Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable Clifford 3. Roe County Attorney Panola County Carthage, Texas L .,, Dear Sir : ’ ”,. Opinion Nmber O-4078 Re: Use of oertaln funds derived from road bonds where speolfic use had been designated in the election. We have your letter of September 26, setting out certain facts and propounding a question for our opinion thereon. After. studying the facts outlined Fn your letter we reach,the conclusion that an election was held at which County-wide road bonds were voted’,and that the election proceedings spehlf’loallydesignated the purposes for which the proceeds thereof should be used, amoixgwhich speolfied- purposes we find that oertain moneys were earmarked for use in.the construation of a road from the tWn of Clayton to the town of Longbranch, both of which are' lbcated in Panola couilty. A certain porti.onof the funds irereused in accokd- ante with that designat'ionand'that there is now a balance on hand whiah is proposed to be used in the constructiotiof a road running from the town of Clayton and-connkcting with thi Pinehlll road which Is a point about one mile from the town of Longbranch. Your question Is: "Can the above fund8 be used on the Claytbn- Pinehill-Longbranoh route or do they havestombe used orithe Clayton-Longbranch route where few or no people live?" The purposes for whFoh the proaeeds of the bonds were to be used being a part of the election proceedings would require that the funds’derived from’said-bonds be- used only in accordance therewith.' In the case of Moore v. Coffman, 200 3. W. 374, the general rule is land down Honorable Clifford 3. Roe, page 2 (O-4078) by the Supreme Court and is substantially that if the pur-,; pose for issuing bonds is specIfically stated in the peti- tion, order and notice of eleatlon, the voters have the right to rely on such statement and the use of suah bond' funds otherwise would be prohlblted by law. Suoh a state- ment beaomes a part of an implied eontraat entered Into between the voters and the authorities entrusted with the expenditure of suoh funds. It is, therefore, our oplnlon that that portion of the funds earmarked for use Fn the construotion'of a road from Clayton to Longbranch aannot ,legallybe used in the construction of a road beginning at Clayton and terminating at any plaae other than Longbraneh. We belleve this to be true without regard to the population of the dlstrlct through which said road is to run. TrustFng that the fore~golngfully answers your in- quiry, we are Very truly yours ATTORREYf3BIWRALOFTEXAS By /s/ Clarence E.'Crowe Clarenae E. Crowe Assistant CEC-a:mjs ,. A~PPROVRDOPIRIOIVCOMMITTBg By /s/ BWB CBAIRI'lAR