Dear swata: OplEionx0. ck+osY
Ret ~0tzl.d
gas.state Board'Ofmlr-
dresseroaad Cosrastolo~ta be
‘authorhid Bo folla the .ooale
.ot bourn set forth and make de-
dii&it%M frcolBtUdWtS’ OX-&it
of hour0 lf s$iaenoo ‘qre oat of
we rulpeotiuilyrequest t&h roou.Batid'
iollar'thecloalrof &ows, c~opyof which ir
ez~108ed,show2ngadaduationnmdr fm at+
&3ult'soreaditof @ours it student 16 out or
sohool for any reason; 'Phi8soals was adosad,.
made publla, and .a oopy sent out to all sohool8
*at Deoember $3, 1840.
.% tiishto~mrer.yku to 8sotl0n &l-(a)
of Artlola #734-t(b)wbleh states that a
sohoolt4m of than one thouaQnd
hours 50 required, not state how
rainymore hours aould be required.
'zt the above questloa is anawored in the
negative,wmld the Board be authorized to
edopt’a upeoiffc rull~~ and publloize ea!ce,rco-
qulrlcigadditionalhours .rr',ere
a etudsr;tla
ebsant from sohool, lnstehd of detluetkr~s8 per
‘vie Jufle -
- . SOth and am00
and your
. these
- _
am3 lnmlvea Ln daba of ihlprtFrlea
et vlr FE. state BaarU of lialrdreesersand
now peadlnq, pnu
are wlthhol41ngoplnlon.-
The %oala'or orwlit dgi rt.ti&mts
for time pro-
vloualy sjmt in sahool upon re-entrpllr cm followat
%he I&B C~leta6 9blthrmwh 999 Raw8
lt Abeent
8 Ltantheto 4 mtktlq S/4'of R&m Alltiweu
4 sootbe to 6 ktanthlt k/S ‘at Rourr Allowu
6 IbOAthS to 1 %4&r l/i3of Ratis All6ueu
lY6ar to 14 Year8 "X/s of B0ur0 l1lm8d
1* mars to e Years l/4 et Beurs hlloesd,
22Tsar8 aml Lager ‘i+CFadlt ~Mlowed
*9ttieatml0 3aa OomDlsteulwo l-ioumi
lf eines Apt-11 192% ]IrulJCredit of &a8
Ii Before A&, 19S5 t-to
CreUit of FIoarrr
f&OtiOA ll of AeleZ* 734b, Bemorr'lB
Aaaotatrd Fe5Ql
Code rsabu ae tollQw8t
@%ec. ll. It &all ts czqw~tontior any
or eorwratfcn to aply to the
- .. ~~%%xs~ at lib&mbera and C&rx~tologlsCe
?'ore c~&!.~acite of rrtgietmtionoa a eohool
upeaathe ;m.pent of Cne kfun-
of beauty c .lt.*ura
dreu lkiltiro(BlGo).
*[a). tieecho01 of~heuty Culture~slm~l
be 6gxa:APld.
a c~tiiricm Of rf@at.mtlon Ul3.886
Zt ahmll employ and s~~iatttla upon lt6 et@f a
sufficleatnut&w cl"ln6truotor6,who'6ball
be rr;c~i.f7tered
&elr&researeor 006n6t010~16t6 .
ta?kitThcd at lea&, three (5) peara pmatlcsl
ox~erl6nosand hi@ eohool edumtldn or the
aquimletitthere&, and 6&&d lnstruotars' oball
bam-eqaimd to pass an emminatlon OoOdwtsd :
by the Board of Zxaadners to determinethalr
iWdiea8 aa twohere, provided, homver;thcit
the sx~n6tlon oi tc#lohm 6hall not be ra-
quhed of ~emott.8 whb have been teqohiry the
praetloe Of hal*sqfng, or cosmetologyfor
thre6 (3) yesrB prior to the piMwa@ or this
Aet; aad shallmaintmln on lu 6t6ff on6 Do6-
tar olGdl0lne, aa a CozUiultentwho -11
3Bciitro~zwt&thly Otksanl~~tl, &rllication
: c?ndthe WI6 of afAt5leptl~E~a~~t with
t&r ~matlsal 6x.14 th6orotlaSlreq0lnmwnt6 ; .'
6s to t&e olessifled oeaupdons em praride&
by thle Act, en& t&ml1 possess cp,pmatae~-0
equiyaaat for thkpreeyer and full taaohirg ef
all S~b&mt6 bf its ourt!lc*aluE; sI-iell'kt3eep
e da&- -recordof the of etw?ents$
xalntaQa re@ar elrrarer etd.'fastructlonSours, .
estabflah padoe 'mndhold 6*amlnatfonebefore
lam%ng di~locuse, and ebtilf.-re~tiro
c scbool"~
tam 0r'not rass thwi 050 thownd (1,000)
hmr6 to be coz~~letbU.Zc rictle6s then sir
(6) aoaths for e .dce~~l-lete
cow%4 of all or
Q si4jor1tpOS thr -,m~tLuoas cr halrdreasaizlg
and cclmetolo~c*
&b-rjoot~or.(b) of'seotlon 4, Article 734b, ruptl~,
*The ‘aaJorlty awatha OS the ,?fc,ti. shall
cO~tut6 8 quersa ror eke trwiaaatiooa?
bilBllUti3b.~ rho Bourd'ebsll~reeariba the
ruler ror ita ~ovorlzwntona hat-0a fmel
\rith~3%: to cnuthentiauts ittiact@.*
OS the pmctiaee of calramsolne:ana ooruaetology.%e 50
-not think thzitthis statute authorizer the Bo?x5 of Xalr-
5ressseraOna Cosmetologists to require additional fiouro or
study in ez a?provea eohool where b atuSent is absent trckn
school for f+yx-io5 of tfns 08 lnClloate5in the a%o*e .wn-
tiona5 sohdula. %emi~ore, ma anewer thm esocmn5queetlon,
88 ateted above, in thcgnegative.
Et3fsil'to ffn5 any cas9 &em ths agi3ellete
courta ol this Statoamnrphssed upon the cluestloasunder
aon&!emtion. Before the skid S0+ze he?ns
the legnl *uthor-.
Ity ad FWOT to sake sin& 6Ccpt a rulltg requirlcg adaitfaoai
Mar8 wh6,m a 8tUaent ia absent flw aahool,.or bsfore the ..
salt3Board Is authorlzsd to zw&n a %aduotion~fmz a studentte
oredlt or house because elly s;tudentiticut oT,s~&col ror any. .
reason; ‘such ?a~,' and aWnrltp.wlll have to be gmntedbj
an not of the Legislature.