OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN r00d and a ep00irioamount for guarding prIaimuar or, la it nao~aaaiy that the aotual aoata of keep- ing the Jail bo tumed in as an upenae or otiioa and paid mt or the orri00r8salary runtI.* saotion is or hrti0i0 4918a, VU~OII*S AMowed TONS Clyll Statutoa, rude as iollowa: -300.'is. The 0omlaaIonera~ a0Prt in oowtlea having a population or twenty thousand (80,000) ~JX- habitanta or mora and .laes than 0110 hundred and ninety tihouaand (~00,000) Inhabitanta aooomllng to the la+ praoedIn& Federal Oenaus,~Is hereby author- ized and it hall ba Its duty to fir the eala~f~f;~oi au the r0ilorirrg 8buk0dorrioem, to-tit: aaaoeaor and aolleotor 0r taxes, oounty juaaa,00&y attornop, inoludllrg OrImlnal &latrIot attonaa~r and oounty attomoya who perform the duties of dlatriot attorneys,dlatrlatolsrk, oounty olerk, treaaurar, hide end a-1 lnepeotcir,Eath or said 0rri0er8 shall bo pald in money an aprrW1 salary In twelye (18) equal iMtallalenta'ot not~leaa than the total mna eern~~~aa~o~pon&atlon'by hl~~ln hIa offlola aapaoity ror the ri6Ni year 1955 antj not more than the maximum amount allowed ~auoh o@oer undar law@ lristlnlg on Ala&uat 84, 19ss* * . . . 5eotion 1 or Art1010 385s. v. A. T. a. 6., was tha law in tome on August u, 19S5, and ncrd8 as roiiw8; . %roept as otherwlaa pro~ltlsb in this Aot, t& annual iwa that may be retained by prvoinot, oounty and ai8triat~0rri.o0r8 mdntiand in thie Artlois 8h8u be a# rollowa: "1. In 00tmia6 0m~ining twenty rive (25,000) thousand or lees, lnhabltanta: County Judge, ~latrlot or Crrrainal DietrIot A$tornoy, Sheriff, County 01-k. County Attorney, Diatrfot Clerk, Tax GoUsetor, Tax Assessor, or the Aaaaaaor and Qolleotor ,ot Taxes, lkmnty-roar IRmdrod (&4Q~.oO) Dollars eaah* Juatlas of the Paaor and Conatablo, Twelve Hun&e6 ($11200.00) bollara ea0h.l. Article 3891, V. ~A. T. C, EL, wee the law fn tOroe on Aluglet 84, 1935. We quote from aald artlalo a6 r0ii0r8: Honorable Jaok Borden, Pago 8 aoh orriou asmad in this Ghaptu shellflrst 5.i out or the ourrontrM8 Or his errloe wy or be pefd tha amount allowed him under the provIsIons of ArtloX 5885, together with the ralarlea of his la a Ia ta nta and deputies, and authorlrml arpenaw under Artlals 3899, and tha amount nooeef~ry to owu ooata of pre- mium on whatever surety bon4 may be roqulrd by law. If the ourrent r0a8 0r auah orriae oollected In any year to be more than the eaount needed to pay tbe amounta above specified, aaaa shall be deemed lxaeaa reds, and shall be dlaporod of in tha aanner here- Inarter provided. “In 00untie0 00ntazDing twenty-rir0 thousand (83 000) or lees inhabitants, Diet&at and County 0rfioers na3ned.hereIe shall retein one-third 0r 8uoh exoeaa~reea,uatIl suoh, one-third, tmther with the amountm 8 eclf’led In Art$als 5888, aakounts to Thrao Thoiasend gollera ($S,OOQ),. . . .* 0plnIon810. 0409 (oonrerenaa opinion Ho. SOs2s) or this depertsent holds that the Caaraieslonera* Oour+ln flxlng the aInla= aalarloa of oounty at~orneya under the otlIoora* ralery bill should oonalasr r8ea %arnedn by the Orfloer# la lOi55 rathar than frea *aolleotodW In that year; Opinion No. O-7* 0r this department holds that ln 1 dstem&iIng *the total sun earnod as oompmaatlon for the year 1935”, for the purpose or arrlvln(( at the aiInlaua’aalary to be paid the. county attorney, that the Oauslaslonere~ Court should dsduot fro0 the total ooapeneatlon earnod, oollootrd and un- o~flmotml, the oxpenner for the offlae tar the yaar 1955, *hIoh w&e legally allowed by the Oomm.iaaionera~ Court lor that yeer. We quote rr0pr said opinion aa ronoffs: -hire wae no provlofon of the statute guara&ee- 1~ the offlaer he should rlret rrarlve the amount allowed under the prorlalons of artlale 3883, so the ortloer bed to pay authorized expenditures out er the runas, coring Into hlr bands, Imapeotloe or whethor.t&e unount msatlonsd fn the artlola was earnad .or oolleoted, Theref’ore, the *total a= earnrd as arJtllpenaatIon by him* wee the net total earned after payment or hia axorieed expenneei. The Leglaleture did not ltl.pllate *earned by the office* but rather gearned~by him. ** Bonorabla~Jdok Borden, Page 4 On Deoember 3, 19S7, this depaz$ment held In an op- Inlon-wrltteq .by ,Eouorable James W. Isrfti, Aealatant Attorney . 0enera1, addreseed to Mr. IFa. J. y&aIng, dounty Attorney, Hopklna County, Texas, that lh arriving rt the.oorreot a1nlmu111 salary to be paid oounty orflasra uador the ofiioar8* salary bill that the O~l8dOner8' Court should oonaldsr the amount of rem3 earnad and unoolleotea, ao well as to08 aolleat6d ror wlbaYeer 10SS. This opinion rurther held that an ex-orrIaLo ry paid to an orrlaer for the fear 1493 should b a cons~er- 64 I n arrivinn et the %meOt aPlnImulato be paid such ofiloar. We qUofe trOm the oaae Of Haoogdocbea COUnty '1. '#In- der, (Beaumont Court of Civil Appeals) 140 S. W.'(Rd) 97R (wrIt refused), aa r0iiw0:. wi0.rou0wing iaota are without dlaputer Appellea, Winder, waa the duly elect@, qualified and loting County Clerk or Xaoogdoohea County dur- ing the yeare 1937 and 1935. l?aoogdoohea County was under the salary aot law, Artlole S@lRe, aeotlan lS, Vernon*e Ann. Clrll Btatutea, end Art1010 3SQl, R.C.S., Vernon*8 Ann. CIT. 8t. art. S89l. Under theaa stat- uary 13, 1996, at a regular aeaelon or the CoamIaaIon- era' Cart, an order was entere4 by aald oourt rlxlng appelles*s eelery at $3,%36;16, the amaunt earned aa mlary by the county judge or aala county in 1OSS. Later la said month, January dlst, at a called sen- elon Or said court, hla ealary.xea fixed at )a,550 per year. On January 11, 1937, the uotmIs~ionere* court in regular aeaslon rlxed his salary at $3s,000, for that year, and on January 10, 19-, aald oourt fired hle salary at $3,000 for aald ye&r. Thlu was leaa than tha alnIa~tm nlary rar 1933, and 80 leas than the lulary as rlred by the order ot January bl, lQS8, Appa&lee ptiyed judgment ror, the dlf'ferenoe betwee@ the $8 000 per peer ror 1937 and 1988, a&d tha mInimum of f3,l?S6.16 as rise4 by the order or January la, 1936. or &n the lltvnatlre, ror judmnt r0r $700. or the order or January 51, 1936 peesod at the celled aoaslox~ be roundproper. T&e Jud@ieat was iOr 8S7R.58. Honorable Ja& Borden, PIlee 9 *W. think thm order riX%IIg ~ppOllOO*fi! 8atiry made 8.t the re@ar t&m of Jmuiary 13,,lQS6, wa8 In a,oaordanoe with the lar;and that the amoUnt then rlxed as the annual sala- of appmllw, #S,s!36.16, under the fa~ots and the law *aa pro er, und 1s oon- trollinn here. Artlale SQl2e. f on 1S. + MiiclLs SBQS, VWmuP8 Aunotated Foxam a1vi1 atat- : 'utes, r&a40 as r0li0rr8: “The Qtmmlssdonar~* Oowt 18 heroby debarred frgn atlowlaa oamuwatloa r0r 02.0rfiof0 86rvlaoe to oounty OrfiOi616 rhdn the oomponeation an4 exoew ..feea whloh ther are allowetd to~rataln @ha12 reaob : the mxlmw providedfor in this @taptar. In aasoi rhnro the oanpumationand ‘exaos8 faw rhleh the o+ floerm ,are8llomd to re!taln rhall ,aot. xeaoh thk mu- bum prwlded for In this ohaptar,the aoimlsdbnarr~ a ur l th p 3.l 8um ooap0n8atlon ror OX0rri0io mm- lees whoa,, in tiulr judgment, cuoh oon&mmatfon 18 noamiary~ prorldad, 8uoh o~ponsatlon ror ax ofriafo renloes ellowad anll not inoreaeothe oampqnutlon 0r the 0fmiai b0 and the maximum 0r oompcrnsatlon and sxaeis8 reou a J owed to be retained by hlm under this chapter. Prorl4od, however,the OX offiolo here- in authorized shall bo allowed only attsr an oppor- tunlty for a publfohearing aad only upon the 4hrrwtk tlvr rote or at.Leest three members oFthe commleaion- ora' aout.* Optnlon Ho., O-S%96 of th$a d@partmsnt aoataina a par- tinant di$ouslrleu 0r ox orri0i0 salaries ap oountiee having a population or 1.e~ than I)S,OOQkaktaata. we quota ' rro5 8ald opiulon a6 r0ii0w02 H&orable Jaok Borden, Page 6 "In answer to your inquiry, you are a4rlsed that It 18 th!, opinion of this department that the ox-otfiolo oompensatSon or the oounty olerk must bo oonsldereti and aeoounted for in arriving at the max- lmum annual acmpensatlon of said clerk. The clerk 8h8n riret out or the aumtnt rees of his orrlas pay or bs pal4 the amount 8110wed Na under the pro- vialona or Artlals 319W5, togethar with the salaries of his a8818tants and deputies, and authorized ex- pon8es under Artlole SE399 and the amouut aeae8sary to ooter the o,ort or pro&m on wbaterei surety bond imf be required by law. It the ourrent res8 Or OUO~ oflioo aollaoted In any year be more than the amount neodrd to paf the amounts above speolfled the sama ahall be 4e~n.d lxoa88 iass and the olork lrr palmitt~d to rstafn one-thir4 or suah excess rsee until 'such one-third, together with the amounts spdialrled In Art1010 38fSsI amount8 to $S,OOO.OO. In other word8, the county o&k fs entitled to retain ail the aom- pansation allowed by Artlole 3883 together with the ona-third ax0088 rm8 allowad:by ktlole 8891 until1 8uch One-thlrci, togother'wlth the amount spedrIo la Artlole sW3S, amount8 to ~,000.00 par annum. fr tha coapenaation allowed uadar Artlols S&S and the lxoe88 fwr allowed under Artlole &?Qr 40 not roaoh the M- Or #S&NO.OO per annu8, the Oommls8loa8~* Court Is euthorirmd to per the aletk an ex-afflaio ocmpenmtlon, prorl484 8uoh ocaipentitlon, together with the reoa retain.4 by Na un4er APt 01.n sms aa4 3891, 4oe8 not amount to more than t 8,OOO.OO. Thore caa bo ao exoesa roe8 until the amouat or $$3,400r .OQ 18 reaohos and the 4sduotion8 whloh are allowed by law are 8sde. To llluetmte, the oaunty clerk am- not take $1 400.00 a8 re8s under Art&ala W38s an4 thea a44 the $l,bOo.oO OX-OrflOiO'~~O~DUR8atl~n to make a total or &,lOO.OO an4 th8n pay,all tee8 oomlng into the orfloeas are authorize4 by law are axuess tees, and that he Is antitled ta one-third or the cam. In abort, beiom tha olazk 1s entitled to any exots~ few under -Artt6ls MQl he must first resolve as fees the amount or #2,400.06 not tnoludlng any pert of the ex- orrio c anwtlon af't@? making the legal beduo- tion8 aa al =f owed by law and after thi& amount has been roached then the alsrk 1s entitled to one-third ,oi 8Uoh exoo811 tee8 88 provided by Article 9891 an4 aa above stated If this dosa not reach the total mex- is&umOr &3,000.00 per annum, the CoPBiaslouars* OotIrt raay in its discretion legally allow an ox ofYlolo OEB- peneation provided such oontptmaation, together with Honorable Jiok Borden, Page 7 the fee8 retained uudsr the abwi mentioned artioler, does not 8xoeed #5,000.00 per aunum.* me report you lR OlO8ed rhloh you state is a oor- reat oopy or thenannual tee report filed by the sherirr 0r Parker County ror the year 1935, dlscloaa8 that the tot81 r668 emno by the ,sherlrf (oolleated and uuoolleoted) mounted to the sum or @5,227.9& The report iurther ahor OX~MeS or OrrIce (wNah we a88un~e were properly authorized) a#wtMd to the SUBl.Of 5.072.70. The dlrrersnoe between these SUIM 18 the SUM Or 0 2,166.28, whloh f0 Iella than the $Z,400.00 MX- IBUB allowed by Artlole 2588s. supra. Thw we aoe that tha 8heriff earned ILO*exoeaa rees".under Article SISQlfor.tbe year 1965. .Tho ~Ommi88iOtl6rS'Oourt h84 authority at that t&m to lll8u the sheriff u-offlcli~ canpetmatlon and did allow hir 6X-OffiOiO COBpUW4tiOll in the SUII Or ,@t%%k. ~Thi8~4300.00 ex-orrIo aomp6nsatlOa should be ad404 to the $2,185.28,rclfer- yh~gatbove in arr+dag at the oorrsat lpinlprum salary of the . US thW0rOl-0 hold, in an8Wer t0 yOUr ihOt ~U~StiOll fhat the 005%e81O&Wl%' COtU%=St SOt th6 88lal.y 6f th& ShSPhf 0r~Parw County ht not less then $2,4sS.28 and,not mm fhan $S;OOO.OO ~ranntm. x0'& BOOOn :qU.#t~Oll 1S~llB8W8nd by 0DiniSU 100. O-122$ of this department, rhioh hold8 that,in 8?3lery e~~tSe# the.amS8i6IiOP8’ aoprt'h88 no ~authorit to oontmot with.wi8 sheriff as outlined ,lMO, V. I . T. a. C. P.; ald by .AFtiole allOW him a,Sp6O~ried SUB rO2 thCMrskMpir& r66dhg and mlntenanoe or prisonerr and that the Sheriff may only be al- lowed hi8 aotual upen8ei inoum84 1.n the reding or prlsonors, and lf there im. 8ny profit, the Sherfff Should deposit the 88m in the 0rri00rd oduy m4. We enole8e herewith a aopy Of said oplnloa .r0r your inrornratian. very truly PurS . APPROVBD WT. 6, 1941 ATTOEZ?ZYOENERAL OPTBXM /(I/ OfOVer 8~~0~8 BY FIR!:T ASSXSTAWT APTORWBYOXWERAL /f’/ -0 ";,f"ia wJ?:OO
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion