa olosa their present lloanrad lo- oation and move to a new looatlon, it has bean the praotloa or tha Board to require the ownar to make the new looatlon meat all raqulramente, aat out by tha Board, and approved by either the Board or rapraaantatita, betors lloanaa will be transtarrad or iseuad to oovar the naw looation. Thie requirement he8 been made to pravant 8h;wF sahool8 from moving into unsanitary lo- , or in oomaotlon with living quertara a@ to ralea the etendard of sohoola by raqulrlng them to meet all rul.asa8 to equipment, minimum apeoa, eto. b‘,., -8. Ella Mae Murphy, P&W$ldant, Pega 2 %lndly advlaa it #a Board ha8 authority to enforoe its ruling requiring all regulations to be met in ite new loo&Ion before lloense oan be o-536 trenaferrad or ls8uad; or if pour opinion j!! would prevent the Zoerd frcm thla praotloe. n . . .n Seotlon 10 ot Artlole 73kb, Vernon's Annotated Panel Coda, among other things, provides that the Sate Board of Halrdre88ars and C~ematologi8ts. IT . . . shall, with the ayprovel of the Stetc Board of Bealth, praaoribe suoh sanitary rules a8 It may determine naoaaeary *th partloular ';. raiarcnoe to the praoautlons neoaaeary to be em- ployed to prevent the spread or~lnre0tlous and 2:. OOXlta$eOU8 difJa88oB, 8Xlb it shsll be Ilkt8Wfti for the owner or manages o? any'hairdreeslng or oomatologloal shop or any sohool of beauty oul- 1%~ fur* to parmlt any pareon .to eleep in or u8a for resident&l purpoaas any room used wholly or in part a8 a hairdraesing or ooametologioel estab- lishment or school oi beauty oulture, end it shall be unletiul ror any parson, fix-83 or corporetlon. to praotice a8 a helrdresaer or OOsmatOlOgi6t, axoapt in the home8 of ouatorPsr8or In a bona. fide established beauty ahap wherein the raqulra- mente of the Boerd a8 to proper eenitsry rules are canplied nith. Provided an operator may have e beauty shop in her home where the sanitary rulaa are oomplled with. ". ,~. The said Board, or any duly appointed agent, shall.have authority to lnspeot any beauty shop, beauty perlar, br Bchool, at any tlnieduring business hours." :z Seotlon 18 of'the above cleni&ned eot ?rovidesr "The first aertliioate or raglatretlon and license shall be valid until Aue?.mt31, 1936. Thereafter no certlfloate or lloenee ahall.ba issued for a louger period than one (1) year and shell expire on the 31st day of August, of the year for whioh they are isstiedunless renewed 4k3 es.~ ISllaUaa Murphy, Praaldant, Page 3 prlor to that data. The holder of an arplrad oar- tlfioets or licenaa may have hi8 oertiiioeta or lloenea raetorvd within one (1) year atter t&e date of expiration, upon the p8yment of the re- quired renewal fee end satlsfaotory proof of hle. or her qualli%aatfons .toresume practice. . . .* Subsection c or Feation 18 or the ame .Wilola provides: "The establishment or itinerant shops 1s hereby expressly prohibited, end it ahell be un- lawful for any person; rim or-oorporatlon to operate a beauty shop a8 deflnad in this aot, unless the 8ame is a bona ride astabliishmentwith a permanent end definite looatlon. Any lloanaa grentad under the term8 of thi8 aot ahall permit the lloenaea to praotloa la only suoh bone fide astablia@ea beauty shop; provldap, howavar, that nothing ln this aot shall prohibit the removal or ohange of location of the beauty shop, provldad auoh mOITcor ohenge 18 made in good faith with the intention of definitely and parmanently looatlng alaawhara; and provided that nothing contained herein shall in anywise prevent a lloansea rrom praotiolng in the.homas of oust&mars if aald li- censee works in s bona ride astabliahed ahop a8 darlnad in thin eat. Provldad further, that noth- ing in this sot shall prohibit the eatebliahmant of ohaln beauty shops which have a definite and permanent.looatlon and have oompliad with all ~the other terms of this law." It will be noted that Eeotlon 18, supra, axpraeely provides thit an e lrad oartlfloata or lloaneo msy be ra- nawad wlthln one (1 7 year affar the date of ezplratlon upon the payment of the required renewal rea and aetlaieotory proof~oi his or her quallfloation to re8ume preotloa. There' 1s nothing In the Artlole 73&b, that requires any approval of the lloense or certificate upon the removal of a ahop or sohool from one location to another. We gin6 no authority for making sny dlfierent requirement beoeuae of the faot that the owner of a shop or school may have OhRUged the 1008- tlon of the shop or school or expects to ohenga the looatlon of the shop or school upon securing e renewal license or .._ 434 osrtlfloats. Therefore, we reepeotfully answer the above stated question in the ne stir@. It $6 our further opinion. that our opinion No. O-53 8 would prevent the Board from oarrylng on the above mentioned preotioe. Trusting that the fotiegolngfully answers your inquiry, we tire Yours very truly